posted by davidt on Tuesday October 10 2006, @09:00AM
Fran sends the link:

Razorlight refuse to continue Dylan boast -


However, the singer does think his band have joined the same league as one music legend, Morrissey, after both acts played at the same time at this year's V Festival.

"I was amazed at V Festival when I was told there were 45,000 people watching us and 20,000 watching Morrissey," he explained. "I was staggered. There was a chant of 'Who the fuck is Morrissey?', which for someone who grew up as a massive fan of The Smiths was interesting. You feel a bit sorry for someone who was your hero, but at the same time really pleased people are getting into your stuff."
Southpaw Outlaw also writes:
Moronic and humourless careerist Johnny Borrell, currently orally servicing the american market, has been accused of saying his band Razorlight are 'better than Morrissey'.

I'm no fan of the guy but I don't think it is exactly what he said, so don't sharpen the knives just yet. Make your own mind up here:

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  • I really do hate em', not due to this story alone i did anyway. That new no.1 single 'America' is an utter shit dirge. Shame on those mulleted folk who choose to go see them at V.

    This country!
    CharlieFairhead -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @09:09AM (#236486)
    (User #17469 Info)
    • Freak show by Hello Indie (Score:1) Tuesday October 10 2006, @09:30AM
      • Re:Freak show by Hello Indie (Score:1) Tuesday October 10 2006, @09:33AM
      • Re:Freak show by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday October 10 2006, @09:56AM
        • Re:Freak show by Hello Indie (Score:1) Tuesday October 10 2006, @10:08AM
          • Re:Freak show by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday October 10 2006, @11:52AM
        • Re:Freak show by Tomi (Score:1) Monday October 16 2006, @06:53AM
    • Re:Wankers! by Poppycocteau (Score:1) Wednesday October 11 2006, @10:25AM
  • the words in the article's title are in quotation marks (aka inverted commas), which usually means it will appear in the article as a quote. But it doesn't.

    Years pretending to be a journalist, will never be returned.
    king leer -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @09:34AM (#236489)
    (User #80 Info)
  • Are people that dumb!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @10:47AM (#236497)
  • Where do you start? I believe that this band will not be around in 4 years time. They are riding high at the moment - which is easy these days - but only for a short shining moment. They are extremely MOR and they offer nothing new or original. They are just plain boring.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @10:54AM (#236498)
  • Moz should never have been a headliner.The V festival or any other festival is deinately mainstream and Mozzer will struggle to compete the fly by nighters such as Razorlight. Will Razorlight be able to announce a full UK tour in 20 years time and watch it sell out in 10 mins.
    Answers on a postcard ...
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @11:43AM (#236503)
  • in Canada people don't care about Razorlight. I also don't see the point in bragging about how many people are watching you live... at a festival! They're either going to watch you or someone else, so who really cares? Like others have said, Razorlight will definitely not stand the test of time, due to the fact that they are actually quite bad, really!
    ProtestSinger -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @11:58AM (#236505)
    (User #7285 Info)
    .*.* I can smile about it now but at the time it was terrible *.*.
  • In America, Morrissey is way more popular than Razorlight.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @12:53PM (#236509)
  • smells of lard and urine with a hint of asparagus and saffron. Yummy.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @12:56PM (#236510)
  • The reason I vociferously hate these shabby ne're-do-wells is their excruciating pandering to the corporate U.S dollar.
    That piece of excrement that masquerades as this weeks Number 1 single is a desperate and shameful attempt to win over the American cognescenti with some trite "Love us...PLEASE...just love us. We think everything American is great. Please think we're great too" type manifesto.

    Maybe Morrissey should have released his singles the same week some washed up Baywatch star released his creepy, unhealthy scrofula.

    At least Morrissey gained his American fan-base in a less fellatery manner.
    Requiescant Inpacce -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @12:57PM (#236511)
    (User #10687 Info)
    "You should not go to them...let them come to you...just like I do..."
  • I've never even heard of Razorlight and it's more than safe to say they will Never be as good as Morrissey but anything Razorlight has recorded is Easily better than ROTT. It's not hard to be better than that sucky Moz release. Ringleader is complete Garbage so maybe for now, Borrell is at least half right.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @01:18PM (#236514)
  • Which audience where most passionate, that’s the real question and I think we all know the answer.

    I think Morrissey would prefer to sing to a 20,000 passionate, devoted audience than to a 45,000 audience who are just coasting along on the latest wave.
    Tbevie -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @01:54PM (#236520)
    (User #14894 Info)
  • Why oh why does Morrissey insist on alienating his audience by releasing tepid, half-baked fare like ROTT. It is true that in 4 years, Razorlights audience will be greatly diminished, but it is also true that Morrissey may no longer have one either. It is hard to feel sorry for someone who has been warned so many times.

