Recent content by girl in a drab dress

  1. girl in a drab dress

    Next S&G night on the 2nd

    Larrikin Love is on the 1st...CLap your Hands Say Yeah is onthe 2nd...going to both...S&G after Clap Your Hands sound good
  2. girl in a drab dress

    How old are you?

    45...that feels old...but...on the up side, old enough to have been at the first Simths gig outside Manchester - 1983, Birmingham 'Fighting Cocks' - through to the first Morrissey Solo gig - 1988 Wolverhampton - and still counting...gigs that is - not years!
  3. girl in a drab dress

    band game!

    Mighty Mighty (.. a fab little indie Band from Birmingham in the late 80's/early 90' case you're wondering!)
  4. girl in a drab dress

    Brickhouse after-gig party

    Did anyone go to the after-gig party at the Briskhouse last night? I've got tickets for tonight...worth going to??
  5. girl in a drab dress


    She hasn't been a fan since '94...I first met her on the Moz/David Bowie tour when she was still a novice at Moz fandom ie she wanted to know everything about what he had said to me when we met. She certainly wasn't in the inner circle at that time. More recently, when i met Moz on the Quarry...
  6. girl in a drab dress

    When did you become a Smiths/Morrissey fan?

    Make a note....must use the spell checker!! ;)
  7. girl in a drab dress

    When did you become a Smiths/Morrissey fan?

    I heard the line "I would go out tonight but I haven't got a stitch to wear" played at an Indie club and loved the sentiment!!! HAd to find out what it was - we all know the answer - and ruched out and bought thte cheaper option at the time, The New York 12" remix. From then on I've been hooked!!
  8. girl in a drab dress

    What are people's favourite non-Morrissey albums at the moment?

    It has to be: ~ the new Camera Obscura stuff, ~ Clap Your Hands Say Yeah ~ The new Dirty Pretty Things Can't decide which is best at the minute xx
  9. girl in a drab dress

    Meeting Morrissey

    Hi Scott, it IS possible to meet him and have a chat...have done it more than twenty times over the years. he WON'T stop if there is a crowd of you waiting and he doesn't like people who expect him to stop and sign things. He rarely stops after gigs...he did once in Swansea when he chatted and...
  10. girl in a drab dress

    Arctic Monkeys

    Arctic Monkeys at the Cavern I was at the Cavern too...Wow! What a night!! Does anyone have a recording of this?
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