What song are you listening to right now?

"Sunflower" is a nourishing and comforting album for the whole family. Some beautiful melodies that you can add to the general noise level of family life to make it all more bearable. When I keep that in mind, I can really appreciate it.
I listened to it twice today and was surprised that they chose the song "Cottonfields" as an album starter, as it is the only song which wasn't written by the Beach Boys. It's a vigorous cover though, and it injects the energy needed to get the album going.
My favorite is this weird little ditty from the b-side:

Not sure, if I want to digitize the album though as it is dragging on for long parts. I remember that the album was a constant companion during my childhood but I never really wanted to listen to it for longer than 10 minutes. The cover photograph made me wonder which kindergarden these folks belonged to as it apparantly wasn't mine.
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First contact after washdown~~~


The alien lifeform had first been encountered on this far-off planet, as spotted from our mourning starship...

maybe to be contd.
A telemarketer called me today. I don't know where she got my number from. She wanted to sell me a stay in a holiday resort. I did not start the conversation. I played this song to her on the phone ...

bon jovi emorama fatguyinalittlecoat rulz gr8 tags i have good taste i have terrible taste nugz luvs dmb nugz luvs phish post-count increaser r kellz lyk wut robby=follower she who has good taste this thread is toxic who nose yannisbad ydw an ipod
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