posted by davidt on Wednesday May 17 2006, @12:00PM
An anonymous person writes:
[a source close to Tiger Army] told me that they've been kicked off the tour for "not having the right vibe"!

I think tiger army are the best band i've ever seen supporting morrissey, needless to say TA are gutted especially since they are massive moz fans.
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  • if it's true, i don't see what the big deal was. the tour was already sold out and the venue is usually only half-full for the support act because everyone was off drinking anyway...

    maybe he really wanted to keep this kristeen group and 2 support bands was one too many.
    suzanne -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @12:15PM (#219497)
    (User #36 Info)
    I scare dead people.
  • It's very easy for anonymous people to make up stuff and get it posted on here.

    By the way, Pete Burns autobiography mentions Morrissey once in a snippet about how journalists operate.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @12:31PM (#219499)
  • This isn't made up.
    BreakUpTheFamily -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @12:44PM (#219503)
    (User #1715 Info)
  • I am a big fan of Tiger Army and only a casual fan of Morrissey. I am learning more about Morrissey slowly. His album "Your Arsenal" is really good and I like the "Live at KROQ" EP he did. Maybe Morrissey was getting concerned that his fans were too enthusiastic towards Tiger Army and didn't wan't to be shown up. Don't get me wrong, I think Moz is good, but no one can stay on top forever.


    Trent, Anaheim, CA
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @12:54PM (#219506)
  • i was at dublin gigs where kristen young supported. i was talking to tony visconti and his girlfriend during the gig. his girlfriend is kristen. maybe thats the reason
    cossy -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @12:56PM (#219507)
    (User #6724 Info)
  • ....but Tiger Army is amazing live, Moz probably didn't like that they were being showed up with more energy. I mean back in the day Moz shows were electric, circa '91 and '92. Let's face it, the energy level on stage isn't the same anymore.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @01:07PM (#219508)
  • they went down a storm in Liverpool - quite a few people in the 5 rows in front of us stood and cheered when they finished - I thought they had a really good 'vibe' - whatever that means these days.
    Brighton Rich -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @01:08PM (#219509)
    (User #8270 Info)
  • I would love to know what the 'right vibe' is or should be? I thought Tiger Army were very good at Blackburn. They really talked Morrissey up and seemed genuinely very, very pleased to be on the Tour. Nick, the lead singer, even told the crowd that they had interrupted recording their latest album to join the Tour. He said something along the lines of: 'You do these kind of things when Morrissey calls'. They were fans. They dedicated one of their songs to Morrissey.

    I spoke to the bass player and drummer after the concert and they were really nice guys. Told me they stood in the crowd and watched Morrissey with everyone else.

    So, you can not accuse them of creating the wrong vibe about Morrissey - they talked him up no end and genuinely livened the crowd and created anticipation. Nick is a charismatic front man and at least they tried to connect with the crowd: they did a very good 'support'/warm-up job. Kristeen Young was less successful in this regard in my view, although as an artist/performer she is interesting in a more intense/cerebral way.

    What is even more puzzling is that in Boz and Gary, at least, the band had two soul mates. Their musical roots are in rockabilly and they dabbled in psychobilly. Remember the Your Arsenal Tour?? Morrissey and his band in their 'rockabilly' mode; Gary playing slap bass.

    I was only thinking as Tiger Army played how much Morrissey and the band must be enjoying the sounds drifting into their dressing rooms.

    Wrong vibe? Strange, strange, strange.
    TheArchers -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @01:08PM (#219510)
    (User #15578 Info)
  • Firstly, I was really looking forward to seeing these guys in Halifax but I got ill and couldn't attend. So then I thought "Oh well, at least I'll see them in Cardiff and Birmingham".
    When only Kristeen Young played (and I'm glad she keeps playing, I love her) I was very disappointed!
    Oh well.
    O -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @01:22PM (#219512)
    (User #15903 Info)
  • Glad to hear it (Score:2, Insightful)

    I saw them in Tulsa & OK City and yes, they are good, and yes, they praise Morrissey during their set but punk flavored anything isn't a good match for a Moz crowd. Having 4 mohawks thrashing around a bunch of people waiting for Moz is no fun. Bring back Damien Dempsy. Let TA open for a band that is more a match for their style.
    angryelv!s -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @01:40PM (#219516)
    (User #16714 Info)
  • The information may be interesting and all, but as far as I can see, it is sent in by an anonymous person! So WHY are you posting it as news?
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @01:50PM (#219518)
  • I'm glad Moz likes them and all, but Tiger Army is a joke. They're pretty much kiddie punk from what I've seen. Like what Justin Timberlake would have been if he lived in the OC and got into the the Sharks and Jim Heath instead of... well, whatever Justin Timberlake is into.

