posted by davidt on Thursday January 03 2002, @02:00AM
jeremy writes:

Ian Brady, who, with Myra Hindley, committed the Moors Murders in 1960s Manchester, is due to release "The Gates of Janus." The book, according to a current article on ("A serial killer analyzes serial killing" by Stephen Lemons, Jan. 2, 2002) appears to be Brady's "Mein Kamf" in a fashion: a pastiche of pathology, psychology, philosophy, and autobiography, all in the service of justifying his crimes.

The Moors Murders are the subject of The Smiths' "Suffer Little Children," which is cited on the third page of the article.

The article is also interesting for almost, in its own way, paying guarded homage to the intellectual and literary cachet of Brady and Hindley's crimes. It's a good window into what may have fascinated young Morrissey, as well as many others.
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  • this is fuckin sick both of them should have been hanged
    Anonymous -- Sunday January 06 2002, @04:32AM (#22854)
    • Re:sick by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday January 06 2002, @01:23PM

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