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on Saturday July 14 2007, @07:00PM
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Boca Raton, FL - Mizner Park Amphitheater (July 14, 2007) post-show
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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
omg (Score:0)
Boca Raton! (Score:0)
Mrs. Woolfe wasn't there as a fan, but... (Score:0)
Mrs. Skankley... (Score:0)
Just Got Back (Score:2, Informative)
(User #6356 Info)
douches of south florida,unite and take over! (Score:0)
They only cared about was drinking cheap alcohol all night and chain smoking,i saw a group of people passing around a damn joint during Let Me Kiss You.
I spent most of the time on my tip toes trying to look over the assholes standing on chairs and throwing their beer around.
Besides the crappy people,Moz was wonderful as always.
To the well behaved individuals,thank you!
Moz is a prince (Score:1)
(User #18036 Info)
critics with nothing (Score:0)
Great show (Score:0)
Morrissey has come down with a case of vaginitis.. (Score:0)
Morrissey (Score:0)
Boca Raton (Score:0)
Jesse Tobias (Score:0)
Some pictures (Score:1)
(User #12673 Info)
Pictures (Score:0)
(take out thta space before the ? mark)
Pictures correction (Score:0)
Kristeen Young (Score:0)
I read this horrific article about her today in which she says "I think we have been doing quite well. People tend to concentrate on the negative, and the (negative) comments get blown up much bigger, a lot more than the positive. I also believe
Er, give us a break.
The Great Moz in Boca Raton? (Score:1)
Anyhow, I had mixed feelings about Mizner Park as the venue. Although it’s just a ten-minute drive from my house, Mizner Park is the epitome of Boca Raton’s ultra-snobbish jet set. Not to mention the fact that it is an outdoor venue in the Middle of JULY! Compromised sound and miserable heat! I really don’t know what Moz’s tour manager was thinking here. Seriously, the guy must not have taken the South Floridian humidity factor into account.
Morrissey, himself, apparently did not take the SoFla heat that seriously either. He came out on stage donning a spiffy suit and tie. After a brief cordial hello, Moz and his boys ripped out “The Queen Is Dead” Since I peak on this site from time to time for set lists, I was anxiously expecting to hear the legendary Smiths song played live! It met, and exceeded all my expectations. Although he’s no Johnny Marr, Boz Boorer’s lead guitar is not that shabby! And, I don’t know the name of Moz’s touring drummer, but he played that pulsating drum intro relatively well, although they could have been just a tad bit more aggressive. The pounding drum intro of TQID really makes or breaks the song. Moz then smarten up on “LOTFIP” and tossed his jacket and tie aside. On “LOTFIP” I was impressed by Moz’s ability to hit those falsettos, after all these years.
I also noticed how similar the stage set up was from You Are The Quarry tour, apparently Moz likes his gong. I only noticed the gong two songs into the set because, even though I was sitting in the 4th row, some drunken fatty was standing up on her chair completely obstructing my view. For whatever reason the entire row in front of me consisted of people who would have fit right in an a Journey concert, with their beers swinging and cell phones up and open (instead of the lighter cliché). However distracting they were, Moz’s on stage bravado kept me focused. Somewhere between “In the Future when all’s well” and “Disappointed” Moz finally comment on the extreme heat, saying something along the lines of – him being from grimey Manchester and not being use to the heat. He was wearing this black shirt that was completely drenched, front and back, probably dripping sweat.
Although I wish “The National Front Disco” would have rocked a but harder it was a great add in the set. I’m glad the Moz has inserted more from Your Arsenal, my personal favorite from the Moz solo catalog. Then he sang one of the best tunes from YATQ -“Let Me Kis You” which was stellar. That was followed by “Girlfriend in a Coma” which was an unexpected treat for me.
Then there was “Every Day is like Sunday” which felt rather tired. He should remove that from the set list, it just sounds old and played out. “The Boy with a Thorn…” was also somewhat lackluster, something was just lacking in the guitar riffs for me.
“Please Please….” showed that Moz can still put in the extra melodramatic kick here and there. It was very nicely transitioned into “Irish Blood”. I was unexpectedly surprised with “Life Is A Pigsty”. On the album, it is one of those tracks that I skipped right by, but Moz’s over emphasis and candor just won that song over for me tonight. “How Soon Is Now” another played out number from his repertoire, sounded fresh and edgy on this evening. And the encore “You’re gonna Need Someone….” although not as edgy as I would have liked but still spectacularly sung by the Moz.
The one missing ingredient in this show, the stage invaders? I’ve been going to Moz shows for 10 years and cannot remember a stage invader free night? The security really needed to mellow out.
(User #19623 Info)
Incredible & Priceless (Score:0)
He did an excellent set of songs despite the humidity which would fatigue anyone. Which concert could you possibly go to that sells only vegetarian food? Maybe the only negative is that he didn't comment as much as I'd heard before, but still was funny. I am curious what note someone gave him from the audience mid-concert, because he really took the time to read it from end to end.
As far as I'm concerned he will never age and his music only continues to get better and better with each new release!
Morrissey was amazing last night! (Score:1)
(User #19632 Info)
While He Was There in Boca Raton... (Score:1)
(User #18769 Info)
Great Show (Score:0)
Moz Comments/Quotes??? (Score:0)
I don't care about comments about the crowd and who did what in the seats.
Tell me how he performed and what he said if you are going to bother to review a show you were at.
That's what I try to do when I'm lucky enough to get to one and post on here.