    How about an opening act with a little more class?
    This Charming Ben -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @02:17PM (#219529)
    (User #12174 Info |
    So bona to vada...
  • The music isn't bad, really. But the singer is hard for me to listen to. His voice isn't strong enough for me and it gets lost in the music.

    this isn't a personal comment on them. Just seems like they need a new singer.
    dcn -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @02:33PM (#219535)
    (User #16457 Info)
  • I think the big man himself burst into their hotel room to find them gorging themselves on cheese burgers while watching a suckling pig being spit roasted over a heater. Either that or they're shit.
    jdbabz -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @02:55PM (#219543)
    (User #10674 Info)
  • im a huge moz fan and also have followed tiger army for years and as sharing my bday with morrissey this weekend was going to be the best. Pompey on fri and London on sun with a great support, now its the usuall go to the bar until Moz comes on... very harsh news
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @03:29PM (#219563)
  • i hate tiger army anyway.. and it's true even if the rumor is false.. they're vibe doesn't come close to matching with Morrissey. TIGER ARMY SUCKS!! they're the worse psychobilly band out of many crappy, lame psychobilly bands.
    CFsleepy LAgoon -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @03:39PM (#219567)
    (User #16656 Info |
  • I'm a massive Morrissey fan (obsessed) one of my other bands I feel the same about is TIGER ARMY and I was so pissed to find they were not playing after paying friggin 40 pounds for a ticket some of my friends dont even like morrissey they love TIGER ARMY thanks for telling us! and the UK FANS MISS OUT AGAIN cheers MOZZA (put the band back on the bill for the last shows they deserve it they work hard)
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @05:51PM (#219593)
    • Re:Tiger Army by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday May 17 2006, @06:41PM
  • I really don't understand how Tiger Army's "vibe" did not mesh with Morrissey, at least musically. Maybe it was a personal vibe that they're talking about but honestly maybe Morrissey didn't like being shown up by Tiger Army. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Morrissey but Tiger Army is a great band and Nick13 is an awesome singer who had nothing but the upmost respect for Morrissey. Nick13 (the lead singer) actually worshipped Morrissey and always praised him. I can't help but think that it had to be something personal (which would not surprise me). I saw the show in Oklahoma City and Tiger Army actually tailored their song list to fit with the Morrissey crowd and did it wonderfully. I heard nothing but praise from the people that had never heard them before. Tiger Army is a very talented band and definately deserved better than to be treated like trash to be easily disposed of after postponing the recording of their album for Morrissey.
    Tigress -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @07:26PM (#219598)
    (User #16690 Info)
  • Thank you Moz! I hate Tiger Army. Ms. Young is a WAY beter choice. Cheers
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 17 2006, @07:26PM (#219599)
    • Re:Thank GOD! by CFsleepy LAgoon (Score:1) Wednesday May 17 2006, @08:10PM
    • Re:Thank GOD! by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday May 18 2006, @11:12AM
  • And for me they were a typical morrissey support act.

    I have only really liked Marion, Sack and James Maker in all the years that Moz has toured as a solo artist and tiger army did nothing for me at all.

    They would have been great on the Kill Uncle tour when Moz was in his rockabilly phase but for me they just didnt fit the moz of today.

    Just an opinion and not a slight at the ability of the band. I just didnt find them my cup of tea.
    Anonymous -- Thursday May 18 2006, @01:16AM (#219623)
  • Tiger Army? Never heard anything by them and will probably live a long and happy life without ever doing so.

    I think Marion were the best band to support him but I have a rotten taste in music.
    Roger the Horse -- Thursday May 18 2006, @02:05AM (#219633)
    (User #15279 Info)
  • That its a fairly thankless task being a Morrissey Support.

    90% of the Audience have no intrest in you whatsoever and are just waiting for you to get off the stage, you can't be too similar - or you are accussed of being too derivitive - and too different because you are accused of being irrelevent.

    Whoever the support is, they seem to get abuse and derision on here from folks who think that its an insult to be on the same stage as Morrissey.

    Supports are supposed to compliment the main act, not compete. I thought Tiger Army were very good - I was 5 rows from the front at The Philharmonic and they were well recieved.

    I saw Sons and Daughters in Llandudno and they were very good - but I liked them anyway and have the Album - so I saw it as a bonus.

    I saw PJ Harvey as support in Birmingham, she was fantastic and I would Gladly have paid £30 to see her on her own - especially as she announced her retirement from live music straight afterwards - but she had a load of abuse on here.

