Moors Murderer Ian Brady dies aged 79

News posted by an anonymous person (original post):

Moors Murderer Ian Brady dies aged 79 - The Telegraph
Ian Brady, one of Britain’s most notorious serial killers, has died aged 79.

Brady, who along with accomplice Myra Hindley, murdered five children in the 1960s, had been suffering from a lung and chest condition and died at the Ashworth High Security Hospital on Merseyside.

But even in death, Brady continued to cause anguish, taking the secret of where he had buried the last of his victims, Keith Bennett, to the grave with him.

Moors Murderer Ian Brady dies - BBC News
Moors Murderer Ian Brady, who killed five children with Myra Hindley, has died aged 79.

I saw an interview ages ago about this woman whose son was murdered and never found and that always stayed with me. Did not know she had passed away as well.

I once met a lad in Manchester who used to play on a street where they snatched one victim who also used to play there.

Weird cause I was thinking about this evil pair just the other day.
I'm glad he avoided the death penalty. He deserved every second he rotted in jail.
I'm glad he avoided the death penalty. He deserved every second he rotted in jail.

just what I was thinking. Also when one thinks of such stomach turning horrendous acts as those committed, it makes me wonder where does this evil come from? Nature Nurture? both ?
just what I was thinking. Also when one thinks of such stomach turning horrendous acts as those committed, just makes me wonder where does this evil come from? Nature Nurture? both ?
I was actually thinking about that the other day. I lean towards brain damage and upbringing. Take pathological liars as an example. Life is just too hard for them at some point so they cope by living in a fantasy.

I am a bit of an expert on pathological liars which is the real term cause mythomania has been more or less abandones. Not that psychology is anywhere near science but some things they sure got right to explain some peoples behaviour.

In my life I came across two pathological liars and they just cannot help themselves. Those lies are their big comfort and from that they draw great strength despite hurting so many others in the process. I believe killers murder to compensate for what they lack cause in that moment they are in control when the rest of their life is pure chaos inside and out.

I always felt more for people with psychological problems than I did for addicts but of course many people are both.
Theirs no need to further glorify the infamous actions of Ian Brady, song or no song, may we just forget this horrific thing, the man has his name etched in history, for all the wrong reasons, Moz wrote a song about his crimes 30 years ago, bit surprised that Ian Brady going to hell is actually a main story on
Theirs no need to further glorify the infamous actions of Ian Brady, song or no song, may we just forget this horrific thing, the man has his name etched in history, for all the wrong reasons, Moz wrote a song about his crimes 30 years ago, bit surprised that Ian Brady going to hell is actually a main story on
I think life was his hell and that is why he did what he did.

A murderer is nothing more than a pathological liar or else they would admit what they have done and be proud of it. Murdering people is the attempt to get away with a big fat lie as if nothing happened.
The Moors murders were the subject of one of the Smiths finest songs. It neither glorified the killers or patronised the families of the victims.

It was not written as a mawkish tribute, but as a commentary on how the author felt growing up in Manchester around that time.

Why you might think it should not be mentioned here of all places is rather baffling.
To be honest its rather baffling why someone would write such a song in the first place, but so it was done, killing children for fun also baffles me, but it happened. This is not a trivial subject, its one of the most shocking crimes of all time, so its baffling that it would be posted here, f*** Brady!!
I was actually thinking about that the other day. I lean towards brain damage and upbringing. Take pathological liars as an example. Life is just too hard for them at some point so they cope by living in a fantasy.

I am a bit of an expert on pathological liars which is the real term cause mythomania has been more or less abandones. Not that psychology is anywhere near science but some things they sure got right to explain some peoples behaviour.

In my life I came across two pathological liars and they just cannot help themselves. Those lies are their big comfort and from that they draw great strength despite hurting so many others in the process. I believe killers murder to compensate for what they lack cause in that moment they are in control when the rest of their life is pure chaos inside and out.

I always felt more for people with psychological problems than I did for addicts but of course many people are both.

'Life is just too hard for them at some point so they cope by living in a fantasy.'

