posted by davidt on Friday January 18 2008, @02:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
Set List:

How Soon Is Now? / First Of The Gang To Die / I Just Want To See The Boy Happy / Tomorrow / All You Need Is Me / The National Front Disco / Billy Budd / Something Is Squeezing My Skull / Sister, I'm A Poet / Death Of A Disco Dancer / Life Is A Pigsty / The Loop / Mama Lay Softly On The Riverbed / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself? / The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores / Stretch Out And Wait / One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell / Irish Blood, English Heart // Last Of The Famous International Playboys

setlist provided by Mel Torment
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  • what was up with this site?
    it's been down for 2 days!
    Anonymous -- Friday January 18 2008, @03:01PM (#291855)
  • Moz Show Details (Score:1, Insightful)

    Thank goodness the site is back up! Just got back from the show, amazing!

    I didn't write down the setlist, but here are the highlights:

    He opened with HSIN and encored with Playboys.

    He played 5 new songs: All You Need is Me, Something is Squeezing My Skull (?), Lay Mama Down on the River Bed (?), I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris, One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell.

    Other songs included (not in order): First of the Gang, I Just Want to See the Boy Happy, Tomorrow, National Front Disco, Billy Budd, The Loop, Sister I'm a Poet, Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself, Life is a Pigsty, Death of a Disco Dancer, The World is Full of Crashing Bores, Stretch Out and Wait, Irish Blood-English Heart,

    He was very chatty and shook lots of hands (including mine 3 times)! Tossed one shirt.

    Missed you Jessica!

    Can't wait for tomorrow night!
    Anonymous -- Friday January 18 2008, @03:12PM (#291857)
  • everyone who knows me :o)
    mick ransommich -- Friday January 18 2008, @03:12PM (#291858)
    (User #8642 Info)
    'Two roads diverged in a wood and I, I took the one less travelled by. And that has made all the difference'.
    • Re:hello by Donnie Darko (Score:1) Saturday January 19 2008, @11:45AM
      • Re:hello by mick ransommich (Score:1) Saturday January 19 2008, @03:56PM
      • Re:hello by mick ransommich (Score:1) Saturday January 19 2008, @03:59PM
        • Re:hello by Donnie Darko (Score:1) Tuesday February 05 2008, @06:45PM
        • Re:hello by Donnie Darko (Score:1) Tuesday February 05 2008, @07:05PM
          • Re:hello by mick ransommich (Score:1) Thursday February 07 2008, @03:54AM
  • Morrissey is playing in the daytime now? it'll be interesting to see how many poeple show up for a day time gig...this isnt the wigles you know. LOL!!!11!!1
    Anonymous -- Friday January 18 2008, @03:13PM (#291859)
    • Re:post show? by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday January 18 2008, @03:51PM
      • Re:post show? by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday January 18 2008, @10:40PM
        • Re:post show? by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday January 19 2008, @02:50AM
  • Morrissey was in a random mood at this gig.

    Can't remember exact set list but pretty much the same, longer than last nights, Morrissey seemed in a random mood at this gig, he wanted us all to know that he will have the last laugh.

    Like the new members, bit sad that M has left, i think Moz was on top form
    Anonymous -- Friday January 18 2008, @03:23PM (#291861)
    • Re:Good Show by nowherefast944 (Score:1) Friday January 18 2008, @03:35PM
  • ...not everyone can make it to France, but everyone can make it to

    Once you get there, you probably won't want to leave for several hours, so bring a sleeping bag and toothbrush, friends.

    Simon the Likeable -- Friday January 18 2008, @03:40PM (#291865)
    (User #20725 Info)
    • Re:Good News by Bullet in my gullet (Score:0) Saturday January 19 2008, @12:50PM
  • So France, how do you come out to greet Moz? From what I heard, the white flag was in full force.
    Jim Rome -- Friday January 18 2008, @04:30PM (#291870)
    (User #720 Info |
    ...and how?
  • Strasbourg, you are too hot! Morrissey was on fire! Tonight’s show more than made up for the shortcomings of Clermont Ferrand. Not only did Morrissey do the two songs he dropped from the first night (Pigsty and Boy Yappy), he busted out not one but TWO BRAND NEW SONGS from the upcoming album!

    Moz appeared to be in a much better mood tonight. The venue was even smaller than Clermont-Ferrand’s – about two thirds of the size; it was very sweaty and tightly packed. Audience was also more raucous. Girl in a Coma got another rousing, warm reception from the French and Germans.

    00 Intro: Klaus Nomi -- “Wayward Sisters”
    01 HOW SOON IS N?
    03 BOY APPY
    11 PIGSTY
    12 LOOP
    14 PARIS
    19 IRISH B. ENG H


    Moz introduced “Something Is Squeezing My Skull” by announcing that they had been in what is called a recording studio making what is called an album. Cue: lots of cheering. I think the leaked lyrics posted in the forum are correct. 82238&highlight=new+songs+leaked/ []

    This song mentions several antidepressants and antianxiety medications. I think I remember lorazepam is among them. The ending refrain is something like “Don’t give me anymore!” It reminds me of Moz asking us in Melbourne, Florida last year if we knew about Ativan. I nodded yes. Morrissey said, “It could really help you, especially YOU (as he pointed at me).” I was abashed and hid my face in my hands. This new song is really crackin’! It’s got a lively tempo and yummy, crunchy guitars. Pure pop genius!

