Metallica and Napster
Posted on Fri, May 5 2000 at 8:46 a.m. PDT
by David T. <[email protected]>
Mailing from the Yahoo! club "Morrissey Loves Us":


Not only did Metallica sue Napster and charge its fans as criminals but in the May 1998 Spin magazine, drummer Lars Ulrich, said this about Morrissey:

"Morrissey isn't he that fairy with the rabid fans. No I never liked him, I'm the type of guy who would beat on Morrissey fans if I saw them in fact I often did. The Smiths weren't an important band."

Yes, I'm as offended as you are, but this Napster thing has gone to far, protect yourself, the internet and freedom , write your thoughts to the people

First Tell Lars what you think of his music:
[email protected],

Then tell his record company about Morrissey
[email protected],

Thanks for you time

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

Ohhh man, what a shi t talking fuc k head! He cleary has stereo typed Moz fans, me my brother and our mexican posse would pis on his broken body if he hurt any of you! Which would be quite easy, that doped up shi t would probably go down with a flick to the nose or a rip to the sideburn! Lars Ulrich is a complete fu ck, Metallica is such a sell out band, and as far as I'm concerened there 16-19 white trash following is nothing to be proud of. This is coming from a band who admits making up meaningless lyrics that just ryhme! I've always wondered how people pretend to relate to this @#!!!heads music, when it's a big fu-cking farce! I hate Metallica...

mute001 <[email protected]>
- Fri, May 05, 2000 at 10:00:20 (PDT) | #1

Don't worry, he wouldn't dare to try anything on me...especially when I get my ginsu knives in.


brentwood - Fri, May 05, 2000 at 10:09:26 (PDT) | #2

Metallica? Oh Yeah, that band who's CDs are in the Bargain-Bin at HMVs. Lars Ulrich wants to beat me up? It's nice to see that some bands just never mature. Lars, do you still fit into your spandex pants.

In the early '80s there was this band called The Smiths who came out with the most brilliant music ever and I (for one) was speechless. Upon hearing them I took all my Metal albums and trashed them. This included Loudness, Queensryche, Anvil, Iron Maiden, and, oh yeah, Metallica. I, of course kept my Black Sabbath LPs. Oh and one last thing, Tony Iommi, guitarist for Sabbath (who had 3 of his finger tips cut off as a teenager and who plays with prosthetic tips) has more musical talent than all of Metallica combined.

As for Lars, don't step foot into Montreal

Montreal, Quebec - Fri, May 05, 2000 at 10:13:57 (PDT) | #3

Alright, calm down. He did say this 2 years ago so I wouldn't recommend jumping on him for it now. Lars is nothing more than the kid that played in High School band. Now he wears leather and talks to Spin mag so he's gotta be cool and rip on the people he longed to be like as a teenager. Wait a tick, isn't 62 or something. It's like saying, "Lawrence Welk hates Massive Attack fans". Don't get me wrong, I like some of their stuff, but Lars was out of line and is, in my opinion, socially retarded.

- Fri, May 05, 2000 at 11:15:39 (PDT) | #4

I personally will not give this clown the time of day. Why should we care what his opinion is...he doesn't get it, but we do.

If we allow Lars to effect our interests, or passions, then what are we saying about our beliefs? Quite frankly, that they were not solid to begin with.

Let the uninlightend grass about "The Master's Voice", I am content in my appreciation of his talent. While he croons, my life is complete.

Legalized Theft <[email protected]>
NJ - Fri, May 05, 2000 at 11:26:07 (PDT) | #5

LOVE PEACE AND HARMONY...MAYBE IN THE NEXT WORLD. Right now I prefer to cave in Lars' head. And remeber the most effectively violent people are vegetarians (especially vegans) who turn their rage away from animals on to people they hate.

Billy Idol
- Fri, May 05, 2000 at 12:14:14 (PDT) | #6

LOVE PEACE AND HARMONY...MAYBE IN THE NEXT WORLD. Right now I prefer to cave in Lar's head. And remeber the most effectively violent people are vegetarians (especially vegans) who turn their rage away from animals on to people they hate.

