TTY: Darth Vader

An anonymous person writes:

New TTY, Darth reading Autobiography, was this in movie?

Darth Vader -
22 December 2015


photographer and source unknown.
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Finally: non-photoshopped proof that Darth Vader is a homo. None needed for Morrissey. Those pool shots of his five-o'cock shadow and him are def in the running for 'gayest ever'.
Desperately waiting for the official wall spotter to post some amazing pictures of walls in L A.
Hurry the 4ck up will you Walle !

I haven't seen this on the internet, Moz's handy work? Morrissey is freaking so damn funny. MARRY ME MOZ

''Morrissey..there is still good in you, i sense it!''

''It is too late for me, son''
Darth is reading the court case section to get some inspiration on how to let the hate flow through him.
I had never thought of it until now, but bizarrely and for no specific reason, I can imagine Morrissey being hugely into Star Wars.

Or at the very least Space Balls.
Good old Moz riding on the coat tails of Star Wars.

Star Wars? Never watched it and never will. This sci-fi shit is for people who don't want to face reality of the earth life. I admit though, I am a sucker for Tintin. That I can watch.
Morrissey: A hit single must you write.
Band: But we can't. It's just too hard. But we'll try.
Morrissey: No try. Either do or not. I sense much fear in you. The power of your strangled guitars are infinitesimal compared to the power of Marr. I find your lack of musical ability disturbing.
Morrissey: A hit single must you write.
Band: But we can't. It's just too hard. But we'll try.
Morrissey: No try. Either do or not. I sense much fear in you. The power of your strangled guitars are infinitesimal compared to the power of Marr. I find your lack of musical ability disturbing.

"Decide you must how to serve your fans best. If you tour now, help them you could. But you would destroy all for which they have fought and suffered."
Star Wars? Never watched it and never will. This sci-fi shit is for people who don't want to face reality of the earth life. I admit though, I am a sucker for Tintin. That I can watch.

Who asked you anyway?
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