Mozzer Matters Blog: "Top Ten Morrissey Moments 2019" (December 27, 2019)


A summation of Morrissey's year by one fan in top ten form.
He certainly has, I think my highlight was the seven nights on broadway... which was something different for him, just like CS was as well . In a way moz has tried different things this year and to be fair has had a successful year. Minus the new hair do

Come to think of it, they didn't put the most Wild T Moz moment on this list.
It was when he did that NON COMM show.
They thought they could chop Moz but found out they couldn't stop Moz.

Moz pelo largo ?? Si le queda bien !!¡,proximas giras que buenoo para los que puedan ir,yo 0 plata yt muy lejos , prestar atencion a los pantalones de Moz ,Moz :ponete pantalones de vestir o jeans mas angostos repitoo te hacen ver viejo y no lo sos!!! ,la foto de arriba que abre el hilo es un ejemplo de buen gusto en la eleccion de la ropa hermoso ese color,si ya se menos kilos ahi pero los jeans anchos no van !¡!!¡ y mas patillas !!! Tampoco ese traje?? Verde como de piedras brilloso,nooo era muy de circoooo,,Moz tiene brillo propio!! Veremos que vestuario se trae, y quien lo asesora ,si es que alguien lo hace,y si tiene asesor de vestuario tiene que renunciarrrr!!!
Nice try by someone who discovered Morrissey after 2010 and has glorified him completely over the last 10 years but knows absolutely nothing about what it meant to follow Morrissey unconditionally in the 80s and 90s. When music, lyrics and appearance were adorable.

I hate this kind of cliquey attitude from older fans. It's so tired. It's always exciting to see musicians attract younger or newer fans over their careers. It should be embraced, not disparaged.
I hate this kind of cliquey attitude from older fans. It's so tired. It's always exciting to see musicians attract younger or newer fans over their careers. It should be embraced, not disparaged.
And I don't like people who basically hate other people who criticize Morrissey's late work. It's like he can't do anything wrong. Unfortunately, he did. More than enough. Artistically, he will be remembered for his work with The Smiths and the first part of his solo career + the big comeback 2004. Not for the absolut mess he created since 2010. Ther are still memorable songs here and there but no one who discovered him decades ago chooses LIHL over Kill Uncle if he wants to listen to Morrissey nowadays. It's simple as that.
And I don't like people who basically hate other people who criticize Morrissey's late work. It's like he can't do anything wrong. Unfortunately, he did. More than enough. Artistically, he will be remembered for his work with The Smiths and the first part of his solo career + the big comeback 2004. Not for the absolut mess he created since 2010. Ther are still memorable songs here and there but no one who discovered him decades ago chooses LIHL over Kill Uncle if he wants to listen to Morrissey nowadays. It's simple as that.

Speak for yourself.

I discovered Morrissey decades ago and can accept that Kill Uncle sucked then and it sucks now. As I mentioned previously, in polls on this site and another board it comes out bottom of all albums discussed (and that includes among many fans who have been around for decades).

So yeah, some people who discovered him decades ago choose any of his albums over Kill Uncle.

but no one who discovered him decades ago chooses LIHL over Kill Uncle if he wants to listen to Morrissey nowadays. It's simple as that.

I DO! Fan since 1985. Speak for yourself. Cheers
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I hate this kind of cliquey attitude from older fans. It's so tired. It's always exciting to see musicians attract younger or newer fans over their careers. It should be embraced, not disparaged.
The new fans, including my own kids, help sustain Morrissey as a creative project. The sour apples, which have clung to the tree for too long, need to drop away.
Come to think of it, they didn't put the most Wild T Moz moment on this list.
It was when he did that NON COMM show.
They thought they could chop Moz but found out they couldn't stop Moz.

Gobble Gobble Hey ! Happy New year Wild T !

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