posted by davidt on Wednesday November 08 2000, @05:00PM
Arry writes:

Can anyone confirm the rumour that all profits from the last US Tour were stolen by Morrissey's road manager Garry Westman? Is this the reason the tour ended?

Although I don't have any details, I can confirm that the rumor is true.
Update: 05/14/2003 17:21 GMT: Over two years later, I apologize for making this accusation as I am now hearing that it is not true and my original confirmation may not have been reliable. More info in this post.
Update: 08/06/2003 15:27 GMT: formerly titled: "Profits from last U.S. tour stolen by Gary Westman (ex-road manager)".
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  • as i've always said, it's the people around the artists who exploit, and the artists who get all the blame of being greedy.

    poor guy.

    *sigh* what is the matter with people these days? i'm there for ya....
    suzanne -- Wednesday November 08 2000, @05:17PM (#4450)
    (User #36 Info)
    I scare dead people.
  • how on earth would it be possible for someone to steal the profits? was this cash transactions? what century is moz living in anyway? he needs to come out of the shy weird haze he is in and pay more attention to what the hell is going on! karma is always around to nip you when you least expect it. although i DO feel bad for him from a fan stand point......but that's it!
    Anonymous -- Wednesday November 08 2000, @05:26PM (#4451)
  • It does seem possible since nowadays everything is E-transfered into accounts here and there. God knows that the manager might have access to this kind of thing.

    Then again, this is the first that i've heard about it...I think that this would be all over the alternative radio news by now.

    Se la vie.... Maybe this will be incentive for him to produce a record (if this is true, of course!).
    nowhere fast -- Wednesday November 08 2000, @06:08PM (#4453)
    (User #86 Info)
    Women only like me for my mind.
  • This must be getting so old for Morrissey. Let me tell you something, if I were talented enough in the area of management, and were hired to work for the likes of anyone in a higher position, I would definitely NOT take advantage of them- it is so sick! Are there only a few of us nice, respectable, innocents left, and here offering everything to the man, even though he would never take us up on it!? Yes, I think it so.

    I wish I could say something poetic on the subject, but nothing comes to mind. It never does.

    I'm so sorry Morrissey. Now consider my offer to help you in any way you need...

    I'll help you escape if you help me escape. It's all about mutual trust you know...
    Folly -- Wednesday November 08 2000, @07:04PM (#4454)
    (User #252 Info)
    It's all fixed, all of it I tell you!
  • is this even true? it would be funny if it isnt.
    where is this manager guy going to go anyway?
    what a great story to cancel a tour.
    javelin <> -- Wednesday November 08 2000, @08:25PM (#4457)
    (User #1848 Info)
    "I never wanted to kill,Iam not naturally evil"
  • Well, if that's true, his days are counted.

    Prepare a Garry Westman obituary.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday November 08 2000, @09:44PM (#4461)
  • The only thing more bizarre than this story is the current election.

    Lon -- Wednesday November 08 2000, @11:07PM (#4463)
    (User #121 Info)
  • Pigs (Score:2, Funny)

    I always said that management was ripping off the worker.................
    jungfiend <[email protected]> -- Thursday November 09 2000, @01:43AM (#4467)
    (User #580 Info)
  • Hope these rumors are wrong cause I dont want to see Morrissey involved in a new trial.
    2 years in court are enough.
    Anonymous -- Thursday November 09 2000, @04:06AM (#4469)
  • Count Westman (Score:4, Informative)

    Gary Westman has been working with Morrissey for the past 9 years.

    Gary Westman started touring with Morrissey in 1991 during the Kill Uncle Tour. He was the production manager. Phil G.(the current sound board engineer [audience] ) had Westman's former position as Tour Manager. John W. was the stage manager

    At some point, ( I don't know which tour Your Arsenal, perhaps.) Westman. was promoted to Tour Manager. John W. was promoted to production manager. Phil G. became the sound engineer. (I do not know if this was any sort of demotion or what happened there)

    Westman is American. The rest of the crew were British except for a few Americans on the US tour. And one Brazilian in South America.

    Westman can be seen the video, "Live in Dallas." He is standing to the side of the stage. He looks exactly the same then as he does now. He's tall, medium build, partially bald, with very short hair.

    Westman was nicknamed, "Count Westman" by the band and crew. I don't think they called him this to his face. He was called count, because it was known that he "counted" the money.