    The second new song “Mama Lay Softly on the Riverbed” seemed about as catchy as you would imagine it to be from the title -- a curiously quick-paced but maudlin song in a minor key. It seems to lament the passing of someone who’s hounded unfairly and promises at the end to join “Mama” at the bottom of the riverbed. Somehow I imagine that Moz envisions himself as this persecuted “Mama” or at the very least identifies strongly with someone unfairly driven to a tragic death. Hmmm, I wonder why ; p. At the end, Boz and Christopher walked up to the free standing snare drums and beat along with Matt an awesome rhythm bringing the song to a close.

    I think someone shouted out a question – what is the name of the new album. Moz asked if we were really interested, then asked how much money we had. Someone yelled, Do you take credit cards?

    You may note that the written setlist (verbatim) is not as punsome as last year’s, though the songs are familiar from last year’s tour. It’s probably because “our new friend Christopher Pooley” (sorry if I got the spelling wrong) wouldn’t recognise the strange titles.

    Moz wore a black shirt with brown trousers again. I think Th’Lads were all in brown again. Moz only threw out one shirt, though he did run off backstage at least twice. Kept changing into identical-looking black shirts. Apologies to the brown-lovin’ frinksters, but I think Moz in brown is my least fave look.

    Before “Crashing Bores”, Moz said, “Every song has a filthy story behind it…” and this caused me to yelp in anticipation because the last time he said that phrase, he was prefacing “The Boy with the Thorn in His Side” (aka PORN, as written on the setlists). The porn pun has very special significance to me, and my story is indeed a filthy one. Because of my yelp, Moz looked down at me and asked if I were in pain. Then he asked if I had something to say, handing me the mic, this time without the twirling teasing.

    I handed Moz the 2008 “So English, Frowning” calendar and apologised for it bec
    Mel Torment -- Friday January 18 2008, @05:56PM (#291875)
    (User #1764 Info)
  • So a big raspberry then to all those people who confidently asserted that the new Moz/Whyte compositions registered on the WB site were "clearly" hoaxes or working titles...
    Anonymous -- Saturday January 19 2008, @03:11AM (#291900)
  • Well, it was my first Morrissey-concert and couldn't have asked for a better first experience. I met Mel and Guillaume, which was lovely, and I cannot thank Mel enough for telling me about the necessity for queuing, otherwise I would have showed up 1 hour before the gig... But I'm a newby, so that's my excuse.

    The venue was quite small and since I got there relatively early, I made it to the front row, left (Boz) side. Morrissey was in a very good mood, talkative, funny, witty and ... a bit cruel towards the crowd, such a teaser.... Changed twice (brown trousers, brown shirt, tie with the images of James Dean is what he started in, then he put on a navy blue shirt which he later took off and threw into the crowd, and he ended the show in a black shirt). They started with How soon is now. I won't tell about the setlist because the others have done that. I particularly liked Stretch out and wait, The loop, Sister I'm a poet and Pigsty. Since this was the first time I've heard the new songs, I won't comment on them. It was a very good show, the band was very energetic, Moz too, you could see they were having a very good time. He made a funny comment in reference to Strasbourg: "Once I applied to the European Court of Human Rights. And do you know what they said? They said that I should stuff myself... So I did!"
    I still can't stop smiling, I'm so happy! THANK YOU MOZ! :-)
    EPbabe -- Saturday January 19 2008, @06:43AM (#291913)
    (User #18879 Info)
  • don't look too much site dedicated to moz, ; sei ng all the old playlist,the concert have no surprise. i would have been 100000 TIMES MORE HAPPY IF "STOP me " was not on "you tube". morrissey is ever the best singer i've ever seen. it was the third time i saw hin,after lyon and belfort, maybe the best. in clermont "Stretch" was murdered by jesse, the others song were pretty good ,thank you moz
    Anonymous -- Saturday January 19 2008, @09:24AM (#291921)
  • Me and my friends flew from Portugal to witness an excelent performance from Mr Mozzer.
    The venue was lovely, very intimate, It was the smallest I've ever attended a Moz show...
    The highlights for me.. "Stretch Out...", "I'm throwing my arms around" (Great song), "The Loop".. Ahhhh...
    Girl in a Comma kind of sucked... can't they start to loose some weight maybe...
    Hope he decides to make some festivals in the summer, although Morrissey in the Festivals is a rather low scenery for most of us ....
    mozdn -- Friday January 25 2008, @01:01PM (#292467)
    (User #5529 Info)
  • 2 replies beneath your current threshold.

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