posted by davidt on Monday August 02 2010, @10:00AM
Kewpie sends the link to the post in the forums by crotty32, full text posted by not_me_not_I in the thread (via Morrissey reddit):

Morrissey's letter to The Times

Hats are not worth killing for: guards wearing real fur reflects the human spirit at its lowest

Sir, I welcome Ann Widdecombe’s views on the depravity of bear-baiting in order to serve the vanities of the British Army Guards (Opinion, July 30). In the humanised world, of course, hats are not worth killing for. Yes, animal rights move different people differently, and there are even those who think that animals simply have no right to be, but there is no sanity in making life difficult on purpose for the Canadian brown bear, especially for Guards hats that look absurd in the first place, and which can easily be replaced by faux versions (thanks to the visionary Stella McCartney) with no death involved.

It is difficult not to look to the Queen herself — after all, they are her Guards, and she must surely be aware of the horrific process utilised to supply real bearskins for her Guards. The mere sight of each bearskin hat must surely jab at the Queen’s heart.

Protection of animals makes for a responsible life. The world is speeding up, and in order to assist humankind to advance we all strive in many ways to be a better “we”.

The brain speculates, but the heart knows, and there is no clever distinction in trapping and skinning bears for petty considerations based on vanity. Concern for all beings — human or animal — is a kindness and a goodness that springs from somewhere much deeper than Royal duty, and like it or not, the Guards wearing real fur reflects the human spirit at its lowest.

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  • he said bearskin
    Anonymous -- Monday August 02 2010, @10:20AM (#354850)
  • Hatful of Hollow (Score:2, Insightful)

    The letter is pitch-perfect but let's just wait what the rest of the press makes of it; the twisted headlines that will follow.

    Sir Moz, one is proud of one! : )
    goinghome -- Monday August 02 2010, @10:23AM (#354851)
    (User #12673 Info)
  • Astonishing and wonderful. Give that man a candle!

    Glad to have you back in the North, Morrissey!

    Hello Indie -- Monday August 02 2010, @10:40AM (#354852)
    (User #13749 Info | offers free jars of beetroot for the elderly.
  • Very eloquent (Score:3, Interesting)

    He really should write some sort of blog.

    No doubt some will mock, as any letters pertaining to animal rights brings the Jeremy Clarkson / Richard Littlejohn fan-base out in force. They love to ridicule animal lovers as soft in the head. Luckily most of us can ridicule them back for being tools who foam at the mouth when anyone expresses a liberal viewpoint.

    Anyway, there but by the grace of a genetic quirk and an opposable thumb go I. But, when plenty of human beings fail to feel a modicum of empathy for their own species, the day when we can collectively care about another species is light years away.
    Mozzersgirl -- Monday August 02 2010, @11:24AM (#354853)
    (User #14229 Info)
    "There's more evil in the charts than in an al-Qaeda suggestion box" - Bill Bailey
    • Re:Very eloquent by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday August 02 2010, @03:08PM
    • Re: - Blog by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday August 11 2010, @02:01PM
  • hmm... (Score:1, Insightful)

    I'm not trying to troll here, but does it seem odd that Morrissey doesn't mind dead animals as long as their tanned hides run smooth on the passenger seats of charming cars? Should I not pamper the singer's complexities?

    Anonymous -- Monday August 02 2010, @12:11PM (#354856)
    • Re: Stella's Leather KISS Jacket . . . by Piccadily (Score:1) Monday August 02 2010, @12:15PM
      • Re: Addidas. by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday August 02 2010, @01:22PM
    • Re:hmm... by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday August 11 2010, @11:31AM
      • Re:hmm... (Score:2, Insightful)

        Sounds half-baked to me. I don't know if I could be classified as a hardcore militant, but leather = fur = bone as far as I can see. None being any more acceptable another.

        But in some hypothetical case where an animal died naturally and you were "reusing" its skin/fur/bone, then I see nothing wrong with that. For that matter, you could eat its meat with a clear conscience. But I wonder how many leather jackets were culled from cows that died naturally. Not a one, I'll bet.