    I also saw The Libertines in support in Brixton in 2002 - very few people expressed an intrest.

    If you don't want to watch the suppport - fine, good luck to you - have a drink in the bar, but remember - all great bands started as support slots and its really important to them - so have a bit of kindness and give them a break. You didn't pay to see them - they are a bonus.

    Brighton Rich -- Thursday May 18 2006, @02:10AM (#219634)
    (User #8270 Info)
  • surely the best support Morrissey ever had was The Smoking Popes?

    Jessica -x-
    Anonymous -- Thursday May 18 2006, @06:28AM (#219677)
  • No chance.

    Kristeen Young is excellent and from 1984 to today is second only in the Moz support band contest too...

    The Smoking Popes.

    These two are so much better than every other band that's ever supported any gigs.
    mspendl828 <[email protected]> -- Thursday May 18 2006, @08:14AM (#219696)
    (User #11702 Info)
    I offered love and it was not required... what else can I do?
  • Moz, you have turned into an arrogant man. Why give Tiger Army the boot? All you ever do, these days, is to make mistakes.
    Anonymous -- Thursday May 18 2006, @09:13AM (#219713)
  • The music is good. But the lead singer's voice sucks, not a good voice at all.
    Anonymous -- Thursday May 18 2006, @09:19AM (#219716)
  • Morrissey and everyone talking bad about Tiger Army are just jeolous because TA has a much bigger following in SoCal. Morrissey couldn't cut it in LA so he had to run away to Italy like a big baby. The music scene in SoCal is way bigger than Europe. My advice to Moz is to get back to more hardcore 'Your Arsenal' stuff, let Gary play slap bass like he wants and quit playing that adult contemporary Rod Stewart/Elton John crap. Gary is the only one in the band who could make it in the O.C.

    Yours truly,
    Trent Sullivan
    Anonymous -- Thursday May 18 2006, @09:21AM (#219719)
  • ...Julia didn't like Tiger Army at all. The poor girl had to hear them every night so she asked Morrissey to replace them.
    Anonymous -- Thursday May 18 2006, @09:51AM (#219725)
  • Rumour (Score:2, Informative)

    I recieved this email after fishing on the boards, but dont know who it is from.

    'There was a falling out between Morrissey and Nick
    after many reports of Nick complaining about the sound
    crew on the tour- Apperently the sound was terrible
    and Nick was complaining to Morrissey's manager about
    that AND about people smoking in the dressing room
    area- Morrissey finally had enough and asked them to
    leave the tour'
    southpawglamour -- Thursday May 18 2006, @09:55AM (#219726)
    (User #16687 Info)
    • Re:Rumour by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday May 18 2006, @10:35AM
      • Re:Rumour by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday May 18 2006, @11:07AM
  • I hope he don't invite them to support him again.

    They were awful.
    memphis <[email protected]> -- Thursday May 18 2006, @02:40PM (#219794)
    (User #2515 Info)
    'You don't know the power in what I'm saying' x
  • yeah blah blah whatever i mean its morrissey and only morrissey that makes me wana get up and come out.being a drummer in a band there are alot of well not that many but ok bands that are better than tiger amy by a long shot.
    but then again all other bands and music does not touch morrissey and thats a fact because I SHOULD KNOOOOOWWWW
    asianfrontdisco -- Thursday May 18 2006, @03:04PM (#219798)
    (User #16725 Info)
  • but the all time evr greatest gig equally would be:

    no opening act,

    MARILYN MANSON. 2 hours.

    MORRISSEY. 2 hours.

    Anonymous -- Thursday May 18 2006, @05:15PM (#219811)
  • I would imagine it has nothing to do with 'vibe'. It costs a band to go on a tour like this. When the money runs out and the record company won't foot the bill they have to leave and the tour management have to find somebody else (quick).
    Anonymous -- Friday May 19 2006, @03:52AM (#219837)

  • Red Lightning 1 hour

    Morrissey 2 hours

    memphis <[email protected]> -- Friday May 19 2006, @06:52AM (#219849)
    (User #2515 Info)
    'You don't know the power in what I'm saying' x
  • Is this confirmed? Thought they were really good and enjoyed this support much more than some of the others at Moz gigs (like James Maker- sorry Moz!)
    spirit on trial -- Friday May 19 2006, @09:08AM (#219865)
    (User #16727 Info)
  • Does that mean they eat meat, possibly?
    someraincoatedlovers -- Friday May 19 2006, @09:35AM (#219870)
    (User #10290 Info)

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