posted by davidt on Tuesday May 15 2007, @08:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
Set List:

The Queen Is Dead / First Of The Gang To Die / The Youngest Was The Most Loved / You Have Killed Me / Disappointed / Panic / Let Me Kiss You / I Just Want To See The Boy Happy / I Will See You In Far Off Places / The National Front Disco / At Last I Am Born / Irish Blood, English Heart / All You Need Is Me / I've Changed My Plea To Guilty / The Boy With The Thorn In His Side / Drive-In Saturday / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Ganglord / Life Is A Pigsty / How Soon Is Now? // Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want / You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side

setlist provided by Kuiper
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  • Setlist (Score:2, Informative)

    The Queen is Dead
    First of the Gang to Die
    The Youngest Was the Most Loved
    You Have Killed Me
    Let Me Kiss You
    -band intro-
    I Just Want to See the Boy Happy
    I Will See You in Far-off Places
    The National Front Disco
    At Last I Am Born
    Irish Blood, English Heart
    All You Need is Me
    I've Changed My Plea to Guilty
    The Boy with the Thorn in His Side
    Drive-In Saturday
    Everyday is Like Sunday
    Life is a Pigsty w/piano coda and Auld Lang Syne
    How Soon is Now?

    Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want
    You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side

    There was an early stage invasion attempt I think around the time of Disappointed or Panic, and during You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side a few people made it up there or got close. I can't say for certain anything Morrissey said, but I believe he said "Am I Still Illinois?" or something like that, and made some of the usual lyric changes (such as "if George W. Bush doesn't kill you" in I Will See You), though I could swear in Born he sang "vulgarians know" rather than "vegetarians know" as he usually does.

    In my opinion the highlights of the night were: TQID, Disappointed, NFD, All You Need is Me, and Someone on Your Side.
    Kuiper -- Tuesday May 15 2007, @08:47PM (#258198)
    (User #16712 Info)
    • Re:Setlist by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 15 2007, @09:16PM
      • Re:Setlist by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday May 16 2007, @06:20AM
        • Re:Setlist by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday May 16 2007, @07:46AM
      • Re:Setlist by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday May 16 2007, @06:36AM
        • Re:Setlist by evennow (Score:1) Wednesday May 16 2007, @06:47AM
      • Re:Setlist by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday May 16 2007, @11:20AM
    • Re:Setlist by Tigress (Score:1) Tuesday May 15 2007, @09:41PM
  • He was very talkative and in a great mood - but I'll be damned if I can remember much of what he said....

    he did comment about liking the weather (it's rainy, foggy and chilly today), he said also something to the effect of "it's nice to be appreciated."

    He came out in a suit and then slowly stripped down :) first jacket and then he threw his tie into the audience.....
    even though it was a seated venue, the first few rows got up and had their elbows up on the stage - I think you needed a bracelet to get into that section.
    He shook many many hands..... asked Julia how she was (and something else) she said she was honored to be there (or something.... god my memory's really going with age).....

    the crowd in the balcony was pretty tame - a few people dancing, but most just sitting. The couple in front of us did not even clap in between songs (?)
    we made our way down to the main floor after about 3 songs and the atmosphere was fantastic down there - except for a few people who kept going on beer runs and the couple who spent half the show making out in front of us (blasphemers!!) but there were enough really cool people dancing, singing and clapping to cancel out the few who were sitting down or just standing with their arms crossed.
    Multiple stage attempts were made - security wasn't harsh, but they were planted in the aisles and the best way to get up there was to climb over the seats, which one guy did - he ran over all the seats but I don't think he got to the Moz - security got him....
    for the last song, it looked like it was going to get out of hand and Moz sort of hung back and kind of mumbled through but it settled down and he was able to finish....

    oh, one weird thing - well, something I hadn't seen before at a concert before - there was a sign language interpreter off to the left side of the stage with a spotlight shining on them.....