        Those reasons you've been given sound like rationalizations from someone who's too weak-willed to live by their own supposed convictions. It's a lot easier to talk the talk than it is to walk the walk, it seems.
        This Charming Ben -- Wednesday August 11 2010, @07:33PM (#355122)
        (User #12174 Info |
        So bona to vada...
  • I wrote to the Queen last year in support of PETAs campaign. Some time later I got a reply saying there was no real alternatives although they were looking into it.
    Morrissey the 23rd <[email protected]> -- Monday August 02 2010, @12:23PM (#354858)
    (User #910 Info |
  • . . . as Morrissey's words are Heavenly indeed.

    A 'true pelt' is one which has the rare 'three' layers of fur type, a soft fluffy under coat growing through to the middle coarser layer onto a more sparsely spaced lengthier fur - this outer layer 'shaking off' rain and impurities etc. Cream coloured Pug dogs have a lovely example of such fur . . . they are quite ticklish when you pet them though!

    Symbolic of Morrissey's persona perhaps? A triple layer of ever deepening complexities . . .

    And he has done exceptionally well to have his letter printed - it is no easy task with The Times, even for Superheros!
    Piccadily -- Monday August 02 2010, @12:26PM (#354859)
    (User #22795 Info)
  • don't you just adore Morrissey?
    Anonymous -- Monday August 02 2010, @01:02PM (#354860)
  • Dear Morrissey,

    How dearly I would love to drink a cup of tea in Cheshire with you today - not only because I am a fan, but because in terms of animal abuse, you say what I think - and you are always right.

    With love, an anonymous but loyal fan.
    Anonymous -- Monday August 02 2010, @01:55PM (#354862)
  • Morrissey needs an editor.

    Check out this run-on-sentence on steroids.

    "Yes, animal rights move different people differently, and there are even those who think that animals simply have no right to be, but there is no sanity in making life difficult on purpose for the Canadian brown bear, especially for Guards hats that look absurd in the first place, and which can easily be replaced by faux versions (thanks to the visionary Stella McCartney) with no death involved."
    Anonymous -- Monday August 02 2010, @02:34PM (#354864)
  • Is this the big news us fans have been eagerly waiting for?! I was hoping for a new record personally...
    Anonymous -- Monday August 02 2010, @02:38PM (#354865)
    • Re:News by zodismycopilot (Score:1) Monday August 02 2010, @09:11PM
  • I never usually go to the newsagent to buy a morning newspaper but this morning - perhaps because I had a few minutes to spare for a change- I went to the newsagent and instead of picking up The (Manchester) Guardian as I tend to prefer I actually picked up The Times. There must have been vibrations coming off the paper that made me touch it. There was something on the front page I didn't like so I put it back and left without any newspaper at all. Tingle3
    Anonymous -- Monday August 02 2010, @02:46PM (#354866)
  • In 1839 China's Commissioner wrote a letter intended for the attention of Queen Victoria, which threatened to withdraw exports of the laxative rhubarb, amongst other products, if Britain refused to stop flooding their country with harmful opium! - [] , and []

    goinghome -- Monday August 02 2010, @03:06PM (#354869)
    (User #12673 Info)
  • Morrissey wrote the line, "I welcome Ann Widdecombe's views..."?
    Anonymous -- Monday August 02 2010, @03:13PM (#354871)
  • Am I the only one a bit surprised at Morrissey's implication that the Queen has a heart?

    Next thing you know, he'll be down on a scabby knee recieving the saintly sword tap.
    (And if he does, I hope she nicks his ear!)

    "Oh... That old song? Me and the boys was just having a laugh, your Majesty..."
    Georgissey <[email protected]> -- Monday August 02 2010, @03:19PM (#354872)
    (User #22903 Info)
  • "The brain speculates, but the heart knows, and there is no clever distinction in trapping and skinning bears for petty considerations based on vanity."

