Tour begins again tomorrow in Mexico City
Posted on Thu, Mar 23 2000 at 8:02 a.m. PST
by David T. <[email protected]>
As before, check the tour page for the latest info and reviews. And as I've also said before, I greatly appreciate those who continue to contribute positively to the site.

Scan of Mexico City ad from Unlovable:

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

They probably used the Kill Uncle album cover because that's when Morrissey looked younger and more appealing. He should cut out all the beers and go back to eating oranges and the "odd" potato and regain his former self. Morrissey as a beefcake kind of guy doesn't suit him very well. Just my opinion....I know that life goes on and people change, but the heavier Morrissey makes him look much older than he really is and I don't think Morrissey would have much appeal left if he got up to 250 or so. Same goes for Alain who doesn't look that great with the extra girth he's sporting nowadays. OK, enough shallowness. But one last thing.....I think Gary is the only one that still looks good in the group.

Buck toothed girl from Luxembourg
- Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 08:13:05 (PST) | #1


I can't wait until tomorrow, because TOMORROW at the National Auditorium Moz will sing. I barely expect tenderness, sensuality and love on the stage so what I want to say?
" I knew him first "
" I knew him well... "
" ...In my heart I beg take me WITH you, I don't care where you are going ... "

It's a shame that mexico gets just one Morrissey's show. But this will be a unforgettable night.


Fanz <[email protected]>
Mexico City - Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 08:45:47 (PST) | #2

Unlovable -- you made it onto the front page of Morrissey-Solo. Congratulations! See you tomorrow in Mexico City!

Lon <[email protected]>
Atlanta - Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 08:53:41 (PST) | #3

It's a dream and an honour to have Morrissey in Mexico City. We are so happy and We'll Let You Know what happen in the concert tomorrow!

Skip <[email protected]>
Mexico - Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 13:48:38 (PST) | #4

i luved that photo!!!!!!!!!!!!
viva morrissey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dario r
moz angeles - Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 15:03:33 (PST) | #5

Thank you for coming, tomorrow I´ll be in first row flying and waiting for the end of my days cos´ this could be the last thing I had had waiting to happen´, again thank u Steven, see u in Heaven where the Angels sing your songs too.

Luigi The Boy <[email protected]>
Mexico City - Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 15:54:47 (PST) | #6

Thank you for coming, tomorrow I´ll be in first row flying and waiting for the end of my days cos´ this could be the last thing I had had waiting to happen´, again thank u Steven, see u there and in Heaven where the Angels sing your songs too.

Luigi The Boy <[email protected]>
Mexico City - Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 15:55:23 (PST) | #7

I can't wait until tomorrow, MORRISSEY finally comes to mexico. I'm flying in tonight from Tijuana and I'll be there tomorrow.

TIJUANA B.C. - Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 18:03:33 (PST) | #8



@#!!!ING LIFE...

leyvaRicardo <[email protected]>
- Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 21:06:30 (PST) | #9

It's going to be a once in a lifetime gig... i don't know as much of him as i do of other groups... but i really like his lyrics and i'm gonna be there today...
to everybody who's comming.... Enjoy!!

Bacho <[email protected]>
mexico d.f. - Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 09:23:50 (PST) | #10

Finally the day has come!!!
Just can't wait to get to the plane and arrive Mexico City.
I'am sure is gonna be a great concert
See you tonight at 8:30

ggarces <[email protected]>
Monterrey, NL - Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 09:36:11 (PST) | #11

"how fond you are of saying dangerous things"
Lord Henry, The Picture Of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde

As a youth I grew up a troubled man,
I needed my share of cheerfulness
Though i did not know where it was
But then one day, le soleil!
Ah, on what little things does happiness depend!
Oh, the beauty of a thousand sounds that rhyme
and the comfort in words of those who comprehend
That life is, at times, a magnificent bore...
...somewhere in the wasteland of my youth
Your nurturing sounds guided me to le chateau of a thousand outrageous ventures...

