Tour not confirmed?
Posted on Fri, Jul 30 1999 at 10:02 a.m. PDT
by David T. <[email protected]>
Yeah, it's probably a good idea to wait for the actual announcement (mentioned in the previous allstar article) before making any plans. From Torr: reports that Nottingham Rock City was to be the first date of the UK tour but a spokesman has denied Morrissey is playing.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

I won't believe anything until I see the man on stage, and then, he'll probably play a few songs and leave. Okay, I'm bitter....

Rowdy Yeats <[email protected]>
- Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 11:53:29 (PDT) | #1

I knew it was too good to be true.
I have been so depressed lately and
I thought finally some good news and
now Moz is already cancelling tour dates.
Why oh why does this stuff always happen to me.
Moz, I always seem to forgive you even when
you upset me.

Chespaw - Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 12:25:02 (PDT) | #2

I'd have to agree with Rowdy Yates. Morrissey is still my favorite but...
I won't believe it until he's on stage either!!!
When I finally did get to see him last time around he was amazing - even if his latest material isn't my favorite!!! Did anyone else besides me think that the Smoking Popes rocked!!! Too bad they broke up - they did right??? Seems like all the bands I like broke up!!!!!
Anyone have any info on tours from Suede, Ian Brown, or Blur???? Seems like the brits are never around. I hate the AMerican Crap these days - limp bizcut (whatever), Kid Rock, Offspring ETC.

Bring on the Moz!!!!!!!!!!!
(that Performance of Meat is Murder by Johnny Marr was really good!!!! You Can Find it around here somewhere:
Anyway - Cheers and let's hope for the best!!!

Ken <[email protected]>
Long Island - Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 12:51:59 (PDT) | #3

I just wanted to add one more point.
I think Morrissey should ditch the opening act and actually play some music instead of the 15 song list. I propose he plays his 15 songs, has an intermission for 1/2 hour then plays another 15 - sound good???????
This way he could play a lot more stuff. He should also play some older songs - not just the standard singles "Suedehead", "Everyday is Like Sunday" ETC. How about "Bengali in Platforms" or "Late Night Maudlin Street" or "Tony the Pony". That's why I think him choosing "Paint a Vulgar Picture" was brilliant - last time around.

Anyway I hope some of you agree with me - but you probably would rather hear "Boy Racer" or "The More You Ignore Me" :-)

Anyway Cheers!!!!

Ken <[email protected]>
Long Island - Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 12:58:11 (PDT) | #4

Hey Warren get a life! Man it's not
the end of the world. Don't make all
us Moz's fans sound like pansies with
that senseless blubbering. Suck it up
big Dog. MOZ YOU ROCK!!! I'll see you
on stage

USA - Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 13:06:07 (PDT) | #5

Yes, I agree...shut up warren. Morrissey never said he was touring and he never cancelled either. It's all from "sources", but I'm sure there will still be a tour...calm down.

Corey <[email protected]>
- Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 15:08:27 (PDT) | #6

I get @#!!! from people for listening to moz and its because of crap like this that gives Morrissey fans a bad name. I mean come on.

buddy <[email protected]>
- Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 15:57:57 (PDT) | #7

Ken said it best about the American crap!!!!

boy racer
Midland, pa - Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 22:16:02 (PDT) | #8

I always wondered why Morrissey always plays short shows. Hour or hour and 1/2. I have two morrissey home videos and they're awsome, but it's like he teases you and he's gone. I still think the best shows I've seen were The Cure who played 3 and 1/2 hours with no opening acts. Metallica would be the other and they played for about 2 hrs. and 15 minutes. Of course those groups have alot material and have been around for a very long time. Not to many artists these days can continue to reinvent themselves.

Morrissey does have alot of material I just don't get the 1hr thing??

boy racer
Midland, pa - Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 22:28:26 (PDT) | #9

This has nothing to do with the true...but i just saw Chris Isaak on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Is it me or Chris Isaak reminds me of a young Morrissey, but in a American way

Southern California - Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 00:55:42 (PDT) | #10

Opps...I mean "tour" instead of "true"

Southern California - Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 00:57:01 (PDT) | #11

Eight dates in Ireland??!!

That confirms that the info is wrong or bollocks!