Billy Idol
- Fri, May 05, 2000 at 12:14:49 (PDT) | #7


NYC - Fri, May 05, 2000 at 12:34:57 (PDT) | #8

Comment for MUTE001 -- why do you call Metallica sellouts? Is it because they cut their hair; Is it because they no longer wear tight, ripped jeans and t-shirts and worn out tennis shoes? Come on, people do grow up. I'm sure you've grown out of wearing diapers, right? So you guys aren't interested in their music. That's fine -- to each his own. Are you all mad because they dissed Morrissey? So Lars doesn't or didn't like him or the smiths, so what. We don't all have to like the same things. It's what makes each of us unique. I do think, however, that it was wrong for him to say bad things about Morrissey and do bad things to Smiths/Morrissey fans. But I think we look bad when we are all doing the same thing or would like to do the same to him and Metallica. Seems like everyone is treating Morrissey like GOD when he's not

- Fri, May 05, 2000 at 13:15:46 (PDT) | #9

Morrissey Sucks! Who cares what people think or say about him. Get a grip. At least Metallica has a record deal.

Morrissey Sucks
- Fri, May 05, 2000 at 14:03:14 (PDT) | #10

Reply to "???"

Actualy I still wear diapers but that because of a personal problem and besides the point. I understand what you're saying but they're fuc king sellouts, "re-load" "Unforgiven 2" come on, open your eyes. I hear you though, it's all good.

>Comment RE: "I hate Morrissey"...This guy pisses me off most time, but when I think that it might be Moz himself typing this shi t I laugh at the thought, and it doesn't bother me...He isn't God, but he definatley is A god.


mute001 <[email protected]>
- Fri, May 05, 2000 at 15:12:42 (PDT) | #11


Adrian...HandSomeDevil79 <Alarmed>
OrAnGe cOuNtY..........S-A - Fri, May 05, 2000 at 16:03:36 (PDT) | #12

Metallica lyrics and even their music has nothing on Moz! We have to stick together, us Morrissey fans! I just lost all respect for Metallica, if I had any at all. As they say in Britain: Moorrissey, Mooorrrisssey, Moorrrisssseeeyy!

DEPECHEMODE <[email protected]>
SC USA - Fri, May 05, 2000 at 16:22:16 (PDT) | #13

Lars is clearly jealous and threatened of Moz's ability to attract decent, and intelligent human beings. I would be insulted to have a fan base like Metallica's, imagine, every night, looking out into a sea of mullets and acne scars.

- Fri, May 05, 2000 at 17:50:30 (PDT) | #14

the only fairy around here is metallica .. all they sing is @#!!! music there's nothing heavy in there music how dare they call them selves heavy metal >:( and if people want to share music like napster they should have the right .. even without napster .. metallica still can't sell any albums

Jane <[email protected]>
Lust Angeles - Fri, May 05, 2000 at 21:37:09 (PDT) | #15

Hey lars...
Keep beating on your drums and cutting your hair when it is fashonable ( get some more piercings too...the teenagers love it!!!) will sell more records that way....... as far as the smiths being important.......well lets just say that metallica speaks for the white trash around the world...the smiths speak for those who have intelligence & emotions...............
-Jonathon Hyde (Iamawas
I sent this do you think it will be read???

Iamawas <[email protected]>
Tallahassee Florida - Fri, May 05, 2000 at 23:49:57 (PDT) | #16

sorry i was a bit pissed when I wrote the last post...but to "Morrissey Sucks"......
I am just happy that metallica fans are searching the Morrissey web-sites for news :)

Iamawas <[email protected]>
Tallahassee Florida - Fri, May 05, 2000 at 23:55:44 (PDT) | #17

Metallica for 5 years at one point in my life was my favorite band. I'm actually surprised that Lars said that. I would have expected James Hetfield . I still like Metallica even if they dislike Moz. I'm curious as to what Lars would say if he knew their was someone who listen to both Morrissey's and Metallica's music.

shaye smith
Midland, PA - Sat, May 06, 2000 at 00:54:01 (PDT) | #18

The guys obviously jealous of Morrissey and his fans because we are intrested in our singer and no one is really intrested in Metallica and there band members, he wishes he could have fans like Morrissey fans. He says it because he's jealous, also because he himself has not amounted to anything in his music carrer the Way Morrissey has. So as far as things go he's just some stupid hippy thats all.

bobmoz <[email protected]>
- Sat, May 06, 2000 at 02:11:54 (PDT) | #19

Ha! Metallica is a complete joke. Oh, all us Morrissey fans are so scared. Run, run, I say! Run! Don't drop the flowers, mind you! :-)

Now being a proud Napster user (If you do mind Moz or your lawyers me trading your songs on Napster, get in touch ;-) ), I would tell Metallica to **** off, but then I wouldn't go down to their level.....

