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Boston, MA (Feb. 20, 2000)

Boston, Night 2: Night of the Living Dead

Posted By: ann marie mcveigh
Date: Tuesday, Feb. 22 2000, at 8:21 p.m.

Someone once said that your impression of a Morrissey show depends greatly upon where you are standing. Well, I must've picked a very bad spot. This is just my opinion, based on my location at the show:

I decided to stand near the bar. Mistake number one. All night I was pushed by people trying to get drinks, and employees trying to bring more alcohol to the bars. Then I was behind this chick with big '80s hair that almost entirely blocked my view of the stage. Really, dear, the poodle perm went out of fashion in 1986. Then after about 5 songs, these two guys behind me said "this sucks! He's just fat and old! And all he's playing is Smiths' songs! Let's go!" And they left. How sad for them. Anyway.

The lights went off and the James Bond music started playing. The crowd went silent. I mean, if James Bond wasn't blasting away, I would've expected to hear crickets chirping. I saw a few people in the front waving their arms/flower bouquets, but when I tried to scream, I just got dirty looks by those around me. So I fell in with the silent ones. It was definitely the quietest crowd I have yet heard at any of the Moz shows I've been to since October. But Morrissey walked out in the Elvis comeback suit and said "welcome to night two of our PVC extravaganza!" And it was "Swallow" again. The boys were all wearing "English Martyrs" t-shirts. I just love it when they match.

After "Hairdresser" Moz had to change outfits. He came back out and said "I had to put some money in the meter. I'm good for another 20 minutes". Later on he said "shouldn't you be in church? Shouldn't I be in church? You are in church! [which was met with a lot of cheering] You are all sinners!"

Before Meat is Murder, he said something like "there are some of us who contribute to the tyranny and some of us who don't". My reaction to that comment got me more dirty looks. Before "Half a Person" he said "I can't forget the old days. But more importantly, I won't let YOU forget!"

I felt that Morrissey and the band sounded really good both nights at the Avalon. The crowd didn't seem to me to be as enthusiastic on Sunday, but like I said, it might have been just where I was standing. Only a couple of people made it on stage Sunday night. One of them being that Gibby guy who has awesome tattoos. Yay!

For the encore,it was the Sailor suit and "Shoplifters", which got a pretty good reaction. A lot of people tried to get on stage at the end, but they didn't make it. And then he was gone, I was heading back to Moz Angeles.

See you on March 3rd!

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