posted by davidt on Thursday January 03 2002, @02:00AM
Natasha writes: I was watching e4 today (e4 is a British cable channel) and I saw an advert for the programme "Passengers", which started off with the words "did you know that Morrissey has a lot of fans in Mexico?" (or something to that effect). to try and find out more, I visited the "Passengers" page on e4's website and this is what I found out about the show:

"with a mix of gritty journalism and an investigative, cutting edge approach, Passengers delves into youth culture around the world."

and indeed there was a little list of things included in the show, one of the items being "Latino Morrissey devotees".

unfortunately it doesn't say anything else. so, I'm not sure if this item has already been included in a previous episode of "Passengers", or if it will be shown in an upcoming episode, or if "Passengers" is a new show, or a one-off show (I have never heard of it before).in any case, this week, "Passengers" will be shown on e4 on Thursday at 11.10pm.

An anonymous person also writes: Just to let you know, I saw a trailer for a new programme on E4 (satellite channel in the UK) called Passengers. It is on Thursday at 11.10 pm. The first item on the trailer featured a clip on Morrissey and "why so many of his fans are Mexican". Sounds like a similar article to LA Pool Party, but may be interesting to check out.