I laughed until I fainted after reading the line "The Smiths weren't an important bad". Maybe it's jealousy? The Smiths were one of the most important bands of all time, and I'm not being over the top in saying that. Metallica on the other hand.....well, who cares? Metallica are simply terrible, unimaginative band and awfully vulgar.

It's proof that Morrissey/The Smiths has so many fans, who are the most intellegent, friendly and creative fans in music. While Metallica has a few unintellgent idiots as their fanbase who sit around all day and say "Duuuh....he's gay...heh heh heh!".

Do all these people calling Morrissey "queer" or "gay" or "fairy" think they're "cool" or smart? Has Moz said he's gay? Er, no. He's asexual remember (but Metallica can't read, so....), and if he was gay, would that matter anyway?

Ah, there's my rant for the update. I always feel cleansed and fresh.

Rediffusion <[email protected]>
- Sat, May 06, 2000 at 06:33:19 (PDT) | #20


- Sat, May 06, 2000 at 07:01:52 (PDT) | #21

lars is actually a well-spoken gentleman from the interviews i've seen. i doubt that he said anything like that at all. i'd like to see a scan of the article.

john <[email protected]>
trenton, new jersey - Sat, May 06, 2000 at 07:15:47 (PDT) | #22

Lars, i`m ready for you. beaware....

unruly boy <[email protected]>
- Sat, May 06, 2000 at 07:34:44 (PDT) | #23

what a loser!!! lars would get such an ass kicking from me that it would not be funny, morrissey fans weak...ha let go toe to toe with a 6"8 245 lbs boxer....I'd stomp a mudhole in him so deep that his dog will be lapping rain water from him for weeks. Morrissey is the greatest artist of our day and it is a shame that he isn't widely appreciated ( but as all GREAT artists he will only truly be appreciated after he departs this earth) as for napster, I hate metallica what a bunch of no talent bums, I would not listen to one of their songs if you paid me BUT since they are suing napster and show total disregard for their fans I felt it is to be my duty to burn EVERY yes EVERY metallica song song I can find on Napster and stamp them out like there going out of style, I am giving away free metallica CD's to anyone who wants them, I am leaving them on purpose on the subways, the gyms, at my work, I even would leave a stack of them at the food court at the malls and arcades where their biggest low life zit faced fans hang out, I pay two bucks a CD but the dividends that I receive is priceless ( knowing that this troubles Lars ). In my area here there is gonna be a glut of free metallica music and if he does have a problem with that then I really do look forward to "discussing" this with him in person, loser dirtbag, MORRISSEY rules. ( and perhaps John Lydon as well)

- Sat, May 06, 2000 at 08:40:57 (PDT) | #24

Who gives a flying f u c k what that caveman thinks?
Mentalica never recorded a note that was worth recording, let's face it they are morons.
Let's all find one and kill it.

- Sat, May 06, 2000 at 19:24:16 (PDT) | #25

Let me tell you all something very funny..
Have you noticed the scrawny punks that listen to the so called metal heads.They are really skinny punks.Compared to us Moz fans I do very much think we would be able to stop there brains out in a little rumble..I get so pumped up to listening to some Moz songs that I woud totally stomp there skulls in with one kick of my docs and just laugh as they get takin away to the emergency room.I have more balls than those hicks that attend his concerts do,and I can tell you that there are a lot of big @#!!!in MOZ fans out there that would back me up...So not to worry my beloved MOZ fans we shall be standing at the end of the battle.But lets not be violent unless it really comes to that.....Love Peace and Harmony.

Adrian....A.K.A. HandSomeDeviL79
Santa Ana - Sat, May 06, 2000 at 21:48:45 (PDT) | #26

Well, It doesn't really bother me that this guy has said that, because as long as I can appreciate Mozzza's stuff, I'm quite content! It's his problem if he dosn't like it, he just doesn't know what he's missing :) I'm sure a heck of a lot of you would agree...
As for Metallica:"It says nothing to me about my life"...Ta Moz!

Leo Condie <[email protected]>
Edinburgh, Scotland - Sun, May 07, 2000 at 12:06:48 (PDT) | #27

Lars....never mistake kindness for weakness....

- Sun, May 07, 2000 at 12:23:15 (PDT) | #28

lol...thanx adrian (handsomedevil72)!!!

orange county, S.A. - Sun, May 07, 2000 at 17:33:41 (PDT) | #29

oops, silly me. i meant handsomedevil79 not handsomedevil72...sorry;o)

orange county, S.A. - Sun, May 07, 2000 at 17:37:34 (PDT) | #30

I am already visualizing the duct tape on Lars mouth......