    I've been following this story for a while now, and I'm surprised that the bear fur issue is still in contention - haven't humans evolved enough to do away with such needlessly cruel practices? Isn't that just common sense?

    This is a pretty restrained letter for Morrissey: warm, heartfelt and very sensible.

    Anaesthesine -- Monday August 02 2010, @03:36PM (#354875)
    (User #14203 Info)
    If Moz did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
  • Beautifully written and I hope they change
      their minds and get faux fur hats.
      But somehow, I'm thinking it's unlikely.
    mauve21 -- Monday August 02 2010, @04:37PM (#354879)
    (User #13027 Info)
  • It's a fine letter that I hope many will read and think about. I love that he pointed out someone like Stella McCartney, who could definitely design something much better...And I loved this line the most:

    "The mere sight of each bearskin hat must surely jab at the Queen’s heart".

    It's a good jab at the Queen herself. Sarcasm at its (Moz) best!

    hand in glove -- Monday August 02 2010, @04:49PM (#354880)
    (User #827 Info)
    "Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together" - Marilyn Monroe
  • So what exactly does Morrissey think these guards do when they're not poncing around outside Buck House. This is the British Army, currently engaged in a massive bloodfest in Afghanistan. Is it alright if they where fake hats while they drop 200 pound bombs on defenceless villagers or fire high velocity machine guns into farmyards, how many men, women and children are they killing ? how many farm animals? who gives a shit so long as Stella and Morrissey can feel better. There's so much destruction all over the world and all you can do is this?
    andyk -- Monday August 02 2010, @05:15PM (#354883)
    (User #21303 Info)
  • A New Hampshire mom returned home to find a black bear had been rifling through her kitchen - helping itself to two pears and a bunch of grapes, before taking a drink from the family fishbowl.

    Mary Beth Parkinson said she believes the animal entered through an open side door Tuesday.

    It fled the Laconia house when it heard the garage door going up - but not before grabbing a stuffed bear on its way out.

    anonomuirgheasa -- Monday August 02 2010, @07:27PM (#354887)
    (User #17346 Info)
  • well said
    Anonymous -- Monday August 02 2010, @08:02PM (#354890)
  • ...and I cried. We're living in their land. Morrissey makes a great case
    Anonymous -- Monday August 02 2010, @08:49PM (#354892)
  • I hope Moz contacts the Taliban to request that they come out in support of the campaign and stop slaughtering animals in order to make their hats out of animal fur.

    Due to the cold temperatures in Afghanistan at night the fur does indeed keep the insurgents warm and is quite practical. BUt killing animals for hats is not good. So come on the Afghan Taliban take a lead....

    As a fashion statement its not Vivienne Westwood.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday August 03 2010, @01:00AM (#354905)
  • What a wonderful letter. What a wonderful man. Love the tone of sarcasm throughout. He is really saying that the Royals are a bunch of blood-thirsty freeloaders who are about as English as knockwurst. May the real England of poets like William Blake and Morrissey please stand up...
    Anonymous -- Tuesday August 03 2010, @01:05AM (#354906)
    • Re:Wonderful by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday August 05 2010, @01:10PM
  • Well done, Moz. (Score:1, Interesting)

    As John Lydon said - she ain't no human being!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday August 03 2010, @01:30AM (#354909)
  • Bloody awful prose (Score:1, Insightful)

    Anyone who thinks the quality of writing in this migraine-inducing letter is anything other than awful has a tin ear and a cloth brain. It's always been a feature of Morrissey that for all his lyrical genius he writes bloody awful prose. It doesn't diminish his songs and absolutely may be a consequence of attending a secondary modern in the 70s.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday August 03 2010, @02:59AM (#354911)
  • No. (Score:0, Insightful)

    Considering the manner in which this letter was written, and its catty tone (replete with failed witticisms), I would say that it was an utter waste of time.

