posted by davidt on Tuesday January 22 2002, @10:00AM
Sarah writes:

Read the press release here. The book is also on our web site (and a new Flash version has been added, check it out ).
The Smiths and Beyond is published by Vision On 7th March 2002 (4th April in the US), priced £12.99 / $18.95. A 25% discount will be on offer at, as well as special edition case-bound books, limited to 100 copies.
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  • These special edition books,will there ONLY be 100 made ALLTOGETHER?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday January 22 2002, @11:10AM (#23447)
  • oh dear (Score:2, Informative)

    I've already made my order for this book. It automatically added the special edition book to my "shopping basket" priced at £75.00 + P&P.

    Guess we'll have to do without a holiday this year...
    charminglass2002 -- Tuesday January 22 2002, @12:31PM (#23451)
    (User #4123 Info)
    • Re:oh dear by Squirrelhead (Score:1) Tuesday January 22 2002, @02:58PM
  • Al these pics Kevin Cummins shot for the NME
    and also other Morrissey pics , are all known,
    I'll bet if their are 10 new picks in this book
    we've never seen [peepholism, severed alliance,
    mick middles book, landscapes of the mind, etc.]
    I'll give away one free [I'll buy one, and give
    it away to someone who wants this book so badly]

    Again, there's 1 book I/we all are waiting for.

    Saint Morrissey
    Celibate Cry <[email protected]> -- Tuesday January 22 2002, @10:59PM (#23484)
    (User #220 Info)
    and the hills are alive with celibate cries
    • Re:Rip off by Puppet on string (Score:1) Wednesday January 23 2002, @05:44AM
    • Re:Rip off by Vicar (Score:1) Tuesday January 29 2002, @04:53PM
  • Well I for one would love to have this book! As Peepholism is impossible to get where I live!
    Vicar <[email protected]> -- Thursday January 24 2002, @03:56AM (#23525)
    (User #4259 Info)
    I know I'm unlovable, you dont have to tell me!
  • I've just discovered that Morrissey only got 1 O level in English literature(typical)! I was rather impressed, as I've just finished by mock GCSE's and I was rather disappointed with some of marks, (although they were considerably better than Morrissey's!)Where do you guys get all this breaking news/info from? It's really amazing how much you know! It makes me feel rather stupid as my contributions I probably not really relevant.
    burgundy_leather -- Friday January 25 2002, @01:12PM (#23555)
    (User #4162 Info)
  • I wouldn't miss reading about Morrissey for the world. You see, I am a fan of Morrissey and The Smiths.
    Anonymous -- Sunday January 27 2002, @10:49AM (#23578)
  • a little updated info I received in an e-mail from Vision On:

    Just a quick note to say sorry that we jumped the gun on our web site and uploaded the wrong information on The Smiths & Beyond case-bound books. There will actually be 250 of them, each numbered and signed. To make up for this we have thrown in a signed print (I chose it myself, Morrissey looks fantastic). The cost is the same (£75.00 + P&P)
    charminglass2002 -- Monday January 28 2002, @12:06PM (#23598)
    (User #4123 Info)

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