Morrissey interview in El Mundo (Apr. 20, 2015)

An anonymous person posted the link:

Morrissey: 'La monarquía es una dictadura como ninguna otra' - El Mundo (Spanish)

Actualizado: 20/04/2015

UPDATE Apr. 23:
Juliusmonk provided a translation in the comments below.

(English translation by Google Translate)

Morrissey: 'The monarchy is a dictatorship like no other'

  • After his visit to Spain last fall, Morrissey returns to perform in Barcelona (April 29) and lead the SOS 4.8 festival poster of Murcia (May 1).
  • A new opportunity to see in action the former leader of The Smiths and let loose his views on politics, bulls, popular culture ... or himself.
  • "I'm happy when a bull injures a torero And if it kills, I think to myself. 'Well, finally justice'"
  • "Somebody is considered 'Real' is stupid and could only impress stupid people"

This may not have to wait six years as the previous occasion, to return to play in Spain. Would have liked to act here?
It has always been difficult to find places to play in Spain. There seems no auditoriums, theaters, operas or elegant for people like me. So I always end up acting in a field ... and I have absolutely no idea why. I think there is confusion in Spain about the nature of my music, while I, of course, only dream of opera.

In his last interview with THE WORLD confessed that he had scraped cancerous tissues . How are you now?
Well, since we are all skeletons.

How does the departure of his record after the publication last year, the album 'World peace is none of your business'?
No other seal publish it, which is terrible for us because we have a year of touring ahead to promote an album that no one can buy or download. It's all pretty disgusting. Thank you, 'Crapitol' [a pun between the US Capitol label, owned by Universal, and "crap", shit, English].

In his latest video, 'Kiss me alot' young girls appear in panties. Do you fear being attacked for it, as happened to Robin Thicke with that 'Blurred lines'?
I worry about people who find it annoying.

In his last concert in Madrid, after playing his song 'The bullfighter dies' [The bullfighter dies] said that bullfights are "the shame of Spain". Do not you think there are more serious problems?
No major problems in Spain if you happen to be a bull.

What do you feel when a matador dies?
There are murderers are murderers. When they are injured by the bull I feel very happy. And if it kills them, I think to myself, "Well, justice at last".

Do you believe that everyone can be a vegetarian, like you, when meat consumption is so rooted in the West?
When you say that is rooted in Western societies are admitting that you have been brainwashed. You'll feel better if you stop thinking about yourself and your stomach. Do not tolerate violence, and there is nothing more violent than what is known as the "meat industry": An end taunting cancer and cancer. And it is also the most horrible social injustice that happens on the planet now. You really do not need to eat pork cheek: it would be better to eat asbestos.

In 1986 singing "life is long when you're lonely," a verse from 'The Queen is dead'. Do you still think so?
It is the reality of my life. Obviously, I am a very melancholic person and I despair barbarism of the human race, who seems obsessed with his own suicide. Nuclear weapons are a form of this suicide and yet, all countries want.

Have you ever been sorry to speak or show too?
Well, it's too late to undo the road traveled. It is unlikely that by now change trains and suddenly I become a bus driver.

To live a life like Morrissey?
It's hard to move because many people grab your iPhone as soon as I appear ... And do not even ask if I care, whereas if I empezase taking pictures of strangers, I denounce. It is inconceivable for these people really prefer NOT fotografiasen you while you're sitting in a restaurant eating.

For some rock stars are the gods of contemporary pantheon. And for you? What do you think attitudes like Daft Punk, who would rather keep hidden behind their costumes robot?
I think that composers are the new poets, but also that very few could be considered as gods. I admire the ethics of Daft Punk to stay away from the crowd, because once you surrender to the rush of the popularity stop being respected. Being called "celebrity" is now very degrading and usually means that you have succeeded, but you're not very good.

Some people travel to Manchester for sightseeing in places of his youth. How does it feel to see that?
I'm not entirely sure what it is you're looking for people. My life in Manchester when I was young was so awful I can only imagine pilgrimages to these sites a bit like visiting a Victorian prison and take a look at the names scrawled on the walls of the cells.

How is the balance between his side and the misanthropic humanist?
Not much of equilibrium. I believe that the Earth could thrive without human ... and will be destroyed because of humans. Apparently the sun is about to explode, so chances are we have less time than you imagine ... it's not like a picnic, they say.

