posted by davidt on Tuesday April 08 2008, @11:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Saturday at an auction at the Heritage auction house in Dallas Texas, Morrissey bid on and won a rare James Dean watch, the winning bid was $40,000 plus. He did this thru a phone bid, which was set up thru Heritage. The watch reported as one of James Deans's favorites, and one he wore during the filming of "East of Eden", and much of his early stage work. this is a rare time piece and a wonderful score for the Mozzer.
Additional info:

James Dean's "Lucky Charm" Watch to be Auctioned - Heritage Auctions

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  • how soon before we see promo pics of Moz wearing this? then afterwards, how soon do we start seeing fans wearing something similar?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @11:12AM (#299898)
    • Re:promo pic by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday April 08 2008, @11:22AM
      • Re:promo pic by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday April 08 2008, @01:00PM
        • Re:promo pic by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday April 08 2008, @09:18PM
    • funny you say by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday April 09 2008, @11:41AM
  • Didn't someone post about this auction somewhere in the solo forums awhile back wondering if Morrissey was going to make a bid??

    Whoo! Morrissey must be thrilled! I'm so happy for him! :)
    mell -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @11:39AM (#299901)
    (User #20022 Info)
  • i read about the auction a few weeks ago and wondered if it would be something morrissey would be interested in. nice surprise.

    palare -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @11:45AM (#299902)
    (User #152 Info |
    where the world's ugliest boy became what you see...
  • I find this news item very disturbing.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @12:01PM (#299907)
    • Re:Disturbing. by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday April 09 2008, @07:41AM
    • agreed by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday April 12 2008, @12:57PM
  • ...that "James Dean's lucky charm" brings more luck to Moz than it did to James Dean :)
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @12:07PM (#299910)
  • Hmmmm, unless this is an "Morrissey insider" posting, how do we know that Moz really bought that? I have bought things on that site before and it doesn't publicly list who won. Especially for a phoned-in bid. Smells fishy....
    wemissumoz -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @12:13PM (#299911)
    (User #4088 Info)
  • Me oh my what satisfaction it must be..
    I'm sure Mr Morrissey will wear it with pride..
    I was also reading about Elisabeth Taylor..
    She received great satisfaction on purchasing a lovely pendent that Dutches Wallis Windsor would wear just for her. They had become very good friends... After she passed away... This pendent went out on Auction..
    and Elisabeth believed it was her duty her call to have it...
    She paid an awful lot of money for it.

    I believe when it is a certain pearl you want , money has to be no subject to have it..

    Elizabeth Taylor has the pendent and is happily taking care of it. 6db309e0c264a85f272cfc4d31ca5542.jpg/ []

    Anyhow I think It is great that Mr Morrissey takes pride in the meaningful little and personal things in life..

    Good show!
    Marisela -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @12:50PM (#299915)
    (User #1865 Info)
  • I hope it works better than the speedometer!!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @02:24PM (#299927)
  • Heritage is a good company and they don't just sell expensive stuff. They also sell coins and collectables for any budget. This is not a promo- just an FYI.....
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @02:59PM (#299932)
  • so, why am i supposed to be happy that he bought a watch for $40,000. it sounds like he got gyped.
    suzanne -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @04:19PM (#299947)
    (User #36 Info)
    I scare dead people.
  • I'm sure he feels it as a cherished family heritage.
    Mrs. Woolf -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @06:35PM (#299958)
    (User #14157 Info)
  • Yet another classic game served up by the most successful British team EVER to invade europe.
    chelski - bring it on!!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @06:52PM (#299959)
  • That is like 40,000 spay and neuters. What a waste of $$$$. I guess he needs to spend all the money he is making from the purchases of all those stupid "Raider/Morrissey Logo parody shirts that are on his merchandise site.

    Way to have your priorities straight Mr. Morrissey
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @07:05PM (#299960)
    • Re:Whoa ..... by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday April 08 2008, @07:36PM
      • Re:Whoa ..... by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday April 09 2008, @08:05AM
    • Re:Whoa ..... by iamkali62 (Score:1) Wednesday April 09 2008, @11:55AM
  • The only thing that would worry me is that ,and of course if it is the real thing or not, is that
    it might be unlucky to wear the watch belonging
    to a man who had an early demise.
      Forgive my harshness, but gee whiz I hope James
    Dean wasn't wearing it when he died.
    mauve21 -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @07:45PM (#299962)
    (User #13027 Info)
    • Re:Luck? by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday April 08 2008, @07:55PM
      • Re:Luck? by mauve21 (Score:1) Tuesday April 08 2008, @09:37PM
        • Re:Luck? by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday April 08 2008, @10:17PM
          • Re:Luck? by not sorry (Score:1) Wednesday April 09 2008, @04:13AM
          • Re:Luck? by mauve21 (Score:1) Thursday April 10 2008, @05:42AM
    • Re:Luck? by NRitH (Score:1) Wednesday April 09 2008, @08:25AM
      • Re:Luck? by mauve21 (Score:1) Friday April 11 2008, @04:48PM
        • Re:Luck? by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday April 11 2008, @10:17PM
          • Re:Luck? by NRitH (Score:0) Friday April 11 2008, @10:19PM
            • Re:Luck? by mauve21 (Score:1) Saturday April 12 2008, @06:45AM
  • Hello all,