    Westman, I was told, functioned more or less as an organizer/manager & accountant. (perhaps also a reason for the nickname? ) His presence backstage & at the aftershows was somewhat mysterious. The Sack guys called him, Mr. X and were apprehansive in his presence.

    For Morrissey's sake, I hope this rumor is not true.

    slug -- Thursday November 09 2000, @05:29AM (#4471)
    (User #1853 Info |
  • Call the Police! (Score:1, Interesting)

    That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. If he stole the money from him, why doesn't he just call the f**king police. Jeez
    Anonymous -- Thursday November 09 2000, @06:12AM (#4473)
  • I hope this isn't true - another kick in the bollocks for poor old Moz. Doesn't the pain ever end?
    Rediffusion -- Thursday November 09 2000, @08:05AM (#4477)
    (User #176 Info)
    What do we get for our trouble and pain? Whalley Range!
  • I am surprised that David T. would post such an article without valid facts or proof since such an accusation is extremely damaging to Mr. Westman personally and professionally.

    Gary Westman was involved in the '91 tour as the production manager, but he was not a tour manager until the 1999-2000 tour. A guy named Steve Payne was the tour manager on 1992's "Your Arsenal" tour as well as the "Boxers" tour in Feb. '95. He was also the tour manager for the "Maladjusted" tour in 1997. Westman was hired for the "Oye Esteban" tour as a tour manager for the first time.

    Please get your stories straight before posting them as fact. That goes for David T. and "slug".

    However, while David T. is highly regarded in camp Moz (M, band, crew, etc..)..I simply can't say the same for "slug"..

    "Slug" may know certain things by relentless stalking and ass-kissing throughout last year's tour, but simply doesn't know all when it comes to camp Moz. Take anything "slug" says with a grain of salt..No one involved with the band or crew think of "slug" in high regard, but tolorated the pestering because of the website. And that is a me..

    Anonymous -- Thursday November 09 2000, @10:50AM (#4485)
    • Re:Get Your Facts Right... by nobody's nothing (Score:1) Thursday November 09 2000, @01:08PM
    • Re:Get Your Facts Right... by Sharron Needles (Score:1) Thursday November 09 2000, @01:32PM
    • I stand corrected by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday November 09 2000, @03:52PM
    • Origianl Poster Here.. by Anonymous (Score:1) Thursday November 09 2000, @04:38PM
    • it! by suzanne (Score:1) Thursday November 09 2000, @06:20PM
    • Me again.. by Anonymous (Score:1) Thursday November 09 2000, @10:18PM
      • Re:Me again.. by danbutt (Score:1) Friday November 10 2000, @02:42AM
        • Re:Me again.. by Passing Kijowski (Score:1) Saturday November 11 2000, @12:06AM
        • 1 reply beneath your current threshold.
      • Re:Me again.. (Score:2, Insightful)

        I don't agree with you. Ok Julia Riley seems to have very little in her life apart from Morrissey which might seem sad to some people - but at least she's honest about it. Some people have even less in their lives and they still pretend that everything's going great.

          And living out one's passion completely is nothing to pity someone for because it's bloody brave.
        Mozzarella -- Friday November 10 2000, @12:21PM (#4548)
        (User #864 Info |
        If I wasn't a cat, I'd be a girl.
        • Re:Me again.. by Passing Kijowski (Score:1) Saturday November 11 2000, @12:07AM
      • Guess who 'me' is? by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday November 10 2000, @03:59PM
    • Re:Get Your Facts Right... by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday November 10 2000, @08:43AM
      • Re:Get Your Facts Right... by Passing Kijowski (Score:1) Saturday November 11 2000, @12:08AM
        • you are a moron by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday November 11 2000, @01:26AM
          • Re:you are a moron by Passing Kijowski (Score:1) Saturday November 11 2000, @02:42AM
            • Re:you are a moron and a jackass by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday November 11 2000, @01:40PM
              • A moron AND a jackass? I only wish the rest of your response was half as witty!

                How could I ever forget about all those "murders, rapes and wars"? The bloody non-American savages are just up to their ears in them! I'm sure it has nothing at all to do with American foreign policy...