'I believe killers murder to compensate for what they lack cause in that moment they are in control when the rest of their life is pure chaos inside and out.'

that could also be one of the reasons why many people create art, and therefore are called artists.

I was actually thinking about that the other day. I lean towards brain damage and upbringing. Take pathological liars as an example. Life is just too hard for them at some point so they cope by living in a fantasy.

I am a bit of an expert on pathological liars which is the real term cause mythomania has been more or less abandones. Not that psychology is anywhere near science but some things they sure got right to explain some peoples behaviour.

In my life I came across two pathological liars and they just cannot help themselves. Those lies are their big comfort and from that they draw great strength despite hurting so many others in the process. I believe killers murder to compensate for what they lack cause in that moment they are in control when the rest of their life is pure chaos inside and out.

I always felt more for people with psychological problems than I did for addicts but of course many people are both.
And is this an excuse for Ian?
A simple attempt to find an explanation.

To Ketamine:

Yes, the same void inside can make a person create art.
Theirs no need to further glorify the infamous actions of Ian Brady, song or no song, may we just forget this horrific thing, the man has his name etched in history, for all the wrong reasons, Moz wrote a song about his crimes 30 years ago, bit surprised that Ian Brady going to hell is actually a main story on

May we not ever forget that horrific thing.
I know it is a depressing thought but the most horrific thing is, it can happen again.

Everybody knows many horrific things happen in our world but the things done to children is the most evil and never to be really understood, motivewise, cause children in essence are completely innocent and naive and we need to protect them and I don't know how without damaging their innocence and naivety.

That was what the song was all about in the first place.
And the line: Manchester, so much to answer for, was a cry for taking responsibility as a human society.

Cause people tend to look away cause it is so emotional and complicated and they have their own lives to worrie about.
I don't exactly blame them, but it happened. We should have the bravery to not look away but stare the evil in the eye.
May we not ever forget that horrific thing.
I know it is a depressing thought but the most horrific thing is, it can happen again.

Everybody knows many horrific things happen in our world but the things done to children is the most evil and never to be really understood, motivewise, cause children in essence are completely innocent and naive and we need to protect them and I don't know how without damaging their innocence and naivety.

That was what the song was all about in the first place.
And the line: Manchester, so much to answer for, was a cry for taking responsibility as a human society.

Cause people tend to look away cause it is so emotional and complicated and they have their own lives to worrie about.
I don't exactly blame them, but it happened. We should have the bravery to not look away but stare the evil in the eye.
With that said the missing teen girl in Sweden has just been found dead after 48 hours search for her.
To be honest its rather baffling why someone would write such a song in the first place, but so it was done, killing children for fun also baffles me, but it happened. This is not a trivial subject, its one of the most shocking crimes of all time, so its baffling that it would be posted here, f*** Brady!!

Well I don't think we disagree on the last part.

Suffer Little Children was highly controversial at the time if I remember correctly, and the tabloids had fun with it for a couple of days. It is undoubtedly a powerful song, yet never mentions Brady once, concerning itself with the victims and Hindley.

Listening to it again just now I don't get the sense that it was written to court controversy, but as an honest appraisal of the dreadful events and how Morrissey felt about the impact it had on him personally and the city of Manchester itself.

I've been to a few moors in my time, including Bodmin, Dartmoor and Saddleworth. All three are grim and rather disconcerting places, but only Saddleworth chills the blood.

(I stayed on Bodmin Moor in a remote cottage one New Year's Eve many years ago. At about two in the morning with the celebrations dying down I told my host that as it was so hot in the house I was going to go for a walk. "Stay off the moor" she said in finest Sherlock Holmes tradition. I did stay off the moor. I stayed in the garden.)

There were efforts in the late seventies and eighties to in someway rehabilitate Hindley in the eyes of the public, with a view to possible release. Lord Longford was the main instigator of those efforts, and fortunately he failed.

It is thought in some quarters that Brady never quite faced the same level of public hatred as Hindley, so shocking was it to the populace that a woman could be in some way involved in such heinous crimes.
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