    Morrissey's entire approach reminds people how silly the Animal Rights movement is.

    People take Teabaggers in America more seriously than they do Animal Rights activists.

    Something tells me this is all a surge toward promoting some upcoming work. He's merely getting his name out there, and for a pet cause.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday August 03 2010, @03:57AM (#354917)
    • Re:No. by Deniston (Score:1) Tuesday August 03 2010, @03:05PM
      • Re:No. by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday August 04 2010, @10:41AM
      • Re:No. by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday August 06 2010, @07:45PM
  • Some chuffing tinpot dictator saw fit to delete my post - presumably because it dared to be critical. Thank goodness for cut & paste. Here it is once more for the zealots:

    Anyone who thinks the quality of writing in this migraine-inducing letter is anything other than awful has a tin ear and a cloth brain. It's always been a feature of Morrissey that for all his lyrical genius he writes bloody awful prose. It doesn't diminish his songs and may in part be a consequence of attending a secondary modern in the 70s.
    rattlemybones -- Tuesday August 03 2010, @04:45AM (#354921)
    (User #21907 Info)
  • Well said Moz, surely in this day and age there is no excuse to wear any animal skin or fur whatsoever when we can make such good replicas that are just as warm? Just reading his letter has brightened my day, the world is soooo much better with a bit of Moz in it.

    Love the 'We hate IAMS' pic, I have it as my screensaver, never fails to make me smile.
    SALLY Y BROWN -- Tuesday August 03 2010, @07:54AM (#354931)
    (User #23532 Info)
  • David, while the ads on the front page are contextual, and it's not your fault, please be aware the ads currently showing on the homepage are for shops like and

    In your adsense account you can choose to block certain companies from showing up in your ads.

    Anonymous -- Tuesday August 03 2010, @09:10AM (#354941)
    • Re:Fur (Score:2, Informative)

      Thanks, those domains have been added to the block list.
      davidt <[email protected]> -- Tuesday August 03 2010, @09:25AM (#354943)
      (User #1 Info)
      • Re:Fur by Morrissey the 23rd (Score:1) Tuesday August 03 2010, @09:36AM
        • Re:Fur (Score:2, Interesting)

          Ha! DJ Paul McCloone just read out some of Morrissey's letter and ultimately agreed, saying it was daft that grown men should dress up like shaving brushes!! Then he played "All You Need Is Me".

          It's coincidental that Morrissey signs himself as Singer in the sense that one of the world's hottest philosophers on animals, often cited by PETA, is Peter Singer - []

          goinghome -- Tuesday August 03 2010, @11:56AM (#354954)
          (User #12673 Info)
        • Re:Fur by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday August 05 2010, @05:35PM
    • Re:Fur by Anonymous (Score:1) Tuesday August 03 2010, @09:44AM
  • "...but there is no sanity in making life difficult on purpose for the Canadian brown bear"

    To the grammar and style police above: It's not ab...Zzzzz zzzz
    king leer -- Tuesday August 03 2010, @09:05PM (#354970)
    (User #80 Info)
  • a nation turns its back and gags.

    Lorem Ipsum -- Wednesday August 04 2010, @12:27AM (#354971)
    (User #23307 Info)
  • How galling it must be to reside in the same county as Mr Marr and Mr Joyce.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday August 04 2010, @07:07AM (#354975)
  • Msg 4 Kate2828: (Score:0, Offtopic)

    Hello Kate2828,

    I hope you're well. I was thinking of you as I read this letter to The Times of London. It seems Morrissey still find grounds for hope and optimism despite all the evidence we see in the charnel grounds around us:

    'The world is speeding up, and in order to assist humankind to advance we all strive in many ways to be a better “we”.'

    Is Morrissey talking about some kind of Buddhist Pantheistic 'Singularity'?

    Maybe his real legacy will be this Sacred Site where his 'followers' and 'disciples' achieved mass consciousness and spun this space-time reality into a new consciousness wherein wearing a bear-hat is the utlimate to-bo fashion faux pas grossed to the max... 'medication failure', etc.

