posted by davidt on Friday May 05 2006, @10:00AM
Fran sends the link:

London Alexandra Palace review by Ray Bennett - Hollywood Reporter
Ian Parker sends the link:

Whitehaven concert review - Whitehaven News
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  • Ray Bennett. Wanker.

    Enough said.
    Anonymous -- Friday May 05 2006, @11:22AM (#216484)
  • Ouch.
    Wilde is on my side -- Friday May 05 2006, @12:21PM (#216496)
    (User #13955 Info)
    I am the meek, I am the righteous, I am the Morrissey fan.
  • Ray Bennett - you can suck my Cock!
    Anonymous -- Friday May 05 2006, @12:37PM (#216501)
  • So this "writer" felt uncomfortable about an older man saying "Life is a Pigsty"?? People should realise that Morrissey is an artist - and the very last one there is - and they should realise what an artist means.
    Fuck right off. I'm sure your pants get wet seeing the Sugababes. It's obvious.
    Anonymous -- Friday May 05 2006, @01:12PM (#216515)
  • If anything better confims that life truly is a pigsty, need look no further than Ray Bennet's scurrilous review.
    mozmic_dancer -- Friday May 05 2006, @01:19PM (#216519)
    (User #11277 Info)
    "I am the fun and the fair, on a Mozsite for the criminally insane..."
  • Watch your steps mate. There might be something coming towards your head. Like a knife.
    Anonymous -- Friday May 05 2006, @02:18PM (#216536)
  • ...oh right,.... Ray-Dickhead-Bennet talking shit!
    rank-dsgn -- Saturday May 06 2006, @06:16AM (#216648)
    (User #16356 Info)
  • Those who love him really love him, those who don't REALLY don't.

    If you send a prick with a preconceived opinion to review a Morrissey gig then of course he won't like it.

    Well I've just written a review of Bennet's review:

    'It was crap.'
    chris_mcwilliam -- Saturday May 06 2006, @08:10AM (#216668)
    (User #15081 Info)
  • Mr. Bennet could have saved valuable ink and paper by just providing us with the main points of his argument.

    Let's see, what do we have..main points:

    1. I hate Morrissey.

    Think of all the paper and ink that could have been saved!

    I think Mr. B's "review" reeks of laziness and complacency, and there is certainly a doubt to whether the reviewer was there....clearly defined
    evidence is currently been collected.

    Osakaglen -- Saturday May 06 2006, @10:47AM (#216689)
    (User #5882 Info)
    "If you ever need self-validation, just meet me in the alley by the railway station..."
  • ....and to make it worse he didnt even notice the irony in his pathetic 'ate all the beef' comment.Another of the 'you cant moan if you've got money' tossers, who then moan about a concert even though they're paid to be there.What a wanker.
    jehova's witless -- Saturday May 06 2006, @04:25PM (#216752)
    (User #13345 Info)

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