"I'm so glad to grow older
To move away from those darker years

Morrissey, Break up the family, Viva Hate

Manú <[email protected]>
Tenochtitlan - Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 16:34:15 (PST) | #12

manden fotos, o lo que sea del recital en mexico para mi pagina en castellano.
saludos y suerte esta noche, hermanos mexicanos!!!!!!!

diego <[email protected]>
argentina - Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 18:08:26 (PST) | #13

Un bajo, dos guitarras y el baterista vestidos de ¡¡¡Mariachi Mexicano!!!
Concierto corto pero bien armado...
Canciones de los Smiths 6 o 7, y las restantes del Moz.
Cambio de vestuario tres ocasiones y al final el tambien se vistio de Mariachi Mexicano, lo cual se le aplaudio bastante.
Regalo a la gente tres playeras azules bañadas en sudor, lo que arrojo desgarramientos entre fans, los afortunados(as) pues felicidades...
Lista de canciones (perdon si me equivoco estoy medio aturdido)
Primera cancion :
Racer Boy
Ultima cancion:
Last night I dream that somebody loves me
Entre las que recuerdo:
Break up the family
Meat is Murder (Increible!)
Is it really so strange?
Shoplifters of the world unite
Hairdresser on fire
Ouija Board
Y otras mas que no me vienen a la mente en este momento...
Perdon por las faltas de ortografia, estoy en un afterparty y solo me di una escapada para escribirles a todos esto...
A mas detalle posterior... pero para mi en una palabra:
Suerte Chile... se los mandamos enfiladito.
Suerte a todos...

Frank <[email protected]>
Mexico - Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 00:04:15 (PST) | #14

Estuvo,como diria mi amigo Lael.. "SOBERBIO!", un buen desmadre. Lo disfrute al maximo, aunque para mi avorazado corazon quizas un poco corto.
El hombre mas sexy, y a pesar de los años no deja de arrancar gritos entre las chicas y chicos.
Buena seleccion de material, practicamente una o dos canciones por disco, pero indiscutiblemente falto Sudehead.

Si alguien tomo fotografias del concierto o lo grabo, por favor escribanme, porque moriria por una copia.

Adriana Flores <[email protected]>
- Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 07:34:44 (PST) | #15

O.K. I woke up this morning and though Thank you Steven for such an amazing show, I was at first row (I´m not tired about say it) lost my glasses it´s ok, but I can´t quite remember if I had 2 o 3 orgasms,I met Esteban, the band, anyway what more can I ask the life for??,

A big hug to my friend´s Unloveable (comandanta-mexican beauty), Gabriel, Larry, Julie, Adrian and some other I don´t remember, sorry I´m still in shock.

See ya soon,
By the way...Who has the marker? (maka)


Luigi the Boy <>
- Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 10:27:56 (PST) | #16

Yesterday´s gig was just AMAZING. Boz, Gary,Alain and Spike appeared dressed in mariachi outfit and everyone went wild once we saw them. Racer Boy, the first song, then Billy Budd, (I dont quite recall the order of the songs, but more or less:)
Meat is murder, Now my heart is full, Ouija board, Hairdresser on fire, I´m hated for loving you, shoplifters of the world, unite!, Is it really so strange?, Tomorrow, and so on. The encore: Last night I dreamt sombody loved me!!!
Just great! and My way on tape. Moz did about 2 o 3 changes of clothes. Wearing first an Elvis-style blue-leather outfit, then just jeans and a White shirt, then blue t-shirts from a british boys club (a couple of them thrown to the audience wich was completely out of control, about 6 o 7 persons were taken out because they tried to reach Moz on stage, security guards could taken them away. Just a girl reached him, grabbed him and kissed him on the cheek. Great moment) On screen: photos of Steve MacQueen and Kirk Douglas. He was very excited on stage and saluted a lot of fans on the 1st row. A couple of words in spanish and calling out for Oxigene!
At the end he appeared as well on a mariachi outfit. After the show I tried to reach Moz at his hotel, unfortunately I arrived very late and I had the chance to meet Boz and Spike and gracefully, they autographed my cds, they´re very kind and polite but Moz was alredy gone to bed early, that´s a shame. Anyway,I met as I said, Boz and Spike and I talk to them for a while and i wished the best of luck at Chile, then they went to bar across the street for a couple of drinks. The wait worth it because it was an extraordinary concert. I think most of people waited for songs like Suedehead or We hate it...
but for me was one of the best shows I´ve ever been. Cheers to the fans all over the world.
From Mexico city

Roman <[email protected]>
Mexico City - Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 13:06:40 (PST) | #17

Yesteday's gig was astonishing, that's all I can say.Thank you Moz, thanks to the band. Chile get ready! To my friends in Concepcion: Paul, Michael, Jordi.... You cannot miss it!