    I've just read the article linked on the main page.

    he wasn't wearing it at the time of the crash.

    he left, or should i say, gave it to some woman named "Tillie" to whom he was very close, before the crash ever happened.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @10:20PM (#299974)
  • Now if only Mozzer would put one of HIS watches up for auction! I'd love to bid on that. :)
    Bullet in my gullet -- Tuesday April 08 2008, @11:30PM (#299976)
    (User #19325 Info)
    • 1oz by king leer (Score:1) Wednesday April 09 2008, @05:04AM
      • Re:1oz by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday April 09 2008, @07:42AM
        • Re:1oz by king leer (Score:1) Wednesday April 09 2008, @07:50AM
        • Re:1oz by NRitH (Score:1) Wednesday April 09 2008, @08:29AM
          • Re:1oz by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday April 09 2008, @04:37PM
  • I noticed that the same auction house also has this for sale, so, maybe Moz will part with more hard earned money! ale_No=634&Lot_No=24378&src=pr

    He missed out on this one, which I actually saw at Bonham's & Butterfield's, as a friend works there: ean
    Miranda_Grey <{mirandagrey} {at} {}> -- Wednesday April 09 2008, @02:17AM (#299984)
    (User #9935 Info)
  • julia didn't buy the watch for him.
    Can you imagine, an oscar wilde first edition along with james dean watch
    She'd probably get preferential treatment.

    As if? lol lol lol lol

    Liverpool battered Arses...bring it on you chelski!

    Bells ringin?
    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 09 2008, @07:06AM (#299992)
  • Imagine a first edition of oscar along with a james dean watch.

    I'd have bought it for him ten times, if I didnt have to pay council tax.

    I guess millionaires dont suffer like us.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 09 2008, @07:18AM (#299995)
  • Says Morrissey to Morrissey...

    Alas, that particular good luck charm didn't help Jimmy with his acting...Maybe he should have bought the socks that bring talent instead?

    Reason to rejoice: I suppose the manly tradition of giving it to the only person you allow to prepare your hair will live on.

    All that money.Honestly Morrissey.
    I mean, look! Can't you see Mr Boorer is starving?!?

    favour -- Wednesday April 09 2008, @09:18AM (#300016)
    (User #20114 Info)
  • I was on that one official James Dean site a few weeks ago and saw this auction. I immediately thought Morrissey would probably really like to have it seeing as how it was the watch he wore on the set of East of Eden and all. With a price of $40,000, I'd say I was insanely accurate.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 09 2008, @09:39AM (#300021)
  • A monocle? W.C. Fields top hat? Oliver Hardy's cane? Perhaps Charlie Chaplin's spats. All superb accessories for a pocket watch in a vest pocket.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 09 2008, @09:40AM (#300024)
  • I was the one who posted the link on the forum. I'd like to think I was the reason Morrissey saw this and bid...and if so, I'd like to be duly compensated for 2 front row tickets to his next show in Philly or NYC. Or a simple autograph would suffice.

    kissmyshadestoo -- Wednesday April 09 2008, @03:10PM (#300068)
    (User #19050 Info)
    I'm just a country mile behind
  • he won't wear this in one of his gigs, after
    losing already several rings

    it's a nice watch, but weared strange, those
    watches used to be ringed in 3-less costume, and
    than the part under the jacket, through a buttonhole and the watch in the little pocket

    am I the only one who find 40 grand way too much?

    like it's not a Rolex, it's only a watch owned
    by James Dean, and only cause of that it's what
    any fool will pay for it, if it was mine it
    wouldn't even be sold
    Celibate Cry <[email protected]> -- Thursday April 10 2008, @12:37AM (#300092)
    (User #220 Info)
    and the hills are alive with celibate cries
    • Re:I bet by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday April 10 2008, @09:20AM

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