Attention all Soloists! What the MM'rs really think of us...



"can't stand the layout and the savage posters of solo." -from their new 'alternate' board

They call us twisted nutters!

They call us childish and ugly!

And don't let them forget it!
Our board is simple, but it gets things done. And our insane posters, are OUR insane posters, and I wouldn't give them up for the world, they're hilarious.

Remember, it's our boards where most of the news stories on the SOLO frontpage originate from, and our board where many treasures get shared.

What good has come out of the MM boards? Not a thing.

Viva Solo!
> "can't stand the layout and the savage posters of solo." -from
> their new 'alternate' board

> They call us twisted nutters!

> They call us childish and ugly!

> And don't let them forget it!
> Our board is simple, but it gets things done. And our insane posters, are
> OUR insane posters, and I wouldn't give them up for the world, they're
> hilarious.

> Remember, it's our boards where most of the news stories on the SOLO
> frontpage originate from, and our board where many treasures get shared.

> What good has come out of the MM boards? Not a thing.

> Viva Solo!

Amen to that.

Re: i couldn't agree more

We would if we could.
You've hit the nail on the head.

This is a cracking site, you often have to laugh at things on here, that MM site is far too anal.

MM is shite, there's nothing interesting on there, the news is often well behind what you get on here and it's for all the "Johnny Come Lately's"

How many folk on MM bought "Kill Uncle" or "Hold On To Your Friends" upon release?

I agree Solo is better for news, but that's no reason to take it out on the posters!
as if we care about the latest concert that morrissey has cancelled....but i forgot you wouldn't understand a site that's not full of trolls and freaks. ignore me.
i check this board almost everyday and there's always somthing new and entertaining, the MM is so far behind on mozzer and related news there's almost no point. the posters here are the best.
> "can't stand the layout and the savage posters of solo." -from
> their new 'alternate' board

> They call us twisted nutters!

> They call us childish and ugly!

> And don't let them forget it!
> Our board is simple, but it gets things done. And our insane posters, are
> OUR insane posters, and I wouldn't give them up for the world, they're
> hilarious.

> Remember, it's our boards where most of the news stories on the SOLO
> frontpage originate from, and our board where many treasures get shared.

> What good has come out of the MM boards? Not a thing.

> Viva Solo! Oh Yay!!!
The joys of inanity overflow here.
Wherever else could we go to indulge them.
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