It’s not about politics

It's an interesting game Jews play.
They will call you antisemitic if you criticize Israel but they will ALSO call you antisemitic if you conflate Israel with the Jewish people. Got that? Criticism of Israel is an attack on all Jews but you are also antisemitic if you suggest that Israel represents all Jewish people.
Smacks of wokeness.
It's an interesting game Jews play.
They will call you antisemitic if you criticize Israel but they will ALSO call you antisemitic if you conflate Israel with the Jewish people. Got that? Criticism of Israel is an attack on all Jews but you are also antisemitic if you suggest that Israel represents all Jewish people.
Double standards is their middle name. Hey white people, how dare you think tribally - that's racist and supremacist!
Verso calls me anti Semitic while having the temerity to call himself an anti Zionist.

To Jews anti Zionists are anti Semitic.
Almost every Jew I know is an anti-Zionist. You live online, your perspective on the discourse is two-dimensional and ignorant. I suspect you don’t know a single Jewish person.
@ForgotHowIGotMyName, I’ve noticed that a lot of other racist accounts get a ton of engagement with the content they post. Likes, replies, retweets and so on. It seems like those accounts don’t have this problem of followers that are “too afraid” to engage. How come that only seems to be an issue with the things you post?
Reel, here’s a question I love to ask you and one to which you’ve (of course) never given me a straight answer. What exactly do you do to preserve and perpetuate this rich white heritage you claim to defiantly celebrate in the face of the globalist shame campaigns?

You clearly haven’t (and perhaps have never had) a romantic partner and you’ve admitted that your life is completely sexless, so repopulating England with white children is an effort you won’t be joining in on. Is being a racist c*** on an underpopulated forum for a has-been singer the best you can do?

I mean, when it comes down to it, I’m actually doing a lot more for the white race than you are. What’s your excuse?

And what are you actually doing then? Apart from being a typical leftie.
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