are there any boards



Where people don't abuse each other all the time and actually have conversations, and are nice to each other. This is not a dig at anyone just wanted to know if there was anywhere where music is discussed and other issues of moderate intellect, the abuse that people hurl at each other really is depressing. Almost as depressing as my spelling and punctuation!!!
> Where people don't abuse each other all the time and actually have
> conversations, and are nice to each other. This is not a dig at anyone
> just wanted to know if there was anywhere where music is discussed and
> other issues of moderate intellect, the abuse that people hurl at each
> other really is depressing. Almost as depressing as my spelling and
> punctuation!!!

Although you could try morrissey music I believe they wear flowers in their hair.
Here however, they all snort coke.
> No.
> Although you could try morrissey music I believe they wear flowers in
> their hair.
> Here however, they all snort coke.

Oh ok thanks for the honesty
> Oh ok thanks for the honesty

That was a joke by the way.

We just wear coke rather than flowers in our hat.

We never sniff them however.
> Oh ok thanks for the honesty

That was a joke by the way.

We just wear coke rather than flowers in our hat.

We never sniff them however.
> That was a joke by the way.

> We just wear coke rather than flowers in our hat.

> We never sniff them however.

You never sniff the flowers, coke or the people from morrissey music?
> You never sniff the flowers, coke or the people from morrissey music?
Never that was just a vicious rumour put out by the one that got away.
Sadly, the chain wasn't long enough.
you are the wosrt offender

> No.
> Although you could try morrissey music I believe they wear flowers in
> their hair.
> Here however, they all snort coke.

stop posting shit or go elsewhere idiot
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