    Anyway, I just thought I'd drop a quick line, just to prove to you that 'they' haven't managed to find a way to prevent my posthumous ruminations percolating prematurely. "Karma Police....." I went to a 70s Grammar School. That's why I can write like a proper 50s snob like Kingsley Amis who wrote that horrid review of Y.O.R by stealing my password. Wont' happen again. Promise. Morrissey is Very Important in all possible permutations of reality.

    May you be well. May you be happy. May you Love to Love and be Loved. May Bears Be Happy. May Bears Be Well! May Bears Live: To Love and Be Loved. Please care for bears!

    In a parallel universe Morrissey is writhing through DArk NIGht oF tHE SOUl with Sparklehorse producing. All paradox transcended:

    'What are you doing when you're not touring or recording?
    Usually sitting in my house on top of a mountain. I got trapped in the house by a bear a few weeks ago. A big black bear and I couldn't go out for a few hours and that was a good day - getting trapped in the house by a bear.
    What you do when you get trapped by a bear?
    Just watched him until it got dark and I couldn't see him anymore. He was in my pickup truck, going through the trash. I had to let the dogs outside to go outside and pee and I had to take the gun out with me because the bear would have killed the dogs. One of my dogs is really old and deaf and can't hear anything.
    It's like some Steven King movie! Whereabouts is this then?
    The Smoky Mountains.
    I guess there's not a lot of chance for cross fertilisation with other musicians, tucked away like that.
    Oh, there's a lot of musicians down there. Mostly country and bluegrass musicians. I don't really have friends who are musicians. I have friends who hunt. Guys that come over the house and they're covered in deer blood.'

    BrummieBoy -- Wednesday August 04 2010, @02:15PM (#354985)
    (User #11602 Info)
    sig cancelled
  • []


    1 He says "we're gonna hire someone from cream for our next album (3 guitarists)" then hires jeff beck in an unprecedented move for the next record

    2 "What would it take for you to return to England?
    M: A change in government. The legal establishment to be drowned. The Cheshire greenbelt to go up in a puff of smoke, and a new series of "Brookside.""

    then there's a change in government and he's living in Cheshire.

    Hmm, it's obviously Morrissey. He's inimitable. Sadly, two of his finest interviews continue to be overlooked.

    Anonymous -- Thursday August 05 2010, @08:19AM (#354991)
  • Rediculous! (Score:1, Informative)

    Animals are on this planet to serve man. Whether on the dinner table or on his back - that's the primary reason they're here, PERIOD! No, I don't condone clubbing baby seals for pelts or killing bears for hats but, vegetarianism as compassion for animals is just silly. I eat a balance of vegetarian/animal protein (in moderation) as part of a healthy, fully rounded diet.
    Besides, I have absolutely NO doubt Morrissey has leather belts and shoes in his wardrobe. He once admitted it in the 80's. I know most will find me repugnant here but, where do you draw the line with your hero?
    Anonymous -- Thursday August 05 2010, @10:04PM (#355000)
    • Re:Rediculous! by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday August 06 2010, @12:35AM
      • Re:Rediculous! by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday August 06 2010, @02:53AM
        • Re:Rediculous! (Score:2, Insightful)

          This is just blatantly false.

          Humans are opportunistic omnivores. It's right there clear as day in our naturally evolved paleolithic diet. Paleolithic humans preferred land or marine animals, only getting protein from plant sources if animal sources were not plentiful.

          We are not evolved to eat grains. Grain foods are a product of tooling (grinding stones) which did not appear until the late paleolithic to early mesolithic. Serious health problems occur if grains account for much more than 50% of a persons daily caloric intake.

          Meat is vital in a natural human diet. We should have an omega-3/6 ratio as close to 1:1 as possible. You get such a ratio by eating meat, particularly by eating brains. B12 is another issue already pointed out... our bodies best utilize B12 through the breakdown of meat.

