posted by davidt on Monday May 29 2006, @11:00PM
taxexile writes:
Interview in today's Times: 2x covers + one article

I've always felt like an exile - Times 2, May 30, 2006.
Interview by Andrew Billen

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  • Not a bad piece, but the interviewer went after the same old chestnuts that every other journalist goes for. Still, Morrissey gave some very lucid, direct answers.

    As for his sexuality, as I've said many times, if he can't define it with a single word himself, why would he allow other people to label him?

    He did, however, admit to chasing a woman for 6 years (very persistent!). So there you go.

    king leer -- Monday May 29 2006, @11:21PM (#222113)
    (User #80 Info)
    • Re:Well... by mauve21 (Score:1) Tuesday May 30 2006, @02:24AM
      • Re:Well... by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 30 2006, @02:50AM
        • Re:Well... by mauve21 (Score:1) Tuesday May 30 2006, @03:41AM
          • Re:Well... by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 30 2006, @03:51AM
          • Honestly... by Anaesthesine (Score:1) Tuesday May 30 2006, @05:24AM
            • Re:Honestly... by mauve21 (Score:1) Wednesday May 31 2006, @01:04AM
              • Re:Honestly... by Anaesthesine (Score:1) Wednesday May 31 2006, @06:09AM
              • Relationships by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday May 31 2006, @10:07AM
    • chasing a woman for 6 years by Math Tinder (Score:1) Tuesday May 30 2006, @05:40PM
      • whoops! by Math Tinder (Score:1) Tuesday May 30 2006, @05:43PM
  • It was always very difficult for me because I was never a simple soul. The only natural course is depression, because what else can you do? You’re trapped. You’re with the people that you’re with, economically it’s a disaster and there’s absolutely no hope of you leaving or going anywhere. Hence depression. It’s like being marked out for something else. But at the age of 13 and 14 you can’t categorise or describe it to yourself. You just know that something is hellishly wrong and know that you don’t belong and were designed for something quite different. So naturally I felt depressed, because I was. I was de-pressed. I was re-pressed as anybody is who can’t be themselves.”

    “The elements of danger in it I also see as quite positive because musicians, singers and groups and so forth are in a zone of their own. They’re largely untouchable. It’s a magnificent way to live.

    Ah, but it's a difficult way to live when one is still striving for one's goals; yet I would not live my life any other way. ;)
    J. Razor -- Monday May 29 2006, @11:23PM (#222114)
    (User #724 Info)
    I'm Alone
  • In that it gives Morrissey the chance to reply to all the rubbish that's been spouted about him since ROTT. Anyone who actually listens, and I mean really listens, to the whole album instead of a few lines picked out by tabloidesque journalists would know nothing much has changed for Morrissey.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @12:19AM (#222118)
  • Since when was "Half A Person" about a woman?

    Also, as with other interviews, assumptions seemed to be made by the author, and then they're juxtaposed next to a general response by Morrissey.

    I won't believe that the adult Morrissey has had sex with a woman until I see the pictures. Anyhow, God knows I would love to see the woman that attempted to pursue a sexual relationship with him. Ten bucks says that she is on medication.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @12:25AM (#222120)
    • Re:Zzzzzzzzzz... by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 30 2006, @12:29AM
      • Re:Zzzzzzzzzz... by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 30 2006, @12:52AM
        • Re:Zzzzzzzzzz... by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 30 2006, @01:12AM
        • Re:Zzzzzzzzzz... (Score:3, Insightful)

          Very good theory but yer wrong.

          This from a Nick Kent interview in the sadly now defunct Face magazine in March 1990:

          NK "In my favourite of your confessional songs-Half A Person-you sing about being hopelessly smitten with a girl, who after you return to impress her as a famous personage, simply tells you 'When you were hoplessly poor, I just liked you more'.....Is that autobiographical?"

          Moz "Yes, that is all absolutely true. She does exist."

