posted by davidt on Tuesday January 15 2002, @10:00AM
Sweetness writes:

I just read about Darlington and their album title Louder than Morrissey, unfortunately I don't know much more about this band. They'll play on the 28th February in Cologne, underground. In this review they're described as "pop punk rock" well, as the title of their new album says, they are supposed to play really LOUD! ;)
Additional link: Darlington interview at supersonicmag - Morrissey mentioned:
Do you think it's okay for guys to cry?
S: i'm crying right now, so yes.
CB: yes.morrissey made it o.k.
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  • Sounds like a bunch of loosers to me. I'd wish people would stop ripping off Smiths and Morrissey lyrics in order to come up with their own titles. All I can say is be original and stop living your life by lyrics.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday January 15 2002, @12:25PM (#23105)
  • Darlington rock. Loud ass pop punk with a big time rock influence. Fun times they do provide. If they wanna prop out Morrissey more power to them.

    Raise the roof
    Anonymous -- Tuesday January 15 2002, @10:11PM (#23125)
  • Try as I might, I can't recall when Morrissey cleared the way for men to cry.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday January 16 2002, @07:26AM (#23142)

    ripping on bands you don't even know about is STUPID
    beccaboo -- Monday January 28 2002, @06:47AM (#23584)
    (User #4285 Info)
  • Didn't know there was another .Well , to anyone still interested , the other fictional (yet very real) Darlington is still alive and unwell .
    Anonymous -- Monday February 11 2002, @07:12AM (#24440)

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