posted by davidt on Wednesday August 23 2006, @12:00PM
Uncleskinny writes:
As Mishima pointed out below, there's a short review of the Stafford gig, and a brief Q&A. New material, eh? Also, there's a huge full page ad for "In The Future...", the bottom section of which is put over to Kristeen Young - "Morrissey proudly presents debut single from Kristeen Young.."

Text of article and interview posted in the forums.
posted by davidt on Wednesday August 23 2006, @12:00PM
Abrahan sends the link:

In The Future When All's Well - Morrissey - YouTube
posted by davidt on Wednesday August 23 2006, @12:00PM
ryb writes:
Early this year Martin Smith of the Socialist review wrote an article about Morrissey. Smith owns up to the fact that he used to loathe Morrissey but how he enjoys ring leader.. He proceeds to explain his contempt for Morrissey by saying how he thought it disgusting that Morrissey condoned the far right (NF Disco) and even suggests that Moz can some how be held partly responsible for condoning/promoting the rise of the BNP. He then goes onto dissect Morrisseys sexuality and judge his character. To view this piece of trash journalism follow the socialist review link below.

Morrissey and the Love That Dare Not Sing Its Name - Socialist Review
Column by Martin Smith, May 2006

to view my argument letter visit:
Today's News | August 24 | August 22  >

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