          While I agree that Morrissey has sung an awful lot about homosexual longing (and gratification) is it so hard to acknowledge he's penned the odd toon about the lay-deez?
          the artful roger -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @03:29AM (#222144)
          (User #14667 Info)
    • Re:Zzzzzzzzzz... by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 30 2006, @05:14PM
    • Re:Zzzzzzzzzz... by Panda (Score:1) Wednesday May 31 2006, @05:14AM
    • Uh Duh by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday June 01 2006, @07:47PM
  • I dont know why, but I always thought his father had died.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @01:41AM (#222133)
    • Me too! by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday June 01 2006, @07:53PM
  • It's just poor journalism to ask Morrissey about his sex life because he's hardly going to make an exception and therefore it just wastes space. There's so much else you could ask the man, even stuff that might catch him off guard. He's never going to say 'Actually, I've never told anyone this before, but I love a bit of role play'.

    The three elements of a shit Moz interview by rubbish journos.

    1. Tiresome title ('heaven knows he's not miserable now' 'this charming man'. Or a play on either)
    2. Mention of the words 'devious' 'truculent' or 'unreliable'.
    3. "So Morrissey, why have you never made your sexual preferences known?"

    They should let a fan interview him. And that fan should be me.
  • Can anyone post a link to the front cover pic please?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @05:27AM (#222161)
  • I'm still annoyed that he refuses to mention the gender of those he's dated.... To say, "yes I've dated men and women, I'm open to anyone so just shut up about it?" or "yes, I've only dated men, but I'm open" or "no I've never dated anyone" or WHATEVER. would have put the issue to rest a long time ago.

    Maybe he's just afraid of being labelled bisexual/homesexual/heterosexual, but if that's what he is, then it's surely better than all the groundless assumptions flying around isn't it? An anyway, why care so much about labels? I can see not wanting to be politically labeled, because how can we ever fit all our ideas in a little box? In the case of something like politics, labeling results in misrepresentation. BUT, sexuality is pretty black and white, isn't it? You either like females, males, both, or neither. Labeling doesn't result in misrepresentation. It's impossible, when the object we're labelling is inherently categorical.

    He doesn't mind being labelled "male" does he? He talks about "maleness" all the time, and about how he's not your typical working class male, blah blah.

      So why does he refuse to label the gender of those he loves?

    Gender is obviously important, obviously something we're all affected by, to think otherwise is idealistic, naive, and simply false.

    *whew* rant over.
    veradicere -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @07:26AM (#222173)
    (User #8315 Info)
  • the woman he pursued for 6 years was Linder Sterling

    - A.Insider
    Anonymous -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @07:33AM (#222175)
  • I hope to God Morrissey is never ever asked a vaguely original question by a journalist...he would have a cardiac arrest for sure.

    I think even he would find it slightly refreshing at this juncture to be asked what he had for breakfast this morning rather than to discuss the whole celicacy thing....again....and again....and again.

    He must quite look forward to the old True-To-You Q&A's....quite challenging by comparison....Methinks I will submit a question without delay.....

    Love Alma xxx
    almareallymatters -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @09:24AM (#222190)
    (User #15430 Info)
    Pretty Girls Make Gravy []
  • Front page: 85/

    Closer up: 88/

    Use the 'All sizes' button to see the image in up to 2848x2136 size.
    natec -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @10:24AM (#222200)
    (User #14979 Info |
  • Mozz at his most poetic "That's shit, absolute shit" :)

    Same old questions but some interesting comments by the Mozz...

    On tour he's made a point of singing 'At Last I Am Born' though occasionally changed the lyric to 'I think I am born', but then revealed 'Happiness' on the drums at Palladium...and yet here he says, or implies, that he's still the same, as would be implied by the lyrics in Life Is A Pigsty.

    Further mystery! Difficult to tell which image he is hamming up for the cameras/papers, if either.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @10:36AM (#222202)
    • Re:heh heh by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 30 2006, @10:41AM
    • Re:heh heh by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 30 2006, @12:38PM
    • Re:About "Happiness" by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday May 31 2006, @09:03AM
  • is there a scan of the actual interview someone could post?? that would be excellent if possible, thanks.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @10:40AM (#222203)
  • e_id=14308&in_page_id=7
    This article also appeared in todays Metro paper a free commuter paper in the UK.
    Sleepy lifeguard -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @10:41AM (#222204)
    (User #4562 Info)
  • "At his concert the Sunday before, he apparently stopped singing halfway through a song, berated the audience for going to gigs “at your age” "

    Did Morrisey really do this?