    merchandise was pretty lame - they had the usual morrissey in old english letters, they had the morrissey in lipstick, but then they had a girl's wifebeater with Morrissey in pink letters and then it said Greatest Hits upside down..... it was wierd. They also had a navy blue MOZ Posse (it looked like a college name t-shirt) that Moz's security wore..... they also had a shirt with a pretty bad picture of him - I don't know what they were thinking picking that shot...... also a money clip...... can't remember what else.....
    everybody's lost -- Tuesday May 15 2007, @09:31PM (#258202)
    (User #12791 Info)
    ...a chat with you and somehow, death loses its sting.
    • Re:great show! by shoeless james (Score:1) Wednesday May 16 2007, @07:19AM
      • Re:great show! by everybody's lost (Score:1) Wednesday May 16 2007, @08:16AM
    • Re:great show! by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday May 16 2007, @06:50PM
  • I interviewed Kristeen Young a month back for my magazine and ran into her tonight in the lobby, my first time meeting her in person.She was there with Tony Visconti, and introduced us. That was cool.

    The show was good, really loud, the highlights being Disappointed and Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want ,which is now apparently "have who" I want. Drive-In Saturday was amazing, and during Sunday he choked and blamed it on asparagus...70 times.

    The Life Is A Pigsty/Auld Lang Syne/HSIN medley was sublime...absolutely perfect. I could say more but it seems like every show pretty much follows the same basic course.

    Early on there was one failed stage invader who got manhandled and taken offstage, then some successful ones at the very end. Security were pricks.

    Always a fly in the ointment...
    The Bicycle Tragedy -- Tuesday May 15 2007, @10:14PM (#258205)
    (User #18769 Info)
  • ...Mikey played a piano accompaniment to National Front Disco...don't recall him doing that before, in Chicago last fall. It's a really nice touch though, gives the otherwise aggressive chord progression a very pretty undertone.

    Maybe he could stop taking the shirts isn't 1991 anymore, Mozzer...just a suggestion.

    And...did first verse of You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side in the first person.

    Too many trumpet solos, too. They seem to be creeping up everywhere.

    OK I'm done. Good show.


    The Bicycle Tragedy -- Tuesday May 15 2007, @10:24PM (#258206)
    (User #18769 Info)
  • He'll be in Dallas soon.

    Please being back Lucky Lisp!
    dallow_bg <[email protected]> -- Tuesday May 15 2007, @10:55PM (#258209)
    (User #10559 Info |
    "All the people I like are those that are dead."
  • Why no suedehead?

    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @02:18AM (#258220)
  • I could not make it (again) to see Morrissey. I hope you all still remember me, I am struggling with illnesses in my family--


    Ken S.
    (the nerd with the flowers, etc.)
    sycophantic_slag -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @02:19AM (#258221)
    (User #3940 Info)
    "And I just can't explain/ So I won't even try to."
  • Of the weather, he commented "The heights are wuthering. I can see Catherine Earnshaw walking down Michigan" or something to that effect.
    In "Let Me Kiss You" (I believe) the mic stand dropped down while he was singing, which caught him a little off-guard. He covered it up by immediately ripping off his shirt.
    Just a side question, though, how tall is Morrissey? I was in the front and he struck me as kind of short...Maybe I'm wrong.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @03:47AM (#258224)
  • Can anybody tell me where this song comes from?
    strnzalot -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @05:30AM (#258234)
    (User #19007 Info)
  • my second morrissey show and truly fantastic. it was unreal, i was in the balcony a few rows back which was nice. my first morrissey show was more about it being my first show and it was unforgettable, but lsat night was more about enjoying it and taking it all in. we snuck down right before the encore, and i tried to make a stage run but a security guard who was a foot or two smaller than me jumped up and punched me in the head, but in the process two people got past him and got to the front, so im glad for them! :) no regrets about the show, set was great, moz was in a wonderful mood, merch was okay.. not great. i still think all the stuff in the UK store is so much better but it's moz. i love him, great show. im glad everyone else seemed to enjoy it too!
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @05:32AM (#258235)
  • Here is what I can add on to other's comments:

    1. During "HSIN" he sang "See I've Already Waited Too Long" and before the next line said "Look at this face" and he make a circling gesture
    2. T-Shirts said "Greatest Hits Tour" but from the set-list you could tell this wasn’t so.
    3. There was a Julia moment when he asked her something and she replied that she was honored to be here.
    4. There were some heavy rains during the day and Morrissey commented that he loved the weather.
    5. I think it was after "Drive-In Saturday" that he said "Don’t feel obliged to applaud"
    6. The stage was only about three feet off the ground. I was surprised that there weren’t as many stage attempts. The security was like the monkeys in the Wizard of Oz, quickly scooping up any attempters.
    7. The band were dressed like bus boys at an Italian restaurant, black pants, black ties, black vest, white shirt with sleeves rolled up above elbows.
    8. The Walker Brothers got a good round of applause, being from Chicago. No relation, but there is also a chain of fantastic breakfast restaurants called Walker Brothers in the area – try the apple pancake.
    9. There were posters outside the auditorium advertising that Andy Rourke would be DJing an after party
    Dagenham Dave -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @06:07AM (#258240)
    (User #953 Info |
  • I was part of the ‘scary rush’ at the end. I knew it was his last song and I had seats close enough that after a few people ran down toward the stage, I just followed “charge!!” I figured there was safety in numbers…a rush and a push!...I saw an opening of empty chairs, ran across them then forward –I was one chair from leaping to the stage- next thing I know, I’m grabbed by my pants and TAKEN DOWN HARD to the seats by an old fat security guard. Thankfully I landed on my ass on a seat, but then he threw me down hard again against some chairs that were all messed up from the other invaders. He had me by the pants-which were pulled up almost to my chest- and my arms and was screaming “You’re out of here!” and “You’re going to jail!” (I’m like FOR WHAT?!) So he and a big black man (does it really take two guys to toss out a girl who is going willingly?) literally dragged me out of the theater by my pants. I laugh that I was taken out by a massive grundy (think I’m still picking my undies outta my ass) IMO, It was excessive force and my right side and knees are bruised –although I proudly showed off my war wounds to my kids this morning :o) and my insides still ache. I think he bruised my ribs. I mean, seriously----is that kind of treatment necessary? Fuckin asshole. Between the attempt and subsequent toss, my adrenaline was thru the roof. If you saw a girl in pink crying outside the theater, it was yours truly. My 3 friends loved it. They think I’m a rock star :D

    A few times during the show, I ran down to get close and a different old security guard was bitchin –face to face- at me that I needed to leave and that standing in the aisle violated fire codes and shit. I also took some pics –didn’t turn out too great- and was threatened by another guard that I better put my camera away before it gets confiscated. I guess I’m lucky I wasn’t tossed earlier!

    All in all – a great show. He looked and sounded amazing. I thought the crowd was kind of lame except for the audience favorite tunes. I wish more stage attempts had been made but I was pretty happy for that guy to get his hug early on in the show. I don’t understand all the people right next to the stage standing there subdued with their elbows resting on the stage. Lucky suckers –Julia included- to have touched him tho. I honestly think he saw me with all my attempts and sitting so close –being one of the only people dancing and with my hands up all night.

    Props to Chicagoan Matt Walker. My friend has his old drum kit and kind of knows him…enough to actually leave him a voice mail that we were coming to the show and that his obsessed girlfriend would give her right arm to get backstage (I almost did! :o) He didn’t return the call, but I’m happy knowing I’m a few degrees removed from my idol. *sigh* I love his new song All You Need Is Me. perfect