As for No London show - yeah righto

DEV <[email protected]>
- Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 02:18:11 (PDT) | #12

How do you know? Moz loves Ireland and has a house there, although of course it is another tax haven ;) His last show was in Battersea and Moz likes playing unconventional venues, there will be a show in London eventually as this is only a warm-up pre-album tour and there will no doubt be a Southern date nearby. As for Nottingham Rock City, well they're @#!!!s; they denied Blur were playing there two years ago. Earlier points - Chris Isaak is a bit like Moz, image-wise and with the voice, Presley/Orbinson influenced, although less angst ridden, there's no way he'll play Tony The Pony and Bengali In Platforms which are dreadful anyway or Maudlin Street which would be great but unlikely, he doesn't even do Suedehead anymore does he? but I agree about old songs, Hairdresser On Fire, Sister I'm A Poet, Dissappointed would be fab for example, pity we can't request what he sings lol.

John <[email protected]>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 06:24:28 (PDT) | #13

YYYYYYEEEEEEEEESSSSSS. I live in Nottingham and I've never seen Morrissey before. However I think maybe he's sunk a bit low. Rock City is a pretty bad venue usually packed full of Korn fans in their dodgy, baggy skater gear. And it smells slightly funny to.

Angry Young Man
Nottingham, UK - Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 06:26:10 (PDT) | #14

yeah David should not have titled this info "tour not confirmed?" because it just says about Nottingham Rock never said the others weren't...emmm....and it even mentions that in the nme article...never mentions other tour cancellations(if this one even is canceled)

Corey <[email protected]>
- Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 08:00:29 (PDT) | #15

buddy, I don't understand why people would give you trouble for listening to Moz. Now your name on the other hand....

Corey <[email protected]>
- Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 08:02:11 (PDT) | #16

Marie- I was just listening to Chris Isaak's Forever Blue the other day, when I looked at the liner and thought,"He really looks like a young, Americanized Morrissey"! Honestly! Good call!!! And for the Mozzer, just make one tour date in the east coast and I'll be there!

Robb <[email protected]>
Pittsburgh, PA. - Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 08:29:16 (PDT) | #17

Please don't talk bad about "Bengali in Platforms"!!! Please, it's a brilliant song. Let me guess you don't favor songs like "Pretty Girls Make Graves" , "The Ordinary Boys" , "Asian Rut", "Frankly Mr. Shankly" , "Death of a Disco Dancer" , "Well I Wonder." Only the singles huh???? The whole reason I got into Morrissey in the first place was the fact that his albums are great. Not just a couple of singles off each album - but that I could listen to "Viva Hate", for example, straight through!!!! Morrissey's less known songs are wonderful and some of them are better than some well known tracks. Take for example "Girl Least Likely To" over "Boy Racer." A gem vs. utter crap!!!!! Anyway, try listening to a Moz or Smiths album straight through - you might be pleasently surprised!!!!

Long Island - Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 09:37:22 (PDT) | #18

Don't be silly, of course I like the album tracks, some are as good/better as the singles, in the case of The Smiths I like just about all their songs bar a couple like Death At One's Elbow, the consistency is why they're so great, you can play the albums all the way through like you said although Moz is patchy compared to The Smiths, I just don't agree with the ones you singled out apart from the mighty Maudlin Street, and I often listen to the albums straight through, although not Southpaw, Kill Uncle and Maladjusted much, you're just chosing odd tracks that I don't personally agree with, again Girl Least Likely To, Ordinary Boys, Asian Rut are not exactly startling tracks to me and Bengali has the most offensive, ambiguous lyrics of his career, I actually liked Boy Racer lol, different strokes for diff folks and all, although it isn't his best single and is highly repetitive yeah and I can see why people hated it, oh well!

John <[email protected]>
Glasgow, Scotland - Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 12:27:30 (PDT) | #19

Metallica and the cure both have long drawn out instrumental tracks that drone on for 8 minutes at a time. With Morrissey its all about his lyrics and his singing, so if he plays an hour or an hour fifteen minutes be happy. He will be and should be the main focus of the event. The day Boz starts a five minute solo in the middle of a song to kill time will be the day Morrissey shows go on for 2 hours plus. It really isnt necesary is it? Plus, you'll still get a good fifteen or more songs out of him on any given night.

Frankie Shankly
Dusting off the Cookies - Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 14:42:34 (PDT) | #20

What the hell is wrong with Buddy? Stupid Corey Feldman.

- Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 19:29:01 (PDT) | #21

I too would love to hear M play some songs that I haven't heard live before, but "Tony, the Pony"????

