posted by davidt on Monday April 21 2008, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Rising Star: Russell Brand - Access Hollywood

he talks about morrissey giving him advice on the role at the very end. thought you'd enjoy moz's advice.


In addition to his talents, Brand proved he’s in acting for the long haul, going method and seeking advice from real rock stars before taking on the role.

“I sought the advice of Morrissey from the Smiths [and] of Noel Gallagher from the band Oasis and then I just used my mind,” he explained. “Noel is a great wit… I said, ‘Come on, ‘How do I make this rock star sexy and appealing ‘I said, the [one way] is probably to keep them as far away from you and your scruff-haired brother [Oasis frontman Liam], as humanly possible. He agreed that would be the best way to characterize Aldous Snow.”

And the former Smiths frontman’s advice?

“Morrissey said maintain a sense of evasiveness and aloofness,” Brand noted.

Morrissey wasn’t aloof when he was one of the lucky few to catch the breakout star Brand’s first ever American stand-up dates in Los Angeles last week. He came to both sets (giving Brand a standing ovation each time), and Brand expects Moz to attend a screening of “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” too.
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