    Well, maybe I get a half a point for my invading attempt but I figured what the hell, I’m 40, I’m gonna go for it. I think if I didn’t have my purse with me, I would’ve made it :o) Gawd, I just wanted to touch his hand or hug him. Is that too much to ask…before I die…I have one final dream…for my own life…I don’t care anything…I just want to see this 40 year old obsessed fan get a little slice of heaven.
    Corrissey -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @06:09AM (#258242)
    (User #18538 Info)
    Here you'll find my thoughts and I
  • I don't know if I'm imagining this... but I was sure that Moz was disappointed in his band's performance. Toward the beginning of the show I thought I heard "we aren't going to make any mistakes tonight." I'm sure that later on he said "we are nearly a professional band... nearly." He looked like he kept looking back or staring at the drummer (Matt Walker... who filled in for Smashing Pumpins during Jimmy Chamberlin's dismissal.) I might have been imagining things, but I'm sure that Moz is quite difficult to work with and is an absolute perfectionist. I also thought I heard "thank you for being so understanding..."
    cass -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @06:25AM (#258248)
    (User #19008 Info)
  • I asked him and was told "since we reviewed the Aragon show last time, we did not
    review this one. Only so much to go around!"

    Here's a link to the Aragon review 3115,SHO-Sunday-dero13.article

    Still waiting to see if Greg Kot did one.
    Corrissey -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @07:42AM (#258266)
    (User #18538 Info)
    Here you'll find my thoughts and I
  • We were up in the 1st balcony and the couple in front of us didn't clap once! Ok...wait...maybe they clapped like 2 times or something. And I don't think the couple behind us clapped either. What LAME-O's!!! Why do people even bother going to concerts to just sit there? May as well stay at home and watch a Moz video.

    We were going nuts in our seats. And the woman next to us was crying. She was cute. We didn't stand up though cuz no one else was! Now thinking back we should of just stood up. Screw everyone else if all they saw was my big butt!

    For that reason I think I had more fun when he came to Chicago in November at the Aragon. It was pretty much the same set. Even the video clips before the show started was the same. But the fans were going nuts!

    But over all, the show was awesome! My favorite (besides the old classics) was Life is a Pigsty. SO AMAZING!! And I loved that people would try to get on stage. Those damn security gaurds! Good for you...40 year old fan! At least you tried to get up there! Now that's an experience you'll never forget! :)
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @07:48AM (#258268)
  • Just copied this reader-posted review from Metromix, Tribune's entertainment section:

    "Andrew Brenneman
    Chicago, IL,
    Amazing show. I would give it 3.5 stars if I could. Very few bad points: opening act Kristeen Young (?) was abysmal, might have been better if the sound mix was tweaked abit, but as is unlistenable...would have been nice to hear a few more Smiths tunes, in particular Suedehead. Otherwise amazing show, Moz seemed like he really like the venue and teh crowd. I think the formality of the Auditorium suited him, and it lent itself to better security so he probably felt that he wouldn't be attacked, although the crowd did go wild at one point and started rushing the stage. He was of a mind of for the majestic. Pigsty was incredibly powerful, as was How Soon is Now. the oversized bass drum adding in no small part to the intensity of the respective climaxes. I just got back from the show so I am a bit wiped, but I know it will be a show I shan't forget."

    True fan, I can tell. Suedehead? O jeez.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @08:52AM (#258284)
  • This show was pretty good but not nearly the show on his last visit in November. Not only was the set list better, but he was crazed in November in Chicago on layover from Central America.

    It was interesting to see Moz not spend anytime stage left (looking at the stage), and then at the end come over and sit down on the stage corner holding these two kids hands in first row for at least 45 seconds. There was no barricade so 1st row was literally hanging on the stage. It was spooky how much time Morrissey with these 2 kids (12 year old boy and 14 year old girl). It was something they will NEVER forget. I know this, being their father and all. Thanks Moz!

    Then Solomon Walker (bass) comes back to hand my son, barely keeping his eyes open for the whole show in front of Solomon – smiling of course, a set list, making sure he gets it cleanly as he shakes his hand. This follows by a true “hi-jack”ing from the the Sr. fan next door. Why a stranger would do that is pretty funny. What’s ironic about my sons kind (scared) gesture is he was handed another set-list copy from a security guard right after he felt cornered into given Solomon’s gift away. Good stuff. See you in CA!
    cooper3737 -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @08:56AM (#258287)
    (User #19009 Info)
  • the show was wonderful, absolutely stunning. the only thing i wish is that we'd have been closer to the stage, instead of the half-dead sea of people stretched before us (despite the attempts of my friend and i to get better seats by repeatedly purchasing the best tickets we could get from ticketnazi (i mean ticketmaster....the best we ended up doing was about 40 rows back, orch section.)