How does the attempt rejuvenation monarchies like the British or Spanish?
Do not know anyone in England who wants a monarchy or she likes that family. When Elizabeth Battenberg which know as the Queen dies, it's over. His family are just rabble 'white trash' of the 'jet-set' and nobody wants them. I do not know much about the Spanish situation, apart from the detestable hunt elephants Juan Carlos, but I find it amazing that no human can consider himself "Real". It's stupid and could only impress people stupid. Moreover, if a democratic society has a built auto-"real family" then not be considered democratic because citizens have not been consulted. In England, 55% do not want the monarchy, while 45% did. Normally, the vote of the majority usually wins, but Elizabeth Battenberg clings to the throne, taking £ 200 million each year from the British. It is a dictatorship like no other.

What do you think of Madonna criticism to the new way of consuming music?
I think Madonna is right. For example, BBC Radio One does not prick her music because she's too old. But the music is good or bad, and the age of the interpreter is irrelevant. With this gesture, Radio One tries to look is on the wave and the last, but all it does is show ridiculous, because it is saying that music will only youngsters, regardless of whether it is good or not. Who does that help? Moreover, evidence that the main motivation of Radio One are the creations of marketing and that damage to the music is already evident.

What about the emergence of new parties and changing the political landscape in Europe?
Never in my life I voted and I doubt I ever will. In England politicians are the kind of people you never want to know. Never listen to people and most political leaders have never had a real job in the real world. So, how will they know anything? When Margaret Thatcher died, David Cameron announced on television that "all England was in mourning" for it, which was a fascinating comment, because it could not locate a single person who felt no sadness at the death of Thatcher, who was the leader most despised politician throughout British history. But Cameron's comment pointed out what everyone should know: politicians and people live in completely separate worlds, and business policy will ensure that this will never change, because they do not care the slightest approach people.
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I wonder if Moz listens to Coast to Coast AM. They often talk about solar flares.

IF the sun is really going to explode in our faces, it's good to know that Morrissey has enough money to buy a space shuttle that will take him out of the solar system before everyone gets barbecued and peeps start eating one another (like we did in prehistoric times)(yep we did. People ate their grandmas then.)

And then he will clone himself x 4560000 and repopulate another planet.

While we wait for These Final Hours ... happy Earth Day! ;)
Attempt at a better translation, please excuse any mistakes

This time there will not be a 6-year wait, like on the previous occasion, for you to play in Spain again. Did you like it here?

It has always been difficult finding places to play in Spain. It would seem there are no auditoriums, opera houses or elegant theatres for people like me. So I always end up playing in a field… and I have absolutely no idea why. I think there is a confusion in Spain about the nature of my music, while I, of course, only dream of opera houses.

In your last interview with El Mundo, you confessed cancerous tissue had been scraped from your body – how are you feeling now?

Well, we all are skeletons already.

How are you taking leaving your label after the publication last year of WPINOYB?

No other label will release it, which is terrible for us, because we have one year of touring ahead to promote a record that no one can buy or download. It is all pretty disgusting. Thank you, ‘Crapitol’.

In your last video clip, Kiss me a Lot, young women in their underwear are shown. Do you fear being attacked for that, like happened to Robin Thicke with ‘Blurred lines’?

I’d be worried about the people that find it disturbing.

In your last concert in Madrid, after playing The bullfighter dies, you said that corridas were the shame of Spain. Don’t you think that there are more serious problems?

There are no more important problems if you happen to be a bull.

How do you feel when a matador dies?

They are not matadors, they are murderers. When they are hurt by the bull I feel good. And if it kills them, I think ‘Well, justice finally’.

Do you think that everyone can be vegetarian, like you, when meat consumption is so rooted in the Western world?

When you say it is rooted in Western societies you are admitting that you’ve been brainwashed. You’ll feel better if you stop thinking about yourself and your stomach. Violence cannot be tolerated, and there is nothing more violent than what is known as ‘meat industry’. It is a cancer and will end up getting you cancer. And it is also the most horrible social injustice on the planet nowadays. You really don’t need to eat bacon: you might as well eat asbestos.

In 1986 you sang “life is very long when you’re lonely”, a line from The Queen is Dead. Do you still think that?

It’s the reality of my life. Obviously, I am a very melancholic person, and the barbarism of human race despairs me, humans seemingly obsessed with their own suicide. Nuclear weapons are a form of this suicide, yet every country wants them.

Have you ever regretted to talk or show yourself too much?

Well, it is too late to undo now. It is unlikely that at this stage I change and become a bus driver all of a sudden.

How is it living Morrissey’s life?

It is difficult to walk around because there are a lot of people grabbing their iphone the moment I show up. And they don’t even ask if I care, while if I was the one taking pictures of strangers, they’d sue me. It is inconceivable for this people that you actually would rather not be photographed while you’re sitting in a restaurant having lunch.