Viva Moz!

PS: Unlovable, I am sorry we didn't meet

Oscar <[email protected]>
Mexico - Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 14:17:30 (PST) | #18


MORRISSEY I GAVE YOU THE CROWN!!!(the girl of the bracelet: 9 years ago!)


sandra BLUE"!
mexico city - Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 10:03:45 (PST) | #19

---Only a few week ago I was nervious, and so exciting because Moz would come to Mexico. I cant believed it.. my love, my Moz, here.. Then, when I knew it, I thanks to god for this fu-cking live and I scream like a crazy.
Now, the show its over and I just want to say: "PLEASE, COME BACK SOON". Mexico miss you so much..
"...any other do, why dont you.. do you want to?.. "

anna <[email protected]>
Mexico, City - Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 10:28:52 (PST) | #20

Last Correct Set List.
México D.F. March 24, 2000.

1.The Boy Racer.
2.Billy Budd.
3.November Spawned a Monster.
4.Hairdresser On Fire.
5.Is it Really so Strange.
6.Now My Heart is Full.
7.Breake Up the Family.
8.I am Hated for Loving.
9.Half a Person.
10.Alma Matters.
11.The Teachers are Afraid of the Pupils.
12.Meat is Murder.
13.Ouija Board, Ouija Board.
14.A Swallow on my Neck.
17.Shoplifters of the World Unite.
18.Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me.

Screams, The Lights goes out.
Time: 75 minutes (aprox).

Salvador Guzmán <[email protected]>
- Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 14:02:43 (PST) | #21

i met morrissey at the hotel lobby thursday noon, talked with him face to face, got an autograph, a multiple orgasm and then spent aaaaaaaaaaall the afternoon watching him 2 tables away from his table at 'karisma cantina'. not enough? well, he shook my hand at the concert, where i gave him the t-shirt i made for him and...saturday night i did it to the very boarding gate at the airport, talked with him again, got a picture and a multiple orgasm wich it hasn't finished yet.
unlovable, luigi boy, sandra blue you know we have the best after-party of our lives, i'm so lucky for met you all.
and SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! don't tell anybody about what we knew from our friends in the band/crew.

gabriel <[email protected]>
- Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 20:40:53 (PST) | #22

i am speechless and still suffering multiple orgasms: met morrissey face to face TWICE, shook his hand at the gig, gave him the t-shirt i made it for him, got an autograph, a picture with him in the very boarding gate at the airport, hung out with the band/crew, met too many great new friends in mexico city.....
the concert was unbelievable and unforgettable.
now my heart is more than full......

gabriel <[email protected]>
- Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 21:46:08 (PST) | #23

i am speechless and still suffering multiple orgasms: met morrissey face to face TWICE, shook his hand at the gig, gave him the t-shirt i made it for him, got an autograph, a picture with him in the very boarding gate at the airport, hung out with the band/crew, met too many great new friends in mexico city.....
the concert was unbelievable and unforgettable.
now my heart is more than full......

gabriel <[email protected]>
- Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 22:12:33 (PST) | #24

Hello to all the new friends I met in Mexico City, especially Unloveable, who was the catalyst to it all! Gabriel, Luis, Julie, Adrian, Becky, Jorge from GDL, who rode 7 hours on a bus, then 7 hours back after the show and everyone else. David T. (the real one who provides this for us all!), Marilyn from SF, just everyone!
Unloveable, please tell Francisco and Irene hello for me also. I had a nasty incident (was robbed) on the Reforma on Sat. morning, but I was walking alone and was advertising myself as "Gringo" but it does not matter. I've seen alot of concerts in my time, Paul McCartney's opening show of his tour 1976 in Ft. Worth, R.E.M. at Earl's Court last summer, Blur in Atlanta with Damon swinging from the rafters, literally, but NOTHING BEATS MORRISSEY IN MEXICO CITY! I had a long talk with Alain on Sat. morning and met Gary Day at breakfast, but ulike my friends, I failed to met The Man. So, in my own sick way, that quest will continue for me!