    its always one of two things, either people crushing one another, rudely screaming the lyrics out loud or people who are stone still and barely alive. how about a happy medium? its okay to be a little happy to be at the party, sing along without audibly a little dance...its okay, you can whoop it up without being obnoxious.

    i'd have given almost anything to have been able to be in the front row and gotten a handshake like those lucky people down front. i've been in the front 3 or 4 times, and that's never happened. it was a great show...thanks, morrissey!
    Amy Beth <[email protected]> -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @09:13AM (#258292)
    (User #477 Info)
  • For those of you that may not be aware of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, there are many different types of hearing loss. Some are born that way, some lose hearing as they grow older due to a medical condition or accident. Some enjoy music, some do not. I'm always glad when one does as I get to interpret for some interesting shows. Morrissey was supportive of having deaf and hard of hearing fans and an interpreter - which is always nice! (This does not always happen). I thought it was a fantastic show! I hope everyone had fun!
    p.s. funny to hear that I'm 'sexually ambiguous' - perhaps you mean 'gender' ambiguous? *smile*
    interpreter -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @09:29AM (#258295)
    (User #19010 Info)
  • Last nights show was my first Morrissey show. I entered a contest to win tickets and amazingly enough I win and was so very happy to finally see him in concert. I've been a big Moz fan since my freshmen year of highschool when a senior handed me a mixtape filled with Smiths and Morrissey songs. My mom went to the show with me and developed a crush on Morrissey. I was sitting on the 5th floor balcony and having the chance to see him perform was a defining moment of my youth.

    In totality I loved last nights show!
    TasteOfRed -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @10:30AM (#258307)
    (User #19005 Info |
  • the night was great in my eyes, when i finally realized that he was playing "the queen is dead" i just about lost it! everything sounded great, the band looked great, his energy is just amazing and of course he could not have looked better.

    from what i hear that may have been the first time that he actually threw one of his ties out to the crowd, oh man if i could have gotten ahold of that one!

    it was also great to hear "your gonna need someone on your side", that has definately always been a personal fav of mine.

    the night ended with a small introduction and chat with tony visconti, extremely nice guy it was definately a pleasure for me!
    mariomuse -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @10:40AM (#258310)
    (User #17736 Info |
  • As good as the setlist looks, to label this a greatest hits tour is obsurd.

    The queen
    and How Soon is now are among his biggest smiths songs

    First of the gang
    Irish blood
    Everyday is like Sunday are big solo hits.

      But the remainder of the setlist, although it has a few more singles, doesn't really live up to the label.

    Ganglord-A b side
    All you need is me - Which I doubt much of the audience has heard
    A David Bowie cover - Although this is quite a famous song.
    At last I am born -one of his worst songs ever.

      Etc etc
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @11:16AM (#258319)
  • Being a drizzly, overcast evening, it seemed like a a perfect night to take in a Moz show. And indeed, it was a good show. I was at the show last year at the Aragon and this was a decidedly different Morrissey than the one performing back in November. That night, he was coy, playful, effervescent almost. Last night, we witnessed a man who was not distracted, not tortured, but frustrated. Was his comment in the beginning of the show, about being on his best behavior, an indicator of something wrong? Is he in the midst of a personal turmoil? Is it just a moodswing? Who really knows? And maybe you're saying, "Well, that's Morrissey in all his tempestuous glory. Do you not listen to the lyrics in his songs?" And it's true, a Morrissey concert comes with a big side of heart-on-your-sleeve expressionism. But I found it at points hard to watch. It's not to say I didn't enjoy it, I loved every minute. But he seemed to be struggling, often finishing songs abruptly. His comments and asides were mostly unintelligble, and when you could make out what he was saying, it made no sense. Moz was nearly spitting out the lyrics to his newer, love-oriented songs, as if they no longer ring true. I kept wishing he would sing his more bleak songs like Seasick, yet Still Docked or I Am Hated for Loving or (if only) Late Night, Maudlin Street. But when it's all said and done, it's Morrissey--Dark and lovely. As a side note, I hope to never see a show at the Auditorium again. The only thing it has going for it is the acoustics. Shittier staff than a county lock-up.
    JohnnyMarr23 -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @12:07PM (#258332)
    (User #19012 Info)
  • Any reason for its appearance(s) as an outro to Pigsty since it is not on the studio track?