    Anonymous -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @11:39AM (#222226)
    • Re:berate by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 30 2006, @11:43AM
    • Re:berate by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 30 2006, @03:42PM
      • Re:berate by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 30 2006, @04:01PM
    • ha ha ha by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 30 2006, @04:39PM
    • Re:berate by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday May 31 2006, @03:18AM
  • Stan is right, Morrissey is never going reveal anything to workaday journalists from the British broadsheets. As fucking if. He´s just playing the little promo game Sanctuary´s asked him to do. The last interesting interview he did was the one with Morley.
    Ramon -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @11:47AM (#222228)
    (User #2577 Info)
    "I'm all over a vulture, like impending death"
  • Moz arguably long ago reached a point in his life where he became resigned to the fact that an enduring loving relationship would forever elude him. One of my favourite songs is "Will Never Marry". Despite all the intimate words in the new album, I personally don't think that he has fundamentally shifted in his opinion on the matter of finding love with someone. For me, having reached the grand old age of 34, it's a definite life choice that I've made to remain single. Perhaps with Moz, it goes somewhat deeper.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @12:37PM (#222241)
  • There is yet another Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now pun. When will journalists learn to branch out with regards to their 'witty' references?

    I actually thought the interview was pretty good, though, and Moz looks rather handsome on the front cover, which is obviously always a bonus.
    fishnet_monkey -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @12:40PM (#222244)
    (User #12209 Info |
    "But we cannot cling to the old dreams anymore, no, we cannot cling to those dreams..."
  • It has also been noted that he is tactile with band members on stage

    With reference to the above sentence, when??? the only interplay between Moz and his band (apart from 28th Palladium of course) is the bowing together sometimes before and always at the end of gigs.

    I find it sad that there is little interplay between him and his boys and witnessing him always going off on his own after gigs and the poor boys having to cram together in a transit van just seems to re-iterate how separate he likes to be.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @02:41PM (#222265)
  • I thought the bitter reaction to being handed a letter was interesting. Could it have been from Johnny Marr? It didn't say Moz didn't read it.
      Forget a silly Smiths reunion, how about just a straight Morrissey/Marr colaboration with all new musicians? That would be the BEST. (it's a nice wish, I know but doubtful nonetheless).
    Anonymous -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @06:15PM (#222305)
  • Morrissey interviews have become so boring these days. He always says the same old things. Boring, Morrissey.
    LoafingOaf <reversethis-{moc ... otstnilfcitnarf}> -- Tuesday May 30 2006, @08:35PM (#222314)
    (User #778 Info)
    Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.
    • Re:yawn by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday May 31 2006, @01:06AM
      • Re:yawn by Stoned (Score:1) Wednesday May 31 2006, @01:10AM
    • Re:yawn by sarahT (Score:1) Wednesday May 31 2006, @09:58AM
      • Re:yawn by shoplifter71 (Score:1) Wednesday May 31 2006, @10:18AM
  • Now that the tour is over people are bored and speculate the same old tired issues....yawn...ZZZzzzzzzzz
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 31 2006, @09:59AM (#222378)
  • Sex is boring. With anyone. It makes you an object and you are being used. As soon as it's over you want to get out. Sex is the MOST over-rated thing in the world.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 31 2006, @10:24AM (#222385)
  • i think it was a very boring, frustrating article and offered absolutely nothing new. shame. the guy who wrote it was just bitter than morrissey took the piss out of his mate's letter ;)
    erelongdonedodoesdid -- Wednesday May 31 2006, @11:55AM (#222395)
    (User #16837 Info)
  • I'm the guy who said Dear God Please Help Me was more than likely not autobiographical. I think this interview pretty much supports that. His writing has been sensual since way back to Handsome Devil. "let me get my hands on your mammory glands"
    Anonymous -- Thursday June 01 2006, @08:09PM (#222722)
  • Well, I've heard it all now. For the person who made the above suggestion on this tour the band had two large coaches, one very nice Mercedes MPV, crew and transport for all of the gear which was neatly packed inside wheeled (yep) flight cases. Amazing planning. Great crew. Slick operation. Jealous ?

    Anonymous -- Friday June 02 2006, @02:58PM (#222879)

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