Back in Atlanta, Larry

Lon <[email protected]>
Atlanta - Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 04:10:06 (PST) | #25

sure... like gabriel says:
Of course of MORRISSEY but also because of the crew guys and of great alain white.
Thanks for the amazing NOVEMBER SPAWNED A MONSTER and friends: (gabriel, victor hugo, martha, ari, ursula, luis...) let's pray to get him back!!!

sandra BLUE <[email protected]>
mexico city - Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 08:49:21 (PST) | #26

O.K. The March 24th has gone, the show´s gone, the afterparty´s gone, the Band´s gone, even The Man´s gone, but the thing that hasn’t gone is the feeling that Steven gave us, the experience and the best show of our lives (as the words of the people who has lived not two or three shows, the people that has seen more than ten times Morrissey).

I´m still in shock, I had 5 diferent signs of Morrissey in different places from different times in this endless weekend, I had a picture with him, just STEVEN and ME!!, and a big, big, big, present from the band just for me (thank u Alain for such a big love to your fans, specially for what happened with the hat before you departure), Details very soon!!

Again Thank´s to Unloveable (many of us, even the band could change this nick!!), Gabriel (The Captain, Comandanta´s right hand, you owe me some money in change), Larry (So sorry about the crazy crowd!! even for your tragedy at Reforma), all other friends Julia, Adrian, Becky, Sandra, Victor, and all the people that made this possible.

See ya soon!!

O.K. El 24 de marzo se ha ido, el show se ha ido, todo el relajo del afterparty se ha ido (nosotros estuvimos en el unico que hubo), la banda se ha ido, incluso El Hombre se ha ido, pero lo que nunca se ira es el sentimiento que Esteban nos dio, la experiencia y el mejor show de nuestras vidas ( Incluso y segun las palabras de la gente que ha vivido no dos ni tres shows, sino la gente que lo ha visto mas de 10 veces a Morrissey en USA, en Inglaterra y en otras partes del mundo y que vinieron a Mexico solo a verlo).

Sigo en un completo shock, tengo 5 diferentes autografos de Morrissey en diferentes lugares y obtenidos en diferentes momentos de este interminable fin de semana, tengo una fotografia con Morrissey: solo STEVEN y YO!!, y un gran, gran, gran regalo que me dio la Banda solo para mi ( Gracias Alain por tomar la iniciativa y por tanto cariño demostrado a tus fans, especialmente a mi por lo que paso antes de que se fueran), Los detalles muy pronto!!

Nuevamente Gracias a Unloveable (varios de nosostros pudieramos cambiarte este nick hasta la Banda!!, je, je, je ), Gabriel (El Capitan, mano derecha de la Comandanta, me debes cambio, no te hagas los precios bajaron), Larry (Siento mucho lo de la multitud, prometi que nos portaríamos bien!!, tambien por lo de tu incidente en Reforma), todos los otros amigos Julia, Adrian, Becky, Sandra, Victor y toda la gente que hizo posible esto.

Nos vemos muy pronto!!

Luigi The Boy <[email protected]>
Mexico City - Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 09:32:51 (PST) | #27

