posted by davidt on Monday October 16 2006, @11:00PM
Aly Panic writes:
Moz was mentioned twice on BBC2's Culture Show.

Outkast's Andre 3000 said Morrissey was an influence on his work and praised Moz's melodies.

Russell Brand nominated Moz as the Greatest Living Cultural Icon in the UK.

You can see the Outkast interview and nominate Morrissey as Britains Greatest Living Icon at
Hero in Prison writes:
The BBC are lauching a poll to find the UK's greatest living cultural icon. See
here for further details.


To spark people's imagination, this Saturday's programme has asked some well-known faces for their suggestions.

Russell Brand reveals why his icon (and the name of his cat) is Morrissey; Lilly Allen nominates Liam Gallagher; David Bailey supports Damien Hirst; and Trevor Beattie argues the case for Kate Moss.

Viewers can nominate their greatest living icon by text on 83199 or by email to [email protected]. has full details about how to vote and a message board which is sure to see some lively debate...
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  • well.... (Score:0, Informative)

    That would be great news if Russel Brand wasn't such an annoying twat. Viva La Moz!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 17 2006, @02:48AM (#237232)
  • I hate him. This years Jamie Oliver.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 17 2006, @02:57AM (#237234)
    • Re:Brand? by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday October 17 2006, @03:01AM
    • Re:Brand? by not sorry (Score:0) Tuesday October 17 2006, @06:32AM
      • Re:Brand? by Hello Indie (Score:1) Tuesday October 17 2006, @11:15AM
        • Re:Brand? by not sorry (Score:0) Tuesday October 17 2006, @11:41AM
        • he is not that fuckin bad ! I agree he is over egging it and is like a horses cock at the moment but he is a genuine morrissey fan and if that gets one elfin faced dickensian street scenester to take his skinny jeaned , winkle picker shoed legs wobbling down the cobbles to ye olde record shoppe to buy a moz/smiths record then that is surely a good thing . If thats not the truth then i will pull down my trausers and pance .. etc etc etc .
          northernleech -- Tuesday October 17 2006, @03:25PM (#237385)
          (User #15225 Info)
          my sentimental heart hardens
        • Re:Brand? by glamorous shoplifter (Score:1) Wednesday October 18 2006, @05:32AM
  • He has style & class. Sorry don't know who the other guy mentioned is.
    Az Moz Fan -- Tuesday October 17 2006, @04:19AM (#237251)
    (User #1326 Info)
  • sorry i couldnt resist ... just want you in my caddy!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday October 17 2006, @06:13AM (#237280)
  • who spent childhood years in Northern England, there is no contest. In my humble outsider's opinion, Morrissey is the living heart and soul of a timeless British damp. If that terrible Northern light had a sound, it would be Mozza's groan.

    Bowie will garner more votes - his cultural influence is much greater. Actors like Peter O'Toole and renaissance men like Sir David Attenborough deserve respect. Let's hear it for Vivienne Westwood, the Pythons, etc.

    Mozza is the darkest of the lot. He is a dreary night in Yorkshire, with the mist falling on cobblestones, the ruins looming at the end of the road, and the Ripper on the loose. Feed the heater, and barricade the door...

    Anaesthesine -- Tuesday October 17 2006, @08:05AM (#237307)
    (User #14203 Info)
    If Moz did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
    • Re:As an American by Hello Indie (Score:1) Tuesday October 17 2006, @11:12AM
    • Re:As an American by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday October 17 2006, @11:44AM
    • Re:As an American by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday October 17 2006, @01:56PM
    • As a Brit by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday October 18 2006, @04:07AM
      • Re:As a Brit by glamorous shoplifter (Score:1) Wednesday October 18 2006, @05:40AM
      • Re:As a Brit by clearlyovercast (Score:1) Wednesday October 18 2006, @11:01AM
  • well, he hasnt lived there in nearly a decade, but isuppose they mean "Greatest Living Cultural Icon from the UK".

    in any case, although Morrissey certainly should be considered (especially if this is from the UK, for the UK, which is implied given that its a BBC show), im not sure if he'd top the list. he arguably should, but theres no doubt that there are far more transcendent pop stars in the view of the mainstream. fans will scoff, but the likes of Macca, Bowie and even Elton John probably shade Moz.

    and really, if its juste icon for icon's sake (without any question as to preference), for better or worse, most should agree that the Queen is the UK's greatest living icon. Moz fans certainly wont like havin to admit that either.
    chrisarclark <[email protected]> -- Wednesday October 18 2006, @07:11AM (#237449)
    (User #9259 Info)
    "I'm just passing through here on my way to somewhere civilized and maybe I'll even arrive, maybe I'll even arrive..."
  • At last I'm beginning to born Moz.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday October 18 2006, @08:01AM (#237454)
  • The Joe Mace BBC6 radio show "Dream Ticket" that is advertised as including a Morrissey session is on tonight at 10pm.
    goinghome -- Thursday October 19 2006, @12:42PM (#237613)
    (User #12673 Info)
  • I hate it when non-bears encroach on our territory.

    Brand needs to have a shave, wash his hair and stop faking his 'I'm a bear but I'm skinny too' look.

    If he doesn't I may poo all over his fat little feet.

    Anonymous -- Friday October 20 2006, @03:16PM (#237738)
  • Bah bah (Score:0, Troll)

    Good for Russell Brand, but he's still a massive twat in my eyes.
    Hello Indie -- Tuesday October 17 2006, @11:00AM (#237325)
    (User #13749 Info | offers free jars of beetroot for the elderly.
    • Re:Bah bah by Agent Provocateur (Score:1) Wednesday October 18 2006, @07:59AM
  • Oooooh saucy!!
    Anonymous -- Friday October 20 2006, @05:16AM (#237652)
  • 5 replies beneath your current threshold.

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