For some, rock stars are the gods of the modern pantheon. And for you? What do you think of attitudes like Daft Punk’s, who prefer to stay anonymous hidden in their robot suits?

I think that composers are the new poets, but also that very few of them could be considered gods. I admire the ethics of Daft Punk to stay away from the crowd, because once you give in to popularity, people stop respecting you. That they call you a ‘celebrity’ is now very degrading, and generally means that you’ve been successful, but also that you are not very good.

There are people travelling to Manchester as tourists to see the places of your youth. How do you feel about it?

I am not quite sure what they’re looking for. My life in Manchester when I was young was so horrible that I can only imagine pilgrimage to those places a little like visiting a Victorian prison and having a look at the names scribbled in the cells’ walls.

How is the balance between your misanthrope and humanist sides?

There is not a lot of balance. I think Earth could progress without humans… and that it will be destroyed by them. Apparently the sun is about to explode, so probably we will have less time than we think… Which is not like a picnic in any case.

What do you think about the attempts of the Spanish and British monarchies to rejuvenate?

I don’t know anyone in the UK that wants a monarchy or likes that family. When Elizabeth Battenberg – who you know as the Queen- dies, it will be all over. Her family are just scum, white trash of the jet set and no one wants them. I don’t know much of the Spanish situation, aside from the repulsive elephant hunting of Juan Carlos, but it is unbelievable for me that anyone can consider himself ‘royal’. It is stupid, and could only impress stupid people. On the other hand, if a democratic society has a self-elected “royal family”, then it cannot be really considered democratic, because the population has not been consulted. In England, 55% of people do not want a monarchy, and 45% support it. Typically, the majority’s vote should prevail, but Elizabeth Battenberg holds on tight to her throne, taking 200 million pounds every year off the British. It is a dictatorship like no other. (NT. I suspect the original answer may be “like any other”).

What do you think about Madonna’s criticisms about the new ways of music consumption?

I think she’s right. For example, BBC Radio One doesn’t play her music because she’s too old. But music is either good or bad, and the age of the artist is irrelevant. Doing this, Radio One tries to look hip and current, but they only look ridiculous, because they’re saying that they will only play music by youngsters, whether good or bad. And who does that help? It also shows that Radio One’s main motivation is marketing creations and that the damage inflicted to music is already evident.

What do you think about the rise of new political parties and the change of political scenario in Europe?

I have never voted in my life and I doubt I ever will. In the UK, politicians are the kind of people you would never like to meet. They never listen to people and most political leaders have never had a real job in the real world. So how can they know anything? When M. Thatcher died, D. Cameron announced on TV that ‘the UK was mourning her’, which was a fascinating comment because I could not identify a single person that felt any sadness for her death, she who was the most despised political leader of all of Britain’s history. But Cameron’s comment signaled what we all should know: politicians and people live in separate worlds, and politics business will make sure that this never changes, because they have no interest whatsoever in getting close to people.
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PS. Feel free to correct grammar as needed. It is a bit awkward to translate back to the original language, so a lot of nuances must have been lost. But it will give you a better impression of what he might have said I hope.
IF the sun is really going to explode in our faces, it's good to know that Morrissey has enough money to buy a space shuttle that will take him out of the solar system before everyone gets barbecued and peeps start eating one another (like we did in prehistoric times)(yep we did. People ate their grandmas then.)

And then he will clone himself x 4560000 and repopulate another planet.

While we wait for These Final Hours ... happy Earth Day! ;)

so moz will be dating himself in the future.
Attempt at a better translation, please excuse any mistakes

This time there will not be a 6-year wait, like on the previous occasion, for you to play in Spain again. Did you like it here?

It has always been difficult finding places to play in Spain. It would seem there are no auditoriums, opera houses or elegant theatres for people like me. So I always end up playing in a field… and I have absolutely no idea why. I think there is a confusion in Spain about the nature of my music, while I, of course, only dream of opera houses.

In your last interview with El Mundo, you confessed cancerous tissue had been scraped from your body – how are you feeling now?

Well, we all are skeletons already.

How are you taking leaving your label after the publication last year of WPINOYB?

No other label will release it, which is terrible for us, because we have one year of touring ahead to promote a record that no one can buy or download. It is all pretty disgusting. Thank you, ‘Crapitol’.

In your last video clip, Kiss me a Lot, young women in their underwear are shown. Do you fear being attacked for that, like happened to Robin Thicke with ‘Blurred lines’?

I’d be worried about the people that find it disturbing.