    I really do enjoy that Pigsty>HSIN punch, though.

    thinwhiteduke -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @01:00PM (#258338)
    (User #18957 Info)
  • It was a pretty good show, I enjoyed it.
    I really liked when he played The Boy With The Thorn In His Side

    Any Moz fans in Chicago
    add me on Myspace
    ChrisPants -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @03:42PM (#258355)
    (User #18127 Info)
  • I waited by the Wabush exit, and around 11:30pm he came out, there were only a few of us there, I had to ask him 4 times to sign, but he did was overwhelming, something I have dreamed of for 15 years...I am not bragging...just wanted to share in my joy!
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @03:59PM (#258358)
  • COMPLETELY off topic but while there is attention on this page, please shed a little light on a conversation I had with friends last night (they thought I knew everything about Morrissey and I don't but said I'd post the question here today and find out from the people who DO know everything)

    I was asked, "Are Morrissey and Michael Stipe still dating?"

    um...Still??? Were they ever??? Someone else asked me this a few weeks ago. Am I missing something? Were they EVER an item or just a rumor? I can't see it. I like MS but Foxy Moz could do so much better.

    Thanks friends.
    Corrissey -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @04:07PM (#258362)
    (User #18538 Info)
    Here you'll find my thoughts and I
  • The Auditorium is an amazing venue(it was the 1st acoustically pleasing theater here-check it out: ut-us/auditorium-history.php), so with that said, what the hell was wrong with the sound during the film clips?!?!? I was expecting a basket of puppies to be behind the sound board when I went up to the sound booth to speak with them about it. Sheesh!
    zellah -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @04:38PM (#258374)
    (User #11911 Info)
  • I loved it! I was lucky enough to get balcony seats 1st row right by the stage. Props to the guy who was able to hug Morrissey. Thanks so much for a great evening, can't wait to see you yet once again in Vegas...
    orahdez -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @07:20PM (#258392)
    (User #19020 Info)
  • Does anyone know what the sound intro is or how to get a copy of it? (I'm referring to the slew of disgruntled phrases right before Morrissey came on stage)

    I thought it was amazing but I was too excited about Morrissey to listen carefully. Any information would be much appreciated.
    burglar -- Wednesday May 16 2007, @10:32PM (#258406)
    (User #19022 Info)
    • Re:Sound intro by Lipski's Ghost (Score:0) Thursday May 17 2007, @04:20AM
    • Re:Sound intro by The Bicycle Tragedy (Score:1) Thursday May 17 2007, @04:22AM
    • Re:Sound intro by Fart box (Score:1) Thursday May 17 2007, @06:21AM
    • Re:Sound intro by devoted101 (Score:1) Thursday May 17 2007, @10:14AM
  • Can anyone please list all the intro music songs before Morrissey comes on stage?


    Forever England
    Anonymous -- Thursday May 17 2007, @06:23AM (#258435)
  • or different. i saw him in november in chicago--at the aragon (great show) and will be seeing him 2nite in cleveland, and also atlantic city in july..
    i dont mind if its the same setlist--cuz it was a great show..
    i enjoyed moz's friendliness, i hadnt seen much of that in previous tours..he was talking to everyone last time

    KristiXYL -- Thursday May 17 2007, @06:39AM (#258438)
    (User #17579 Info |
    "you'll never walk alone"
  • Who is this Julia I keep hearing about at multipal shows? Thanks in advance !!
    ATX -- Thursday May 17 2007, @11:27AM (#258515)
    (User #19025 Info)

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