Well, what else can I say? The show was awesome... even though I traveled to Mexico City with some friends, I was able to get a seat closer to the stage... close enough to see him but yet far enough to remain un-squashed by the raging mob...
The show started at about 8:50, with Moz walking on to the stage as if he were a Torero -bull fighter-, dressed up on black leather trousers and jacket... Spike's bass drum had the word "Morrissey" written across it and a Mexican flag -a sticker- above it... so the entrance was very humorous and of course the crowd -we- all went crazy...
The first song was "The Boy Racer", after which he said:
"It's nice to see you and hear you sing along"
the rest of the song set I won't go through, as it has already been posted (ALTHOUGH SOMEHOW "OUR FRANK" HAS BEEN FORGOTTEN... C'MON, IT WAS THE ONLY SONG OFF "KILL UNCLE", HOW CAN YOU FORGET ABOUT IT!)
It was pretty obvious that El Moz was quite happy to perform in front of such an upbeat and participative audience, as he would later confess:
"I am so glad to be here"...
Moz also said hi to some of his "old friends": "it's nice to see some good friends here"
Some of the highlights of the show were the changes he made to the lyrics of the songs:
"Tomorrow" - singing "mañana" and "all I ask of you is one thing YOU SHOULD NEVER DO"
"Hairdresser on fire" - "so much for London" instead of "here is London". I believe he also sang "home of the trash" instead of "brash". Another change on the words was the hilarious "and when he said 'I'm gonna SCREW you' I felt so happy for you "
"Break up the family" - "I'm in love for the last time".
"Alma Matters" - "so the life I have THROWN AWAY"...
Other things worth mentioning are:
edited version of "the teachers are afraid..."
acoustic performance of "Boxers".
semi-acoustic rendition of "Now My Heart is Full".
The majestic "Shoplifters of the world, unite".
"Meat is Murder" : "I know in this country I have almost no rights" he said, and then adding something like "but we don't eat our friends" or something like that. Meat is murder also sent many people back to their seat, I guess because many didn't even know the song...
"Last night I dreamt"... perfect, wonderful, mind blowing encore... almost moved me to tears, making me remember all those lonely times now gone thanks to my beautiful girlfriend, Mannon...
Also hilarious was the projection of the cover picture of "Dagenham Dave" with a text balloon that said ¡Qué Desmadre! which can be used to say "what a mess!!"
One of my favorite moments was also "A Swallow On My Neck" as I'm sure it was also one of the favorite momentos of the rest of the hard-core fans, since we were the only ones to know this song and thus be able to sing along...
Moz interacted with the public quite a bit, saying things such as "Mexico City... aagghhh... pollution... oxygen!!!!"... "Guadalajara!!" -I was one of those who screamed "whoah!!!!" when he said this-... "Tomorrow we're going to Chile... do you like Chile... no???... El Salvador...NOOO!!!" he answered to himself...
The concert ended at about 10:20 pm with the song "My Way" playing on the background... my question is, why did he mention "Guadalajara" twice??? let's hope that's because he's considering visiting us on his way back to N.America...
By the way, I was wearing an original Morrissey white t-shirt with the words "your arsenal" on the front and "MORRISSEY" on the back, with a picture of a scooter -small motorcycle- both on the front and the back.
Best regards to all of you,
Now My Heart is Full,

Sir ACHA <[email protected]>
Guadalajara, Mexico - Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 17:40:23 (PST) | #28

I feel such compassion for u Sir ACHA...

1.- Tony the Pony says: If you are a real fan, Morrissey is vegetarian, he never would wear some leather, none kind of it. It was PVC for your info.

2.-He never said "It's nice to see you and hear you sing along",
He said: Hola! It's nice to be here after so long."

3.- At "Meat is Murder"
He never says: "I know in this country I have almost no rights, but we don't eat our friends",
He says: "I know in this country animals have no rights. If it moves, kill it! If it moves eat it! Please don't kill anything."

Maybe in Guadalajara Morrissey has no rights, the reason of the cancelled show.

4.- Sir ACHA says: "Meat is murder also sent many people back to their seat, I guess because many didn't even know the song"

Tony the Pony answer: Maybe your paisanos sat, at the last row near ceilling where all the "Tapatios fans" were.

5.- Sir ACHA says: "favorite momentos of the rest of the hard-core fans, since we were the only ones to know this song and thus be able to sing along"

Tony the Pony answer: Maybe in Guadalajara you are the one to know the song, hardcore man.

favorite momentos?? je je

6.- Sir ACHA says: "Guadalajara!! -I was one of those who screamed "whoah!!!! when he said this"

Tony the Pony answer: People didn´t say "whoah", said "booooooo"

7.- Sir ACHA says: "My question is, why did he mention "Guadalajara" twice???

Tony the Pony answer: He said: "Guadalajara. You don't like Guadalajara do you?"
Crowd said noooooo and said to Alain: "They don't like Guadalajara."

7b. Sir ACHA says: "My question is, why did he mention "Guadalajara" twice??? let's hope that's because he's considering visiting us on his way back to N.America"

Tony the Pony answer: Don´t dream Morrissey has no rights there as you said narco man.

8.- Sir ACHA says: "By the way, I was wearing an original Morrissey white t-shirt with the words "your arsenal" on the front and "MORRISSEY" on the back, with a picture of a scooter -small motorcycle- both on the front and the back."

Tony the Pony answer: Who cares a s s h o l e?, go to english classes instead.

FCK U Sir ACHA, go hell with Mana (your paisanos, whom I´m listening in the servant/maid radio while I fck her (she´s from Guadalajara).

Now all the "Guadalajara aldeanos" know why Mozz won´t go there,

He´s thinking about Mty, come on Tacaños ¡jump!

