posted by davidt on Thursday October 29 2009, @10:00AM
Update: 10/30 06:33 GMT: As mentioned in the comments and the forums, Bournemouth is cancelled also.
Tel writes:
Just received an Email stating that the Swindon concert has been cancelled and won't be rescheduled.
So I go home and I cry and I want to die.
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  • Bournemouth too (Score:2, Informative)

    Shame it was to be only his 4th gig in Bournemouth in 30 years. The 1st was above a fish and chip shop by the railway atation - only the 13th ever Smiths gig, the 2nd one year later at the town hall they walked off cos the audience didn't like them and had to be coaxed back on , the 3rd and only solo gig was at a half empty BIC and now the fouth is cancelled.Oh well I'll never learn
    kid992 -- Thursday October 29 2009, @10:16AM (#341693)
    (User #23056 Info)
  • Save your strength for the US dates in December.
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 29 2009, @10:41AM (#341697)
  • He does believe in fate.
    Hello Indie -- Thursday October 29 2009, @11:22AM (#341699)
    (User #13749 Info | offers free jars of beetroot for the elderly.
  • The Swindon gig has already been and gone, how can it be cancelled? Why has that come up today?
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 29 2009, @11:35AM (#341702)
  • Morrissey should feel like a total ass for taking peoples money only to collapse after one song and then not reschedule. he should find a way to refund the concert-goers in Swindon or schedule another gig. obviously it's not his fault that he became ill, but it's not the audience's either.
    chrisarclark <[email protected]> -- Thursday October 29 2009, @01:16PM (#341725)
    (User #9259 Info)
    "I'm just passing through here on my way to somewhere civilized and maybe I'll even arrive, maybe I'll even arrive..."
  • shit happens
    get the refund and spend it on another show
    the ally pally needs a few more going
    swindons a shithole anyway
    and lets face it, buying a morrissey ticket is pot luck anyway
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 29 2009, @04:07PM (#341743)
    • Re:ahh well by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday November 01 2009, @03:05AM
  • The sniffles. (Score:1, Insightful)

    I often wonder if at any point Morrissey ever feels completely embarrassed about his touring legacy.

    When the judge in the Joyce case labeled him "Devious, truculent, and unreliable," he expressed disappointment in being thought of that way. So, I have to wonder if he has reached the typical nihilist stage that people of his age often do, and doesn't really care, or if he acknowledges what an utter joke his relationship with his fans, and business partners is.

    All the while, he mails in new album after new album, burying his quality years even further under the mountain of shit that he now churns out for a paycheck.

    It's erie how accurately he has morphed into the very creature that he denounced in "Get Off The Stage." In retrospect, the song almost seems like an inside joke, as if it was his secret career plan.

    He simply has no high ground to stand on anymore when he chides other artists for not having anything to say, and creating inane pop songs.

    Nick The Name -- Thursday October 29 2009, @07:15PM (#341770)
    (User #20764 Info)
  • I hav reasonable footage of this.To view go to Facebook Ray Dibben uk. I will 'add you'so you can see it. Off to Salisbury tonight,when my daughter hopes to see the whole gig,having been shortchanged on her Swindon debut !
    DIBSY -- Sunday November 01 2009, @02:31PM (#341980)
    (User #23036 Info)

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