posted by davidt on Friday January 18 2002, @09:30AM
burgundy_leather writes: "Everyday Is Like Sunday" was played as the winning song on the cheesily chart challenge today. The cheesily chart challenge is a regular part of those cheeky Manc's Mark and Lard's show (Radio 1). Listeners are asked to choose a song related to a bizarre news story. "Everyday Is Like Sunday" was related to the story of a man in an American coastal town, who woke up to discover that the town was deserted after the September 11th terrorist attacks. Quite a clever choice I thought!
Rick Halkon writes: Did anyone else see this? I was up last night, till the small hours of the morning watching BBC News 24. There was a half an hour documentary on the state of the British transport system. To my surprise they played the Smiths classic 'Panic' over a clip showing disgruntled passengers. Very ironic and a pleasant surprise at that time in the morning.
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