                As long as we're doing better than your average war-torn African republic, with all their "murders, rapes and wars," you can be proud to be an American. Continue driving that gas-guzzling vehicle with pride (and did you exercise your right to vote? Great!!!). Don't even _think_ about comparing the U.S.A. to another developed Western country, like Canada or England or pretty much any Western European country. Who cares if our crime and homocide rates are one-hundred times greater than theirs? Who cares that their governments and media function more democratically? Who cares that they get 2 to 3 times more vacation per year than their counterpart American workers, or that they have a higher standard of living, or that they show much, much less tendency toward psychological illness, or that their educational systems are... I could go on. But don't make that comparison. Keep feeling happy that you don't live in one of those nasty places with _all_ those rapes and murders and wars. I'm sure you can find a wonderfully gruesome story about one of these places put together by NBC or CBS tonight on the television to make you proud to be an American. Yes, you heard it hear first, you are living in the _best_ country in the world -- don't let anyone tell you different! God Bless America!
                Passing Kijowski <[email protected]> -- Saturday November 11 2000, @02:12PM (#4596)
                (User #1810 Info)
                So how can you call this a home, when you know it's a grave? But can you SING, Verrechia?
              • nice one by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday November 11 2000, @05:57PM
              • Re:nice one by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday November 12 2000, @12:31AM
              • "all the other countries east" by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday November 12 2000, @05:46PM
              • Re:you are a moron and a jackass by Usul (Score:1) Monday November 13 2000, @04:02AM
    • Re:Get Your Facts Right... by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday November 10 2000, @09:22AM
      • David T. IS merely a way for Morrissey to get info to his fans...he is a FAN running a superb website- that's really all it is. Some people just read into the situation more than needs to be, really. Nothing against David Tseng at all; he is just like the rest of us, only he puts far more time, and MONEY into doing this whole space. It is to benefit us all- Morrissey and the fans.

        As far as Julia goes, who knows why Morrissey gave her the recognition she got from him while he was on tour. It all seems odd to me- he is capable of respect though, and a bit o' pity I think.

        I think that if Angela, a.k.a. 'Slug' hadn't have been as intrusive and as persistent as she was while doing that whole tour, we wouldn't have gotten such fun and interesting stories. I think that Julia Riley, Angela and the whole site, and David T. should all be given credit for the info they give- not beaten down because of the knowledge they have and made to feel like fools because of it. It just makes no sense.

        However, I do find that this story, as I have posted earlier, is inappropriate, and I am sure we will be hearing more about it one way or another soon.

        Until then, ta-ta.
        Folly -- Friday November 10 2000, @12:01PM (#4547)
        (User #252 Info)
        It's all fixed, all of it I tell you!
      • Re:Get Your Facts Right... by Rockabilleigh (Score:1) Thursday November 16 2000, @11:56AM
    • Camp Moz... (Score:3, Funny)

      Hello. I'd like to get more information on "Camp Moz". If anyone has a helpful link please post it, otherwise, feel free to e-mail me directly.

      I'm planning my vacation for Summer 2001 & Camp Moz sounds like a blast! I do have some questions, though:

      1. Will the activities/facilities of Camp Moz be ADA compliant? (I'm planning to invite my invalid friend)
      2. What is the cost of the stay & exactly what is included in the price? Will vegan meals be made available?
      3. Will lodging be co-ed? I anticipate a fair number of "open tent flaps", but I am a straight male & would prefer not to participate in ginger beer festivities...
      4. Will security be present during nightly campfire serenades? Will there be any rules governing these events (e.g. shouting out Cure requests, etc...)?

      Thanks in advance for the info!

      Anonymous -- Friday November 10 2000, @07:49PM (#4569)
    • I know for a fact that "anonymous" is lying by WilliamUK (Score:1) Friday November 10 2000, @09:48PM
    • I know for a fact that "anonymous" is truthful! by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday November 11 2000, @03:47AM
    • you must be joking!!!!!! by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday November 19 2000, @01:27AM
  • Well hell! I guess that Morrissey had better get back on the road again to make up for the stolen money.

    Oh boy, I hope he sings "Satan" or "Meat is Murder" again. Wouldn't that be great? I hope he tours (with no new material) and charges $60 a ticket again.

    Please, please, please Morrissey...tour again!! I'll buy your, boxset, and the "Greatest all time greatest hit single and b-side" collection too...hell, I'll but the Oye DVD too (and I won't even ask you to sign it).