Jack The Ripper
- Sun, May 07, 2000 at 19:34:05 (PDT) | #31

Phil Anselmo, of Pantera, would destroy Lars Ulrich for these comments. And yes, he's a Smiths fan, as mentioned in Rolling Stone last month. Buttrockers just never change, you know?

Seattle, WA - Sun, May 07, 2000 at 23:23:43 (PDT) | #32

i think lars says some nice is a bit unlike him to criticize good english music, though.

Vx - Mon, May 08, 2000 at 00:56:34 (PDT) | #33

i apologise for being an idiot
i apologise for being an idiot
i apologise for being an idiot
i apologise for being an idiot

- Mon, May 08, 2000 at 00:58:05 (PDT) | #34

What Kind of name is Lars, sounds like his @#!!!ing parents were on crack when they named him. They problably originally named him Lard but got so tired of people making fun of him that he changed it. All that Lard is, is a hippie, redneck, hillbilly, inbreed, goat @#!!!ing,mother @#!!!er, thats all.He's heavy metal, trailer park trash. Moz would kick his ass. Moz and the rest of the band members would jump his ass, and beat his stupid ass down. Moz would stomp a mud hole in his face. Jeez that reminds me of flash backs of my high school days of what me and my friends use to do, heh. Pay not attention to Lard ass. For Moz and his greaser crew are gonna stomp a mud hole in Lard asses, ass.

bobmoz <[email protected]>
Southern Califas - Mon, May 08, 2000 at 02:42:01 (PDT) | #35

sorry to interupt your rant, but his name must be danish....i think.

- Mon, May 08, 2000 at 04:06:42 (PDT) | #36

I think most of the kids here are missing the facts. Regardles of what Lars Ulrich said or didn't say, this is not the issue. Morrissey is a grown man, he doesn't need you people defending him. The real issue here is the possible damage that Metallica's lawsuit against Napster can do towards the 1st Ammendment and Internet laws. It would be wiser to contact your state senate and tell them that you dissaprove of this lawsuit and any that may follow.

- Mon, May 08, 2000 at 06:40:56 (PDT) | #37

Oh LOL LOL LOL - those guys ARE just pitiful, arent' they? Funny that they say about Morrissey and The Smiths exactly what I think about them (Metallica) - I never liked them! And time just proved that I was right all the time... Now, I just wonder if we, Mozz's fans, could sue Metallica for threatening with with physical violence...

- Mon, May 08, 2000 at 08:52:54 (PDT) | #38

This is great, they're falling apart, taken from Metallica's Message Board. (And yes, I have nothing better to do.)

Re : Re:lars has a pickle up his ass -- Rid

Posted by Metal Godd , May 06,2000,16:10 Post Reply Top of Thread Forum

Well now, if this isn't the biggest load of crap I've ever seen. I don't think I've seen a bigger joke than this in a long time. You people go on and on about how Metallica is the most awesome band in the world yadda yadda yadda yadda, which I totally agree with because they are. But then when they do something like want to protect their art, you whine and complain about how they have no talent and are total idiots. Well, the fact of the matter is that YOU guys pissing and moaning over all this are the idiots. NOT the band. A few weeks ago before the Napster thing you guys were praising Kirk, Lars, James and Jason about how they were the most talented and longest lasting musicians ever. Yet now you hate their guts evidently. Wow, if you guys are hypocrites then I'd like to know what you are.
So keep complaining, while all you retards are griping about how Metallica has lost it's edge and how they're all talent-less retards, I'll be enjoying all their talent and their awesome music.

Let's let them destroy each other ;)

- Mon, May 08, 2000 at 10:34:42 (PDT) | #39

Oh..the violent thoughts....It's not like no one has ever spoken poorly of Morrissey. I listened to a metallica-loving-head-banging-tunneled-visioned beau badmouth the music I I've kicked his booty to da'curb and am liberated and listening to Morrissey/Smiths WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT!!!! what comes around goes around and someday Lars will have nothing accept a big mouth and a shopping cart!

let freedom ring....

Sister I'm a.... <[email protected]>
Michigan - Mon, May 08, 2000 at 16:34:13 (PDT) | #40

Metallica used to be cool before 1996. What happened to them??? They made a complete turn around. I used to like them.