          Vegetarian propaganda is so easily dismantled it should be taken as a true indicator of just how these deficiencies affect the human mind.

          P.S. Why in every thread does someone always find a way to bring up the Bible?
          Foster -- Friday August 06 2010, @03:19PM (#355013)
          (User #14088 Info)
          • Re:Rediculous! by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday August 07 2010, @02:42AM
          • Re:Rediculous! by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday August 07 2010, @05:23AM
          • Re:Rediculous! by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday August 07 2010, @06:39AM
            • Re:Rediculous! by Foster (Score:1) Sunday August 08 2010, @12:35PM
              • Re:Rediculous! by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday August 09 2010, @10:07AM
              • Re:Rediculous! by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday August 09 2010, @11:58AM
              • Re:Rediculous! (Score:2, Interesting)

                "Silly nonesense?" Hmm...who did you say was stupid?

                Granted, there was some broad generalizations. It's true that some vegetarians are less likely to get those kinds of diseases, but what you forget is that everyone has a different idea of what "vegetarianism" is to them. I know some people who follow through with a strict diet, and others -- both teenagers and people in their 30s -- who more or less are on a junk-food type diet. The guidelines are pretty much universal, but who has the ability to follow through is the true question.

                I hate to break it to you, but there will always be a combination of high and low intelligent vegetarians -- just like there will always be high and low intelligent meat-eaters. I just find it so funny that you keep using this intelligence issue just as a deploy to insult people who don't follow through with your ideology. Let me guess, are you going to call me a fucktard next? What about douche, does that sound as good?

                However, I am curious as to one thing. You're so involved on this issue that I'm wondering if you have, or are thinking about, going vegan?
                Foster -- Monday August 09 2010, @12:59PM (#355075)
                (User #14088 Info)
              • Re:Rediculous! by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday August 10 2010, @04:18AM
              • Re:Rediculous! by Foster (Score:1) Tuesday August 10 2010, @10:18AM
              • Re:Rediculous! by Foster (Score:1) Tuesday August 10 2010, @11:06AM
              • Re:Rediculous! by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday August 12 2010, @09:04AM
  • Kabob (Score:1, Funny)

    To quote Ron White;

    " I didn't climb to the top of the fucking food chain to eat carrots."

    Pass me a baby seal kabob.
    Anonymous -- Friday August 06 2010, @02:59PM (#355012)
    • Re:Kabob by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday August 07 2010, @02:37AM
      • Re:Kabob by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday August 07 2010, @04:22PM
        • Re:Kabob by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday August 07 2010, @04:29PM
          • Re:Kabob by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday August 09 2010, @02:46AM
            • Re:Kabob by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday August 09 2010, @01:05PM
              • Re:Kabob by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday August 09 2010, @03:25PM
              • Re:Kabob by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday August 09 2010, @06:59PM
              • Re:Kabob by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday August 10 2010, @03:27AM
  • iene slightly left of cheshire
    Anonymous -- Friday August 06 2010, @05:45PM (#355015)
  • goinghome -- Sunday August 08 2010, @05:40AM (#355034)
    (User #12673 Info)
  • Morrissey didn't give a damn about terrorists mass-murdering all those civilians on 9/11 while he was living in the USA.

    And just how do they produce all these "faux" products, anyway? There is NO death involved at all? How exactly is all the "faux" stuff produced?

    Anyway, I think Morrissey sold his leather-seated luxury sports car very recently, and also very recently decided he shouldn't wear leather anymore. In short, he stopped being a hypocrite only after his music career essentually ended. A bit late, there, boy. And I wouldn't be having you preach at me in any case, and all accounts on you, dear boy, are that you're a faux person to even your so-called closest friends. Faux person in faux leather. Get off your high horse. And btw, Stella McCartney worked for Gucci, so she should get off her high horse too. Gucci sells vanity.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday August 10 2010, @06:39AM (#355094)
  • 1 reply beneath your current threshold.

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