posted by davidt on Tuesday January 15 2002, @10:00AM
Supermarket Clothes writes:

Does this count? I thought it wonderful how the very things Audiogalaxy finds silly about Morrissey, I really love. I think Sadie was that band that toured with Specter not too long ago, so this seems maybe relevant?
Sadie - "No One's Pretty" - Audiogalaxy review.

Also, saw this at - Sadie - "No One's Pretty" - review.

Nice to see that some new bands are still making great music, even if our Moz is not right now...
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  • shit attempts at Moz-esque lyrics.

    only Moz can be Moz, and that's that.


    p.s. and only Martin Rossiter can be Martin Rossiter -- he actually has talent.
    measurectal -- Tuesday January 15 2002, @12:33PM (#23107)
    (User #186 Info)
  • I loved this.
    I downloaded their song from Audiogalaxy, and I really loved this.
    Wonderful. Where are they from? When can I see them?
    scarred4life -- Tuesday January 15 2002, @12:55PM (#23108)
    (User #4193 Info)
    • Re:thank god by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday January 15 2002, @02:50PM
    • Re:thank god by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday January 16 2002, @12:11PM
      • Re:thank god by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday January 16 2002, @02:30PM
  • actually I thought it was quite lovely
    although it sounds VERY much like the smiths... Not that I would mind though :)
    Anonymous -- Wednesday January 16 2002, @02:41PM (#23167)
  • Is it true what I heard that Sadie is (ex?) Smiths tribute band The Salford Lads?
    Anonymous -- Wednesday January 16 2002, @03:21PM (#23169)
  • Sadie is much more talented and good looking than the salford lads ever were! Viva Sadie!
    Anonymous -- Wednesday January 16 2002, @03:38PM (#23171)
  • One look at the pictures of these clowns on their website and you can forget about the lyrics or the sound...what a bunch of posers.

    If you need a good laugh, go check out the website.....kick ass...
    Anonymous -- Wednesday January 16 2002, @05:13PM (#23175)
  • So I went to the site looking for a laugh...

    and now I have a crush. Sigh... why are the cute ones always three states away! I've got to move to NYC...
    Anonymous -- Wednesday January 16 2002, @08:42PM (#23188)
  • write their own damn songs! then I might just think that they really do have talent. I think Sadie is great! they had their fun being a cover band and now they're over it (that's another thing Sath should try to do).
    Anonymous -- Thursday January 17 2002, @10:12AM (#23208)
  • I'm going to have to buy the cd through the web site 'coz nobody around here has it.

    I thought the same about seeming more like a cover band, but the music is good, so who cares?
    hand in glove -- Thursday January 17 2002, @06:45PM (#23233)
    (User #827 Info)
    "Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together" - Marilyn Monroe
  • i too downloaded the song featured on your mp3 page--you're going to be big. i can already smell you creeping up there (peeyu? :)) and some dude from mexico just emailed me after i'd left a post on your web site about how he can get your cd (order it online ya putz!). this is major. i smell international sensations. you've got people antsy and clamouring at you based in a couple of songs. do a date in toronto already!

    love ya!
    Allison -- Friday January 25 2002, @12:44AM (#23543)
    (User #2293 Info)
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