Alainsane <[email protected]>
- Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 20:03:52 (PDT) | #22

Metallica? Cure? 2-3 hours of music? Hey Guys, 15 minutes of pure powerpop, rock 'n roll and rock 'a billy mayhem and trash in the Morrissey-way is much better than two or three hours of music played by boring old farts - like the two bands mentioned above...

I would like to hear some old material, well as some cool cover-versions (what about some more New York Dolls-songs (ace!), maybe some ELVIS , Mozzer's now old enough to play some late Elvis-stuff...isn't he?

Stephen Hero
hamburg, germany - Sun, Aug 01, 1999 at 09:05:51 (PDT) | #23

is it just me or should Morrissey and Metallica never be mentioned in the same sentence?

mozmiths <[email protected]>
san diego - Sun, Aug 01, 1999 at 13:09:09 (PDT) | #24

So KEN, what's up with your long-ass comments, and your intermissions with commercials for information on other bands/singers? I think all that you said could have been reduced to a mere four sentences.

Boy Afraid
- Sun, Aug 01, 1999 at 13:11:50 (PDT) | #25

Just curious, has anyone heard of Moz playing Hairdresser, I Don't Mind if You Forget Me, or Ouija Board live?

- Sun, Aug 01, 1999 at 17:40:43 (PDT) | #26


- Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 04:31:13 (PDT) | #27

Do Forgive me MR. Boy Afraid. I was just trying to have some examples to back up what I was saying. By the way, I have to agree that "Death at One's Elbows" is like the worst Smiths song - I always skip it!!!!

Ken <[email protected]>
Long Island - Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 07:02:01 (PDT) | #28

well if you are pleased with "buddy" then I am happy for your ignorance. What about corey feldman...nothing wrong with a fellow manson hater I always say.

Corey <[email protected]>
- Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 18:00:03 (PDT) | #29

Despite my tardiness I feel compelled to comment on Marie's comparison of Chris Isaak to a young Morrissey. Mr. Isaak is actually older than Morrissey, Chris turned 43 in June.
Just so you know.

Derek <[email protected]>
Ontario, Canada - Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 20:20:31 (PDT) | #30

Boy Afraid, you're right

Jen Moz <[email protected]>
California - Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 22:33:03 (PDT) | #31

I find the news worrying vague, particularly in view of the "never confirmed in the first place" festival excuses of the past (Glastonbury 1992, Sunday Madstock) and the Bowie debacle. But here's hoping anyway!!

Oh and "Death at One's Elbow" is nowhere near as bad as "Golden Lights"!!!

Cambridge, England - Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 01:21:48 (PDT) | #32

I Heartily Disagree!!! First of all Golden Lights doesn't count because it's a cover. Anyway, I kinnda like it!!!! The lyrics are pretty cool and are kinnda Morrissey'esce anyway. I could see why Moz wanted to do it.

We Should take a pole on what's everyone's favorite under-rated Smiths/Morrissey track. I.E. It wan't a single and wasn't played on the radio.
How about it?

Ken <[email protected]>
Long Island - Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 06:05:05 (PDT) | #33

I think a lot of you clowns spend
way too much time debating the most
trivial topics. Whats a dumber name
Corey or buddy? guess what??? Who
cares. Ken you are writing in way
too often, do some work around the house.

Chespaw - Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 06:53:00 (PDT) | #34

Or start eating pasta 5 times a day so you can look as fat as he will when back on stage ...

Pasta is not murder
- Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 07:27:27 (PDT) | #35

Warren my boy..calm down are too depressed to be typing such messages...take a rest. I beg of you.

Corey <[email protected]>
- Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 08:07:24 (PDT) | #36

Cori, are you a guy or a gal??
I only get depressed when Morrissey
promises he is going to do a show and
then backs out for some no good reason.
He treats us terribly first by putting outsuch bad
albums as Maladjusted and MEBY and then by wussing
out of shows. Come on people am I right or what??

Chespaw - Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 08:18:23 (PDT) | #37

I'm with you, Warren. Moz doesn't care anymore. I mean, he's like 50 years old. Do you really thing he is still capable of doing anything special at this point in his life? I DOUBT IT!

- Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 09:06:09 (PDT) | #38

Eh, anyone would mind to e-mail me as soon this Moz's show at Coachella.... it's confirmed? The problem is that I live in Brazil... so I've already book plane tickets and hotel in Palm Springs to go to Morrissey Show.... But If the Man doesn't showed up what am I suppose to do???
Where do I get the refund???? Ehehehehehe.... Is there any other show set for the US in October or November???? I could go to any of this, actually I would prefer to go to a Morrissey only show...
So if you know anything about it, please e-mail me at [email protected]
Thanks all the Morrissey fans
Eh, Just if you are interested on it, Blur will play in Brazil (Sao Paulo (November, 21) and Rio de Janeiro (November, 23).

Marco <[email protected]>
Brasil - Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 09:33:40 (PDT) | #39


Golden lights was a cover song. And speaking of cover songs, you know the Smiths actually broke up because Johnny was so pissed that Moz made him cover "Work is a 4 letter word"! And you know how the saying goes.....Your only as good as your last work!

If anyone gets close enough to Moz out in LA, please ask him, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?"

Belligerent Ghoul
Key West - Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 09:59:58 (PDT) | #40

i have to agree also with rowdy yeats i won't believe it until i see him on stage for the 15 minutes he plays.but i still love him.

roxanne <roxylynn6>
- Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 13:08:19 (PDT) | #41



Jen Moz <[email protected]>
California - Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 14:24:45 (PDT) | #42

Who needs 5 servings of it? All you need is one box of Lipton's 4 cheese pasta a day.

p.s. He's not fat. You're just shocked at seeing him at a normal weight.

Who has recently cut out the pasta in large quantities..and it shows - Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 16:32:23 (PDT) | #43

Wow, this page made for interesting reading. Just my humble thoughts....Morrissey is certainly not fat, nor is he 50....40 is an entire decade away from 50, and 50 isn't exactly old, is it?! I know many people over 50 and I can safely say that if one takes care of oneself, and has an innate sense of self and an open mind, age is thoroughly irrelevant.

Oh, no offense G-spot, but it seems a bit harsh to state that Morrissey is doubtfully capable of doing anything "special." Are you inside his brain? Have you given him a comprehesive abilities test? If you truly have any admiration for his past creations, how dare you judge so cruelly?

Let's just wait and see what happens. Personally I believe all of Morrissey's solo and Smiths work is quite good--some songs are better than others, but I don't run in horror from any of them. The most underrated (solo) song has got to be "Seasick, Yet Still Docked."

Thanks for reading my humble thoughts....I hope no one verbally assaults me for posting my musings. This is one damn vicious page!

Amy Beth <[email protected]>
Columbus, Ohio - Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 18:38:02 (PDT) | #44

Just wanted to note before some spell-checker does....I mistyped "comprehensive" above. I do know how to spell it--I just type way too quickly. My apologies.

Amy Beth <[email protected]>
Columbus, Ohio - Tue, Aug 03, 1999 at 18:42:33 (PDT) | #45

This site is vicious - Tell Me About it Amy!!!
I state my humble opinions and people tell me I write too much - I should get a job. However, I'm a computer programmer so I am always on a PC and have plenty of time to write on the discussion board!!!!!!! I agree with Seasick, Yet Still Docked as a great under-rated song. How about "Well I Wonder" ???

Ken <[email protected]>
Long Island - Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 05:57:52 (PDT) | #46

I'm sure the tour will happen. I was kind of disappointed to hear that there will be only 6 U.S. dates(probably four in L.A.) I figure he's waiting until after a new album is out to do a complete U.S. tour. I have to agree that 'Death at One's Elbow' is a disappointing song. One of the most underrated songs has to be 'These Things Take Time' from the 'Louder Than Bombs' singles compilation. I also agree that he should play much longer sets. He's got the material. Not to mention the fact that his fans can never get enough.

Art Vandalay
Las Vegas - Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 06:53:15 (PDT) | #47

I find it rather interesting that the tour hasn't been confirmed yet, considering that he is listed as one of the featured acts at the Coachella Music festival...Go to of course that is separate from the tour itself. All I know is I'm there!

frank <[email protected]>
Sacramento,CA - Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 17:45:46 (PDT) | #48

Please please please let me get what I want....
Pray he comes to Denver, and yes Morrissey WAS too skinny and Chris Isaak as a younger Moz? He's OLDER than Moz! (42 I think Chris is...)

Mike Head
Denver - Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 18:30:59 (PDT) | #49

Why dont you mind your own damn business corey instead of talking @#!!! on whether my name would be buddy or @#!!!ing not. And Warren is damn well bloody right. sometimes swallow your pride and keep your opionins to yourself.

- Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 21:58:20 (PDT) | #50

* return to Morrissey-solo