"The Boss" (Score:1)
I have all Morrissey's one liners on video (thanks to my wonderful wife) and i shall post the youtube links soon! He was in a chatty mood, much was said.
i think he opened the show saying, "You know,i should be teaching logic at Yale"
i got a backstage pass thanks to my BFF BEE did an amazing job looking like a cute small school girl which got the attention from apparently someone connected to bass playing for Peter Bjorn, which was also friends with Morrissey's band...he was super nice and gave her a backstage pass (more like a round tuff sticker with Morrissey's face on it. It said after party on it and a typed date on the bottom) and so we took turns backstage...morrissey was long gone by the time i got there but the entire band was really down to earth, and Boz was just really nice...amazing show, amazing night...
will post pic and vids soon!
It seems Morrissey's Dressing room sign said, "El Jefe". Which means "The Boss" in spanish. Thought you would like to know that.
(User #19641 Info)
Mike Joyce aka Mike Gross is disgusting (Score:0)
Signing off for now
Morrissey's shopping mall concert! (Score:0)
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the cool beginning, when the lights went down with the voice(Moz's?)-over on the sound system reciting a list of adjectives which I assume were read from press stories and reviews of Morrissey. Nice way to begin the gig. Can't decide if I liked the 2004 Miami Beach show or this one better...
Another GREAT show! (Score:1)
We arrived for soundcheck and all of the band except Moz was playing so I got to do the ultimate Karaoke by singing the vocals to "International Playboys" and a few others as nobody in the band was singing at all... It was open air so just outside the venue we could hear them perfectly!
The show was great. We had front row reserved swats but all that was blown to hell as the crowd rushed up and your assigned seats meant nothing as a "pit" was instantly created once Kristeen Young ended. I have to say she has won me over. Her songs have grown on me now and she is very sweet in person. We got to meet her after her set in Clearwater and she is the best!
Andrea got on the rail and I was right behind her for this show.
Moz was drenched within minutes in hot open-air venue so halfway through TQID it looked as though he had just taken a shower in his clothes. Andrea's friend Mathew caught the full shirt he threw into the crowd. There was a 5-foot barrier for this show so only a handful of people could reach to get a handshake from Moz. AWESOME SHOW!
Cheers from the library in Florida- back in Moz Angeles Wednesday!
100's of iix when I get back!!
Viva Moz,
(User #454 Info | http://jaytando.tripod.com/meeting-morrissey/)
Palm Beach Post reports (Score:1)
Although it's not part of my official Top 10 of the things I'm most looking forward to about Saturday's Morrissey show at Mizner Park Amphitheater, the thing foremost in my mind is whether our man Moz is still under the weather. After all, he's canceled several shows in the past few weeks because of a horrible throat problem that called for rest from his luxuriously melodramatic vocals. But his people have assured me that he'll be front and center in all of his beautifully self-referential glory.
So assuming that the former Smiths singer is all rested up and ready for us, here are the 10 things I most want to see:
1. What he's wearing: I saw Morrissey two years ago at Miami Beach's Jackie Gleason Theater, and he looked like Bryan Ferry's melancholy cousin, his dapper suit eventually drenched in sweat and his tie unloosened like a lounge singer. Dee-lish.
2. You Have Killed Me: Imagine a bombastic, exciting classic James Bond theme song. Now imagine throwing a blithely accusatory tale of hurt into the mix. Now you get the gist of this single from his latest, Ringleader of the Tormentors.
3. Odd fan behavior: At the Jackie Gleason show, folks kept flinging themselves at Moz as he crooned, like crazed Beatles fans, only to be plucked off of him and away to wherever they take stage crashers. And yet they kept on flinging.
4. The set: Last time, there was a huge lightbulb sign that spelled out "Morrissey." If you've got the chutzpah to put your own name in lights, you know you bring it.
5. A happy Morrissey? According to a fan on MorrisseyTour.com, at his Columbus, Ohio, show in May, the man has become relatively upbeat -- "Is it my imagination, or has Morrissey started taking anti-depressants? He was jovial and smiled throughout the concert." Hmmm.
6. Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want: This showed up on a recent playlist from the Hollywood Bowl, posted on the Web. This is my favorite Smiths song. Please, please, please let him, let him, sing the song that I want this time.
7. Last of the Famous International Playboys: Another song off that Hollywood Bowl playlist, it's about two depressing real people -- British gangsters and twins Ronnie and Reggie Kray. I'm not sure why. But it's awfully good.
8. How Soon Is Now: I am so psyched for this show, with all the Smiths songs! I love some solo Moz, but I'm wanting to reclaim this thing from the Charmed fans. See, I've already waited too long ...
9. Irish Blood, English Heart: I like this song because its angst is channeled into an open-eyed, angry pride that embraces both parts of his heritage.
10. There Is a Light That Never Goes Out: I do not actually want to have my great love realized by dying by their side in a double-decker bus accident. But I do love this song.
- - - - -
Leslie Gray Streeter, "Upbeat Morrissey Sparks Love Fest Of New Hits, Gems," Palm Beach Post, July 15, 2007, Sec. C, Pg. 7. Online [palmbeachpost.com]
"For someone who was born in smelly old Manchester, this old climate is ... hot," Morrissey politely explained, sweat already beginning to soak his elegantly graying temples after the third song of his set at Mizner Park Amphitheater Saturday night.
"If I drop down dead, continue on without me. I know you will."
Moz, as he's known to the faithful followers of his solo career and his previous association with The Smiths, must have known that was unlikely.
In fact, the metal crash bar and roped-off stage entrances hinted at what most fans already knew: Morrissey fans are so unwilling to go on without him that they usuall
(User #15505 Info | http://www.adamshoop.org/)
Mike Gross is disgusting (Score:0)
Then, then there are beautiful lovely plants -- like the ones grown outside that are here for good, true, lovely purposes - that are here for the right reasons - Deep, good, and true purposes.
FYI - Mike Gross and your spawns - many words have different meanings - here.
And so on …..
I love you Morrissey and God Bless You.