Fiona Dodwell: "Your Arsenal: Revisiting Morrissey’s Iconic Album" (July 27, 2021)

Your Arsenal: Revisiting Morrissey’s Iconic Album

Revisiting Morrissey’s Your Arsenal As It Turns 29
When Morrissey parted ways with fellow band members of The Smiths in 1987, few could’ve predicted in which direction his music career would go. Would the solo Morrissey “sound” be vastly different from the iconic band? Few doubted that Morrissey’s unique blend of onstage charisma, vocal style and witty, raw lyrics were integral to the overall appeal of The Smiths — yet there was still the question of how he was going to carve out his own place, as he stood facing his future as a solo artist.

Does it really need to make the front page every time this hack updates her blog?
Honestly, I also write funny posts and know a lot about Morrissey and stuff. And I'm German, which makes it all the more amazing. No one would put me on the front page if I said Maladjusted is better than WPINOYB, LIHS or IANADOAC and wrote heartwarming blog posts about it (Which I do in secret of course).
Honestly, I also write funny posts and know a lot about Morrissey and stuff. And I'm German, which makes it all the more amazing. No one would put me on the front page if I said Maladjusted is better than WPINOYB, LIHS or IANADOAC and wrote heartwarming blog posts about it (Which I do in secret of course).
Fiona does not have the market cornered when it comes to inane Morrissey blogging.. There's clearly an opening for the German perspective.
Fiona does not have the market cornered when it comes to inane Morrissey blogging.. There's clearly an opening for the German perspective.
"But you keep asking the question.
Whoa, you're not supposed to mention, hey!!!
When will I, will I be famous?
I can't answer, I can't answer that."
Does it really need to make the front page every time this hack updates her blog?

You trying to censor her ?!





Does it really need to make the front page every time this hack updates her blog?
It is Moz news but personally I am getting fed up seeing her "reminders" about great Moz albums. We knew Your Arsenal was great the day we first heard it and don't need reminding or a "reappraisal". Maybe she should look to the future a bit more, or just live in the present. Those Dodwell pieces are only of value to people who barely know Moz's music, so why bother?

Everything is so polarised these days. Love/Hate. I miss the InBetween Days when a piece about Moz could be informative, positive, funny, AND contain the odd barbed comment.
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Those Dodwell pieces are only of value to people who barely know Moz's music, so why bother?
Do you mean, for example, younger people who liked "All the young people must fall in love" and then weren't interested in Morrissey any further?
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It is Moz news but personally I am getting fed up seeing her "reminders" about great Moz albums. We knew Your Arsenal was great the day we first heard it and don't need reminding or a "reappraisal". Maybe she should look to the future a bit more, or just live in the present. Those Dodwell pieces are only of value to people who barely know Moz's music, so why bother?
So Fiona Dodwell = Morrissey For Dummies.
It isn’t news strictly speaking, because there’s nothing really new in her pieces.
And she seems to have come a year too early, it is more common to write something at the occasion of 25 th or 30 th or 35 th release birthday.
So Fiona Dodwell = Morrissey For Dummies.
It isn’t news strictly speaking, because there’s nothing really new in her pieces.
And she seems to have come a year too early, it is more common to write something at the occasion of 25 th or 30 th or 35 th release birthday.
I am not sure, if we can file that under: "Keep your thoughts yourselves".
Honestly, I also write funny posts and know a lot about Morrissey and stuff. And I'm German, which makes it all the more amazing. No one would put me on the front page if I said Maladjusted is better than WPINOYB, LIHS or IANADOAC and wrote heartwarming blog posts about it (Which I do in secret of course).
For “heartwarming” see: sycophantic, predictable and desperate.
She writes like she has and knows the history. She hadn’t even heard of it two years ago and she’s now telling everyone why we love it. Next she will be telling us it’s underrated. Oh, hang on. Insufferable woman

Great album and god bless Our Price x
fiona dodwell
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