Steve <[email protected]>
Los Angeles - Mon, May 08, 2000 at 22:55:50 (PDT) | #41

true....before the '90s they recorded some interesting work, the exception being ..and justice for all (i am so sick of that record). Like most musical artists, you know how it is...they lose their spark. everything they've released in the past 10 years is pretty goddamn lame anyway, so why bother mentioning them? And another thing about Napster...people have been trading music since the days of reel-to-reel, and they can get it for free at the library. it's not like MP3 downloading is any different. Hell, you can even type up a novel(your own, or someone else's) and post it online. It's been done! you think the publishing houses are going out of business? No. Same thing goes with online music, which has been available through FTP sites for the past few years or even longer if you want to go into specifics. If Metallica wants to go after people for MP3's then they should go after us low-tech tapeheads too...and the used CD shops as well.

- Tue, May 09, 2000 at 01:29:27 (PDT) | #42

malarkinson - Yes, that's what I've been thinking too: that it is the oldest thing on the history of recorded music that fans exchange a few ones. That never seemed to bother anyone before. And besides that, perhaps another study should be carried to see if Napster is, on the contrary that Metallica seems to think, helping the market, because very often the users download one or two songs and end up by buying the whole album(s).
So, what I really think is that the ooold story is happenning again: yes, VISIBILITY. They want to gain some fame in internet by opposing it. So predictable, so sad. No feelings at all, not even for their own fans "but it's just the way it goes".

- Tue, May 09, 2000 at 03:24:17 (PDT) | #43

Does it make sense that if we care for someone
that we pay homage to them in the best efforts that we can?
I, personally, do not use napster for the simple fact that it is still illegal
to download and keep copyright media without owning the original.
Don't get me wrong, I still have my media connections
but only for rare, out of print, live, remixes, and renditions of the songs.
Things I cannot buy or shouldn't buy
If we like or love Moz as we say we do, fork over the 18 dollars.
I know that the regulation of information is far from being governed, but
I want another album from my artist. Download all the Metallica songs you like.
Semicolon parenthesis

- Tue, May 09, 2000 at 08:28:09 (PDT) | #44

Suffer, have you ever photocopied any book? - It's illegal. Have you ever recorded to tape any of your vinils or CDs? It's illegal. The problem here seems to be the dimension of such actions and the fact that the ones who do that will become an easy target. What I still cannot understand is why some of their fans are going to be sued, and also why some universities are going to be sued too "because they could have denied access to napster and did not". But then I also heard on the radio today that a doctor is going to sue Nike because while she was jogging the shoelaces got loose and she fell. Someone has got to be blamed for everything that happens, that's the message I hear behind such stories. In my understanding, the cybernauts should never be considered guilty of using the potentiality of any program, and the legal system should be able to decide who are the responsibles for any illegal activity (in case my theory that napster is just increasing sales is wrong - that should also be verified before reaching any conclusion).

- Tue, May 09, 2000 at 11:35:13 (PDT) | #45

I have photocopied and made tapes, however,
I never said, I never said that I was Joe Citizen
and you're right from the legal standpoint about Napster(s) as a martyre,
but my concern was the loss of revenue to the artist.
Statistics in that area would be nice so I can only assume that Metallica felt a loss.
I would not like to see Moz in a similar position, that's all I meant.

- Tue, May 09, 2000 at 12:36:10 (PDT) | #46

The greatest movie of the '90's was 'The Big Lebowski' and what did Jeff Bridges call Metallica in again? 'Bunch of @#!!!s'.
I have many friends who love Metallica, I think they are pretty good actually but I don't know anyone who likes Lars. How could you like anyone who talks like he has got an tennis bat up his ass and seems to be enjoying it. BOYCOTT THE METALLICA MILLIONAIRES!!!
Piracy is not killing music, it's capitalist bastards like Lars and co with their over-priced repackaging of the same old stuff. Before you jump in, Morrissey himself has been involved in only a handful of his re-releases and they were always done in a manner to befit the consumer. This is a different language to @#!!!s like Lars. You are just a number to him. Let him know you mean it!!

Michael Ferry
- Wed, May 10, 2000 at 04:14:55 (PDT) | #47

Good job Lars! Not only do you look like a nerd, but you have just proven it. Leave it up to the drummer of f-u-c-k-tallica to say something like that. Morrissey probably is gay, but that doesn't mean its fresh to down him or his fans for it. Don't think your so masculine either! If ever you decide to step in The Jungle, your ASS will get run!