Tony the Pony <Tony the Pony@manchesterunitedbymozz>
Mexico City - Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 18:43:54 (PST) | #29


suzanne <[email protected]>
why me? - Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 20:23:39 (PST) | #30

A Tony the Pony:
Es una lastima que gente como tu eche a perder y contribuya a la imagen que tienen los chilangos en provincia... Que chingados te importa lo que diga Sir Acha?? No me cagan los chilangos, muchos amigos son del DF, pero la gente como tu (la hay en todos lados) echa a perder cualquier intento por querer ser agradable con los demas...
Hay gente cagante en todos lados, pero yo no la busco, yo busco a gente agradable, y parece que tu, pendejete, buscas a la gente para cagarles el palo con tus opiniones idiotas.........
(ya me encabrone)
Tu padre

Tu padre <[email protected]>
Provincia - Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 08:14:08 (PST) | #31

Tony the Pony. Thanks so much for your (un)kind reply.
I do know Moz is a vegetarian… I also remember “on cold leather seats, well it suddenly struck me, I just might die with a smile on my face after all”… he’s been seen wearing leather-upper shoes also…
About what he said before he went on singing “meat is murder”, I wrote “or something like that”, dumbass, I didn’t FIRMLY state that he SAID exactly what I wrote…
You wrote:
“Maybe in Guadalajara Morrissey has no rights, the reason of the cancelled show”. Sir ACHA says: The show was never confirmed to begin with, you mis-informed moron…
“je je”… Sir ACHA says: are you laughing in spanish or english?
Tony the Pony says “He said: "Guadalajara. You don't like Guadalajara do you?"”… Sir ACHA replies: He said that joking about Chile, that’s when he added “they don’t like Chile”.
Tony the Pony wrote: “Who cares a s s h o l e?, go to english classes instead.” Oh, man, does Sir ACHA really have to point out that the report was meant for kind, nice people who are willing to share their impressions about the show, not for stupid, close-minded, moronic mis-fits like yourself and your alter-ego??? About your english classes, I didn’t see you or heard from you at Eton (Oxford, England)…
Nor did I see you when kinder people like Angie, Scott Krajewski, Stephane Daigle, Missy Lutkus, myself and some other very nice persons used to share information in the “strangeways” then “bigmouth” then “ask” distribution list, years, many years ago…
People like you make me feel so tired… and please, don’t use big words, they mean so little…
Thanks to Tu Padre for his comments, I agree with him completely…
Regards to all of you who respect other people’s opinions…

Sir ACHA <[email protected]>
Guadalajara, Mexico - Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 17:37:06 (PST) | #32

pinche pony solo de oir las pendejadas que dices me da asco y ganas de cagar soy chilango 101% y la gente como tu me enferma he vivido en provincia (guadalajara,leon,puerto vallarta)y he tenido buenas y malas experiencias por ser chilango pero no por eso voy a cagarle el palo a cuanto provinciano se me mucho mas que ve que no tienes nada mejor que hacer mas que chaqueteartela y fijarte en los errores de los demas y eso solo refleja tu inseguridad y lo miserable que tu vida deve ser que vergas te importa que el tapatio escriba mal una letra o haya escuchado mal..GET A LIFE YOU REJECTED DIP@#!!!!!!(no estoy seguro que entiendas porque se ve que tu ingles es de curso por correspondencia ya que suenas como el gringo del comercial de los espejitos, te aconsejo hablar mas con gringos para que dejes de hablar como lanchero de acapulco) por otro lado felicito al jalisquillo por no caer tan bajo como el pony y contestarle con clase..cosa que no hice yo pero a la basura hay que tratarla como tal.......ahcasi lo olvido viva el moz!!!!!

mario sifuentes solis <>
mexico - Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 19:38:59 (PDT) | #33

creo saber porque pony esta tan enojado y es que al parecer sir acha insinua que solo los fans tapatios conocian la cancion ( aun asi meat is murder es considerada una de las pocas canciones malas de los smiths)y el resto no y que ellos eran los mas prendidos,y eso es un razonamiento muy soberbio y tonto yo se que deve ser muy orgulloso de ser tapatio pero no fue nada objetivo y exajero el punto ,al igual que el pony exagero su desacuerdo,
ademas no se porque escriben en ingles si son mas aztecas que nada ,esta no es una "solo en ingles"

mexico - Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 20:21:23 (PDT) | #34

* return to Morrissey-solo