In your last concert in Madrid, after playing The bullfighter dies, you said that corridas were the shame of Spain. Don’t you think that there are more serious problems?

There are no more important problems if you happen to be a bull.

How do you feel when a matador dies?

They are not matadors, they are murderers. When they are hurt by the bull I feel good. And if it kills them, I think ‘Well, justice finally’.

Do you think that everyone can be vegetarian, like you, when meat consumption is so rooted in the Western world?

When you say it is rooted in Western societies you are admitting that you’ve been brainwashed. You’ll feel better if you stop thinking about yourself and your stomach. Violence cannot be tolerated, and there is nothing more violent than what is known as ‘meat industry’. It is a cancer and will end up getting you cancer. And it is also the most horrible social injustice on the planet nowadays. You really don’t need to eat bacon: you might as well eat asbestos.

In 1986 you sang “life is very long when you’re lonely”, a line from The Queen is Dead. Do you still think that?

It’s the reality of my life. Obviously, I am a very melancholic person, and the barbarism of human race despairs me, humans seemingly obsessed with their own suicide. Nuclear weapons are a form of this suicide, yet every country wants them.

Have you ever regretted to talk or show yourself too much?

Well, it is too late to undo now. It is unlikely that at this stage I change and become a bus driver all of a sudden.

How is it living Morrissey’s life?

It is difficult to walk around because there are a lot of people grabbing their iphone the moment I show up. And they don’t even ask if I care, while if I was the one taking pictures of strangers, they’d sue me. It is inconceivable for this people that you actually would rather not be photographed while you’re sitting in a restaurant having lunch.

For some, rock stars are the gods of the modern pantheon. And for you? What do you think of attitudes like Daft Punk’s, who prefer to stay anonymous hidden in their robot suits?

I think that composers are the new poets, but also that very few of them could be considered gods. I admire the ethics of Daft Punk to stay away from the crowd, because once you give in to popularity, people stop respecting you. That they call you a ‘celebrity’ is now very degrading, and generally means that you’ve been successful, but also that you are not very good.

There are people travelling to Manchester as tourists to see the places of your youth. How do you feel about it?

I am not quite sure what they’re looking for. My life in Manchester when I was young was so horrible that I can only imagine pilgrimage to those places a little like visiting a Victorian prison and having a look at the names scribbled in the cells’ walls.

How is the balance between your misanthrope and humanist sides?

There is not a lot of balance. I think Earth could progress without humans… and that it will be destroyed by them. Apparently the sun is about to explode, so probably we will have less time than we think… Which is not like a picnic in any case.

What do you think about the attempts of the Spanish and British monarchies to rejuvenate?

I don’t know anyone in the UK that wants a monarchy or likes that family. When Elizabeth Battenberg – who you know as the Queen- dies, it will be all over. Her family are just scum, white trash of the jet set and no one wants them. I don’t know much of the Spanish situation, aside from the repulsive elephant hunting of Juan Carlos, but it is unbelievable for me that anyone can consider himself ‘royal’. It is stupid, and could only impress stupid people. On the other hand, if a democratic society has a self-elected “royal family”, then it cannot be really considered democratic, because the population has not been consulted. In England, 55% of people do not want a monarchy, and 45% support it. Typically, the majority’s vote should prevail, but Elizabeth Battenberg holds on tight to her throne, taking 200 million pounds every year off the British. It is a dictatorship like no other. (NT. I suspect the original answer may be “like any other”).

What do you think about Madonna’s criticisms about the new ways of music consumption?

I think she’s right. For example, BBC Radio One doesn’t play her music because she’s too old. But music is either good or bad, and the age of the artist is irrelevant. Doing this, Radio One tries to look hip and current, but they only look ridiculous, because they’re saying that they will only play music by youngsters, whether good or bad. And who does that help? It also shows that Radio One’s main motivation is marketing creations and that the damage inflicted to music is already evident.

What do you think about the rise of new political parties and the change of political scenario in Europe?

I have never voted in my life and I doubt I ever will. In the UK, politicians are the kind of people you would never like to meet. They never listen to people and most political leaders have never had a real job in the real world. So how can they know anything? When M. Thatcher died, D. Cameron announced on TV that ‘the UK was mourning her’, which was a fascinating comment because I could not identify a single person that felt any sadness for her death, she who was the most despised political leader of all of Britain’s history. But Cameron’s comment signaled what we all should know: politicians and people live in separate worlds, and politics business will make sure that this never changes, because they have no interest whatsoever in getting close to people.

thank you for the translation. i appreciate it

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