Jim Rome <[email protected]>
The Jungle - Wed, May 10, 2000 at 13:23:34 (PDT) | #48

All this really positive testosterone sets my teeth on edge. Let Lars have his "15" I'm sure he'll find it cathartic in the long run.

- Wed, May 10, 2000 at 17:42:14 (PDT) | #49

Suffer: I am not sure if Metallica felt any loss or if they wanted an easy way of gaining publicity, instead...
I started listening to The Smiths and Morrissey in a "serious way" after a friend of mine gave me a tape she recorded with the songs she considered to be the best ones. Since then, whenever I can I buy Morrissey's and Smiths' CDs. I believe that if the fans of any band could not share songs the whole market would get paralized, or simply could not exist at all, because nobody would ever hear of them.

Porto - Thu, May 11, 2000 at 09:13:48 (PDT) | #50

I don't think Metallica would knowingly bring bad press to themselves, although Lars is the missing link, sure their name is in the paper but it's the greed perhaps that people see in their choice. I believe Tori Amos has the right idea by releasing as mp3 and selling tracks. Instead of condemning information, embrace it. Make it available for people to hear and share it in that sense. A track at a time between artist and consumer, if you like.

- Thu, May 11, 2000 at 09:46:49 (PDT) | #51

Tee hee hee

- Fri, May 12, 2000 at 12:52:54 (PDT) | #52

Yes, suffer, the cartoon is funny. It proves that you are right about their "social image" nowadays - whichever were their intentions, that's the final result. But could those highly intelligent fellows tell that in advance?

Porto - Mon, May 15, 2000 at 04:33:49 (PDT) | #53

Sounds like Lars was toying with someone. Do you really think he has gone Moz-fan beating before? Let's be reasonable. E-mailing his record company to tell them what you think of Morrissey sounds a bit mentally unbalanced. Perhaps it would say much more about the person sending it than Metallica or Morrissey. And it would say: I AM TOO STRANGE FOR MY OWN GOOD OR THE GOOD OF OTHERS.

Arnold Judas Rimmer <[email protected]>
NJ USA - Tue, May 16, 2000 at 21:06:30 (PDT) | #54

Arnold: sorry, what did you say? That Lars did not beat Morrissey's fans BEFORE? (LOL). In any case, read the post... hmmm ok I'll quote a bit of it: "...but in the May 1998 Spin magazine, drummer Lars Ulrich, said this about Morrissey..."
Apparently you think that not only they have got the right to sue their fans, but also threaten other fans in magazines...

Porto - Wed, May 17, 2000 at 02:51:29 (PDT) | #55

Although I'm not rocker, I enjoyed Nikki Sixx' , quite accurate and recent comments on Metallica. And I quote, "Metallica are a bunch of corporate pigs who sold out to themselves and their label years ago."

Seattle - Sat, May 20, 2000 at 15:49:25 (PDT) | #56

I have always enjoyed pig-in-the-gutter capitalism and greed masquerading as a 'right of the artist' issue.

Just goes to show how much artistic integrity and the notion of art as a 'dialectic with the muse' have been superseded by the paternalistic nature of property rights and the rigid control pursued by 'producers' as a result.

David <[email protected]>
- Sun, May 21, 2000 at 02:34:16 (PDT) | #57

Shut up you boring gaggle of bell ends. The metal loving pricks are bad enough, but I really can't be arsed with the constant f**king Smiths quoting masquerading as an argument.


rent boy <[email protected]>
- Sun, May 21, 2000 at 16:22:27 (PDT) | #58

So Lars doesnt enjoy the kind of music we do - so what!!! He's a metalhead for crying out loud. Is his opinion really worth getting upset over? Its somewhat ridiculous to suggest we "get back" at him for it. That's so gradeschool. To attempt to offend him (which would NOT work even if he were to read such email)would make us all seem even more "rabid". Get over it - we know Morrissey has always been the sh*t and Metalica eats it. :)
Although I could really rip apart Metalica's fans-but Im sure it doesnt need mentioning.

michele <chel935@aol>
- Mon, May 22, 2000 at 18:30:26 (PDT) | #59

Who cares about friggin' Metallica?...I never got into that straight, white, suburban, psuedo-rebellious, adolescent male, pathetic excuse for music anyway. But please don't take away my Napster!!! I've already downloaded more than 40 live Morrissey and Smiths songs. Now repeat after me...Metallica bad...Napster good.

Peter S. <[email protected]>
- Tue, May 23, 2000 at 06:16:07 (PDT) | #60

* return to Morrissey-solo