    Oh, I just cannot wait!!
    Morrissey Sucks -- Thursday November 09 2000, @11:14AM (#4487)
    (User #310 Info)
    Morrissey Sucks (and all is well)!
  • Oh, by the way, I heard that Morrissey started Mad Cow Disease to punish those who eat meat. I cannot substantiate the rumor, but I thought I should let you all know.

    Carry on now...!
    Morrissey Sucks -- Thursday November 09 2000, @11:17AM (#4488)
    (User #310 Info)
    Morrissey Sucks (and all is well)!
  • If true - doesn't it seem like something not too difficult to prove? (i.e. transactions, bank statments, etc.)
    suedehead -- Thursday November 09 2000, @11:40AM (#4490)
    (User #360 Info)
  • slug (angela) kindly listed all these people who are involved with the touring and managing of Morrissey. If he had more women in there instead of sneaky males then there would be less of a chance of this stuff happening again and again.
    woman rule.

    Anonymous -- Thursday November 09 2000, @06:18PM (#4507)
  • The person posting under anonymous (regarding slug) is Julia Riley.

    Slug and her don't get along
    Anonymous -- Thursday November 09 2000, @07:01PM (#4511)
  • I don't mean to bring light to this devastating issue, but in case MORRISSEY can't recover his tour money, he can claim it as a casualty/loss in his taxes for next year. Don't give a penny more to the IRS than you have to MORRISSEY. If you do recover, well then it's deserve. Prosecute him to the full extent of the law. Hang the manager!

    forget the taxes,

    lalo71 -- Thursday November 09 2000, @07:54PM (#4516)
    (User #692 Info |
  • I declare that Moz's manager be put to listening to the cure. Viva Moz!!!!
    Anonymous -- Thursday November 09 2000, @10:51PM (#4523)
  • ha ha ha thats what you get moz for cheating out some of the smiths out of money that was rightfully theres. how does it feel you cheap miserable faggot!!!!!!
    Anonymous -- Thursday November 09 2000, @11:57PM (#4524)
  • i hope gary westman sues your arse, you are a sad irresponsible, gulliable berk.If you insist on listening to sad old hasbeens, those in the twilight of there careers you deserve all you get, belive me your "informant" will be a million miles away as you sob in court.RIP
    Anonymous -- Friday November 10 2000, @09:28AM (#4538)
    • Re:you have been warned, david by Folly (Score:1) Friday November 10 2000, @12:25PM
      • Re:you have been warned, david by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday November 10 2000, @12:53PM
        • I don't quite understand... by Folly (Score:1) Friday November 10 2000, @01:30PM
          • Re:I don't quite understand... by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday November 10 2000, @01:45PM
            • Believe me, as someone who HAS attended law school, there is no way that David could be held liable for defamation/libel unless he knew that the statement he published was INDEED false and he published it anyway. In addition, the person who was defamed would have to show ACTUAL damages due to what was published. Since the person that the words were spoken about is a "famous" person, the legal standard is higher.

              Here is the actual legal rule: Public figures who want to prove defamation must meet a higher standard than the standard for private citizens; they must prove that the person who issued the false statements knew they were false and that damage was done.

              So you see my students, you are all talking crap and you ALL SUCK!!

              Morrissey Sucks -- Friday November 10 2000, @02:09PM (#4556)
              (User #310 Info)
              Morrissey Sucks (and all is well)!
      • Re:you have been warned, david by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday November 10 2000, @12:55PM
  • Someone please illuminate me on the claim to fame of this woman. I was reading some of the comments about her in the discussions about the LA/NYC signings as well. She is like some sort of sub-pseudo-celebrity amongst Morrissey fans!
    Anonymous -- Friday November 10 2000, @06:30PM (#4568)
  • How little a man that he could take that which is not his in the first place.
    Alas poor Mozzer down we go angel... together.
    My good karma goes to you my friend,
    for good spirit is good living.
    MOZ MEX -- Friday November 10 2000, @10:33PM (#4573)
    (User #1291 Info)
    !Viva Moz!
  • This whole Julia Riley thing has gotten out of hand. What the hell is wrong with you people? This is the second or third time I have mentioned that poll from a while back... "Are Morrissey Fans Judgemental?" Why are you people like that towards her? I don't know her. I only know that she is a fan who got together a Zine in the past. I don't have anything against her, why should you? Because her collection is bigger than yours? What difference does it make?
    palare -- Saturday November 11 2000, @09:04AM (#4589)
    (User #152 Info |
    where the world's ugliest boy became what you see...
    • 1 reply beneath your current threshold.
  • OK, I need to get this off my was me who stole Morrissey's money, not Gary Westman.

