posted by davidt on Sunday January 13 2002, @12:00PM
NoInncentVctim writes:

Gameface has a new EP titled "Feels a lot Better" from what I know its a import EP... This five track EP features cover versions of Morrissey's "Sing Your Life" as well Elvis Costello's "Everyday I Write The Book" as well as other covers... I've heard the Moz cover and if your into post-hardcore bands like Kiss It Goodbye/Fugazi/'new' Cave In then you'll know what it sounds like, its pretty good...

Also, just a minor note: it's been well known that Walter, the singer from Rival Schools (formerly from Quicksand and Gorilla Biscuits) is a huge Morrissey fan... and has done past Morrissey/Smiths covers before, some live some on record... in the new Rival Schools record "United By Fate" he uses many Morrissey/Smiths song titles as lyrics as well as various Morrisseyesque phrases...
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  • Many hardcore/straight-edge bands and members I know have been highly influenced and inspired by The Smiths. That's one reason why they made that tribute album "The World Still Won't Listen," featuring bands like The Business, H2O, and Slapshot. This album was mentioned [] back in Feb. 2001.
    half-a-person -- Sunday January 13 2002, @08:48PM (#23019)
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