    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @02:35PM (#236529)
  • Nearly all of the punk/alternative/whatever bands I grew up with and still love would be lucky to fill a large club. The few I have seen lately actually gave great performances to a few hundred or a few thousand people, tops.

    If you ask me, a 20,000 member audience is amazing for a guy who has been around for so long, and who has been so unwilling to play nice.

    I guess I'm just old fashioned, but it's depth, not breadth that makes an artist important. Even if he's singing to 100 people, those 100 will know that they are in the presence of someone who is and always shall be a truly rara avis, in ways never to be equalled.

    Then again, I'm just a silly American - we're prone to mindless hero worship, unfortunately.

    Anaesthesine -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @02:48PM (#236533)
    (User #14203 Info)
    If Moz did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
  • who the fuck is this guy????
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @05:15PM (#236545)
  • writing some stinging criticism of razorlight which just comes across as jealous or bitter, why bother? the singer can't change the fact that he's himself and he's stuck with his crappy existence as a smug brainless singer overdosing on his own self-importance. i'm sure his own karmic cycles will come and bite him in the bum for this behaviour sooner or later, so let fate have it's deciding say.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 10 2006, @10:14PM (#236554)
  • moz is god
    razorlight is dire, at v the real music fans
    watched moz, thats a fact.
    lets see where razorlight in 25 yrs, maybe there
    doing the wedding scene
    bigdeal111111 -- Wednesday October 11 2006, @01:04AM (#236561)
    (User #17130 Info)
  • I went to vfest to see morrissey, and am utterly flabberghasted at why any fool would choose pissing razorlight over mozzer!!! foooooolls!
    Anonymous -- Wednesday October 11 2006, @01:30AM (#236562)
  • Razorlight are an appalling band, their music and attitude stinks. Their new single 'America' has to be one of the worst songs I have ever heard. and yet it is No.1 in the UK this week - Shame on you whoever bought it! Razorlight are a careerist bunch of pricks who lack any passion, talent or creativity. Jarvis Cocker summed them up in a recent interview in NME, I can't recall it but when I read it I thought yes that's exactly right. They have now usurped Embrace as my most hated band, and that takes some doing!
    Oscar Mild -- Wednesday October 11 2006, @01:30AM (#236563)
    (User #17230 Info)
  • when you look at the v festival statement, common here new band, young, debut album if they cant pack em in now when will they. festivals, most mozz fans will be 30 years plus, you wouldnt catch me at a festival, bad enough sitting through the support act at a gig, and we will see 15 albums later, when razorlight are well into there 40's, and they are doing a festival with a new young band on t'other stage, whos watching then, also its only the very few supertars (which mozz never has been) who can cut it at any age, madonna, paul mccartney etc, for example the stranglers were cult sort of band, but there now playing clubs that hold 300 people, just go and enjoy the gig's whoever you see
    Anonymous -- Wednesday October 11 2006, @04:41AM (#236571)
  • Yes, but Johnny doesn't realise that the people who are actually "getting into" his music are a bunch of mindless chavs, who think they're cool because they listen to radio 1.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday October 11 2006, @04:51AM (#236572)
  • on his big, sweaty cock after a gig.

    Johnny's body is so toned and his face is so smug... and he's so my type.

    Oh.. how I would treat you, Johnny. He's even HOTTER than deano.

    Anonymous -- Wednesday October 11 2006, @05:44AM (#236573)
  • I'd never even heard of Razorlight until I read this post. I suppose that just goes to show how unimportant they are.
    kate strife -- Wednesday October 11 2006, @07:32AM (#236586)
    (User #16724 Info |
    • Re:Odd... by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday October 12 2006, @03:23AM
  • One of the best moments from last year was when Pete Doherty headbutted Borrell backstage at a gig.

    Good for you, Pete.
    Anonymous -- Thursday October 12 2006, @04:52AM (#236711)
  • I was at the V-Festival at Weston Park with 2 friends of mine, who decided to watch Razorlight instead of Moz, despite my pleading to their rationale. Fair enough, we all appreciate different things, but I was, however, quite surprised to hear their comments afterwards, which were less than complimentary. Apparently Johnny Borrell was full of himself, their show was starting and stopping at random, and all in all a bitter disappointment. They said they wished they had listened to me, especially given the fact that I was full of the joys of spring after 1.15 hours of experiencing true genius. Well, I tried to tell them.....
    Lola runs -- Saturday October 14 2006, @09:55AM (#237052)
    (User #16891 Info)

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