    I am sorry...if Morrissey phones me up I will return the money with interest. I was just concerned that, with the money, Morrissey would have had enough money to record a new album. I did not want him to embarrass himself with a new, crap album. So I stole the money and for that I am sorry.

    Thank you for listening...I SUCK!
    Morrissey Sucks -- Saturday November 11 2000, @01:49PM (#4595)
    (User #310 Info)
    Morrissey Sucks (and all is well)!
  • For the last three days I hve found myself mezmerised by this entire discussion. When I woke up this morning the first thing I did was check for new postings. I am just starting to feel silly now. Other than maybe delaying a futre tour, how dos this affect us? I'm sure most of us feel bad for Morrisey, but realy now, it seems to me, tha this has just created much disention betwen the people of Morrissey-Solo. Do the insults have to be hurled around? Most Defnatley not. I'm truly, truly dissapointed.
    Brad <[email protected]> -- Saturday November 11 2000, @02:36PM (#4597)
    (User #573 Info |
  • I had the pleasure of meeting Julia Riley in Minneapolis during the last leg of the 2000 tour, before I really knew who she was. I was the first person in line, she was the second. As it turned out, the both of us had misjudged the enthusiasm of twin cities' mozzers--a proper line didn't form until an hour before the show. So, Julia and I talked for about 5 or 6 hours.

    I thought she was very down to earth, very well read...a very interesting interviewer...a generally thoughtful, reflective person. Her zine "true to you" seemed like an unofficial tour program—something we fans should be thankful to have.

    So, I'm really not sure what all the fuss is about? She goes to a great deal of concerts--wouldn't you? Sounds as if she has wonderful life passing notes back and forth with Our Man.

    What's to be up in arms about? Julia Riley is not a monster. I think she’s better off than the lot of us.
    Andy-Mats -- Monday November 13 2000, @12:32AM (#4617)
    (User #151 Info)
  • Morrissey, I for one would "follow you into any fight"...
    no matter what, it's still you I love!
    Anonymous -- Monday November 13 2000, @08:34AM (#4625)
  • I think, that this site being "dedicated" to Morrissey should have enough respect not to post a said "rumour" UNTIL there are actual facts to back it up.

    All this does is get everyone posting in a frenzy-as is being done.

    I agree with whoever posted about it having a devastating affect on the manager himself if this is a false accusation.

    So everyone just calm down until you hear some facts on this subject! No reason to slander this person on a rumour.
    ShielaTakingABow <[email protected]> -- Monday November 13 2000, @09:03AM (#4627)
    (User #1780 Info |
    "We´re all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" OW
  • Dear Jim,

    It is constitutionally and politically incorrect to steal from someone who trusts you.

    --Don King
    Jim Rome -- Thursday November 16 2000, @03:38PM (#4751)
    (User #720 Info |
    ...and how?
  • You think you are very funny, but you are not!!! I am the only guy who's funny here!!! YOU SUCK!!! LOSER!!!
    jackiethejokeman -- Thursday November 16 2000, @04:41PM (#4759)
    (User #1731 Info)
  • morrissey drives a porsche. see you in vegas.
    she's too rough and i'm too delicate...
    easygoer -- Thursday November 16 2000, @09:54PM (#4768)
    (User #569 Info)

  • Maybe Moz could write a song about it called "Hold Onto Your Money!"

    But seriously this whole leaking of rumors reeks of "someone" trying to get our sympathy...which, he already has!

    Anonymous -- Friday November 17 2000, @03:31PM (#4793)
  • Now Moz probably won't trust anyone, and who's going to pay for the recording expenses on his next album? This is a very sad turn of events. Also proves the world is going to Hell in a handbasket.
    Mike Mozfan -- Sunday November 19 2000, @08:35AM (#4817)
    (User #442 Info)
  • Yes, it's true. Morrissey's manager stole the money. That's why the man himself hesitates to go on tour again. I'll find a copy of the newspaper clipping and send it in.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday November 21 2000, @02:56AM (#4874)

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