posted by davidt on Monday January 07 2002, @09:00AM
Przemek Wojcieszek writes:

Maybe you'll be interested. I wrote and directed a full length feature film titled LOUDER THAN BOMBS. The main character is a Smiths devotee and we quote Smiths iconography (among other things: album covers) several times. The movie (my debut) is a low budget production. Some time ago it was accepted to the forthcoming edition of the Slamdance Film Festival.

The movie's from Poland so I don't know if it will gain a distribution deal in the US, anyway, it's the film's first festival, so it should fall into the worldwide film festival circuit.

If you're interested in any details - visit (forgive its not too good English, but it's not my first language) or "Louder Than Bombs" info at the Slamdance Festival site.

For any other info, feel free to e-mail me. I've got a flight to Salt Lake City on Jan 10th. Until that day, I'm home in Poland.

Przemek Wojcieszek
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  • I like it for these reasons.

    The images on the website are puretty
    Just like Pope John Paul II, you are Polish
    It does not star Alec Baldwin

    and the number one reason

    you had me at "Smiths"

    Tadeusz Kosciuszko

    Smiths <reversethis-{moc ... a} {2eporhtdniw}> -- Monday January 07 2002, @10:32AM (#22871)
    (User #215 Info)
  • Though I cannot help you about the american distributuion, check the site
    then click
    in english...
    Fantasporto 2002
    choose then
    where you'll find the regulations for submitting the film for 2003 (as in 2002 the festival is about to begin, so to speak, the film could only participate in 2003). There's an entry form too that will help you in case you are interested.
    Fantasporto is about unusual productions, has some importance at european level and so on, last year the Mellior D'ors etc were given here. Well, at the history section you'll find more about the festival itself, if the film could suit the festival and vice-versa.
    Havfine -- Monday January 07 2002, @11:26AM (#22873)
    (User #284 Info)
    "Have you forgotten how to love yourself?" Red House Painters
    • Re:Fantasporto by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday January 07 2002, @04:47PM
      • Paul is dead (Score:2, Interesting)

        Last year there were not too many good movies being shown at Fantas, except Quills and The Shadow of Vampire (but the tickets for those were sold out) so after seeing Hotel Splendid I went to see a somewhat underated, in terms of the festival, German production about the theory of conspiracy that said, a long ago, that Paul was dead. It was spoken in German even. Here (in Europe) we are used to films spoken in 3 or 4 languages even (as the excellent Par Delás les nuages by Win Winders/Antonioni), what happens is that it should be spoken in French or Italian because most of the actors can speak those languages but when Malkovich appears he just has to speak in English! The Portuguese productions are normally spoken in French/English (again, in English when Malkovich is in) and it's becoming classical that in european movies things go like that. Perhaps instead of adopting just one coin we should have adopted just one language, to help the film producers.
        But I see your point, yes, just that as far as I understood the film has a story which takes place in Poland, and this story is based on a Morrissey sensitiveness so to speak. I dunno, perhaps you have in mind another film that is yet to be made, no? :)
        Havfine -- Tuesday January 08 2002, @04:08AM (#22899)
        (User #284 Info)
        "Have you forgotten how to love yourself?" Red House Painters
  • Excellent Design!!... great photos.
    elmorrissey -- Monday January 07 2002, @06:26PM (#22891)
    (User #4096 Info |
  • My luggage is ready, my cat is well, as ready as can be. Utah???????? That's ummm many, many miles east of this place, hmm well I see you there.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday January 09 2002, @09:20AM (#22921)
  • More. more, more...

    Please do not abort this mission.

    Anonymous -- Friday January 11 2002, @12:21AM (#22966)
  • It's a "comedy about love, loss, and barbecue" says the Slamdance site. Don't tell Morrissey that there's BARBECUE in it!
    Asleep -- Saturday January 12 2002, @04:44AM (#22984)
    (User #2464 Info)
    "Figures won't lie, but liars will figure."
  • This film was mentioned this morning in swedens biggest morning paper DN today.

    It says that the film is inspired by The Smiths and that it will be showed on slamdance etc...

    I though you would just like to know :)

    I hope this means that the film will be showed in "Stockholm film festival" this year!!
    Anonymous -- Monday January 14 2002, @09:22AM (#23030)

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