posted by davidt on Tuesday April 15 2008, @03:00PM
mozabilly54 writes:
Story link:
Morrissey from The Smiths: 'Memba Him?!
Posted Apr 15th 2008 2:30PM by TMZ Staff

Long before there was even a glimmer of guyliner on Pete Wentz's flat-ironed banged face, Morrissey -- and his amazing band The Smiths -- were singing their tortured alternative/emo/indie music hearts out in the '80s. Guess what he looks like now!
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  • Moz doesn't belong on TMZ.

    Bingo boy: Pete Doherty

    Steakhouse WTF?

    lonedom -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @03:21PM (#300560)
    (User #7846 Info)
    Veteran of both World Wars on Job Seekers Allowance
    • Re:Mossad by suzydean (Score:1) Tuesday April 15 2008, @08:34PM
  • At a steakhouse?
    dallow_bg <[email protected]> -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @03:50PM (#300568)
    (User #10559 Info |
    "All the people I like are those that are dead."
  • Apparently, they talked about this on the TV version of TMZ as well. Probably video of him.

    What's going on?
    dallow_bg <[email protected]> -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @03:52PM (#300569)
    (User #10559 Info |
    "All the people I like are those that are dead."
  • I bet all you tweps are real happy he's in the "memba him?" portion for washed up stars no one remembers any more. I also saw Balki from Perfect Strangers in there.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @04:21PM (#300573)
    • Re:twerps by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday April 15 2008, @08:48PM
      • Re:twerps by Ceiling_Shadow (Score:1) Wednesday April 16 2008, @04:48AM
        • Re:twerps by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday April 16 2008, @06:30AM
  • It's expected to see Morrissey in a steakhouse. He is the biggest hypocrite there is. Maybe I'll spot him at Outback Steakhouse one of these days.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @05:02PM (#300577)
  • God bless israel??

    wonder who's pulling his strings?
    I now realise he is totally thick having strings pulled by his jewish management.
    sad, that's the way most greedy bastards go.

    Palestine, stretch out and wait~!!!!!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @05:12PM (#300578)
  • I've always dreamed of the day that I would see my, yours, our Morrissey on When do you suppose we'll see the darling in OK! US or UK edition(s)?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @05:41PM (#300583)
  • He's among some pretty sad company there--Corky from "Life Goes On"? The kid from "BJ & the Bear"? Meesh.
    NRitH -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @05:43PM (#300584)
    (User #20825 Info |
    Not Right in the Head _ZOMFG!__\_(o_°)_/_______/|____
  • Play Zeppelin ten years gone or some such
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @06:18PM (#300587)
  • he won't play canada because of seal-clubbing, but he'll eat at a steakhouse?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @06:21PM (#300589)
  • well fuck all ive ever thought of you.

    Palestine for the
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @06:34PM (#300591)
  • I saw this piece and they claim to have seen him come out of Morton's Steakhouse...which I believe is totally BS! The paparazzi are simply trying to find a story. This time around, they targeted our Man! They showed a clip of a recent tour as he sang "Meat Is Murder" yet TMZ claims he's eating meat! They can be annoying!!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @07:01PM (#300596)
  • worst show on tv. worst show ever. pathetic. it is possible to go to a steak house and not order steak, ya know. btw, moz looks better than ever. well, maybe not as good as 10 years ago, but certainly better than he did when 25.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @07:34PM (#300597)
  • For lovers of Quotes, aka as Morrissey Fans

    In the tradition of wit and influence, Oscar Wilde, Egyptian poet Yahia Lababidi releases

    "Signposts to Elsewhere" a book of aphorisms
    available at (20% off)

    Sample aphorisms are:

    * Impulses we attempt to strangle only develop stronger muscles

    * Liar: one who claims to tell the truth, always

    * Marrying for looks is like buying books for their pictures - a good idea, if one cannot read.

    * Take two opposites, connect the dots, and you have a straight line.

    *Time heals old wounds only because there are new wounds to tend to.

    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @07:42PM (#300598)
  • but very nice photo of Morrissey.

    Did someone at TMZ actually dream up a "now he eats meat" hook to the story, or was he really seen there?
    king leer -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @07:49PM (#300600)
    (User #80 Info)
  • It is horrifying and hypocritical that he would eat at STK.

    What's happened to the man?

    Brain rot.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @09:25PM (#300607)
    • oh god. by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday April 15 2008, @10:34PM
  • Moz hasn't been a veg for about 3, yes THREE, years now.

    try to keep up. :-O
    Anonymous -- Tuesday April 15 2008, @11:58PM (#300616)
  • Good to see Moz has finally woken up seen sense and is now frequenting steakhouses.
    Strutting Rooster -- Wednesday April 16 2008, @02:24AM (#300628)
    (User #15031 Info |
  • Because

    Your purchase helps finance a brutal, .illegal occupation.

    They grow produce on stolen Palestinian land.

    Destroy Palestinian lives, livelihoods and homes daily.

    Refuses to stop building illegal colonies and apartheid wall on stolen land.

    Denies Palestinian refugees their right to return.

    Condemns Palestinian children to a life without the bare necessities.

    So nice to see morrissey supports the same.

    We shouldnt.

    If the label says "made in israel"
    Don't buy it.
    Hit where it hurts the jews most.

    Their pocket.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 16 2008, @03:44AM (#300641)
  • I don't know what Morrissey is doing on a ''Where are they now'' type feature.
    He's hardly Whistling Jack Smith.
    sarahT -- Wednesday April 16 2008, @05:42AM (#300651)
    (User #14686 Info)
    • Re:Tmz by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday April 16 2008, @08:39AM
  • The Mozfather himself, was seen clubbing a baby seal on the street in Montreal's red light district.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday April 16 2008, @06:38AM (#300659)
  • Morrissey going to STK has been bugging me...I think the man might have actually gone to The Belmont instead? I think it's next door to STK and seems to be a happy hour lounge place. 8EQ?select=Zx0LdNsO2_VTHmI1HlGDJQ
    mell -- Wednesday April 16 2008, @07:13AM (#300663)
    (User #20022 Info)

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