BG, why are you deleting all your posts?

Why are you so concerned with BG, HB?

I'm sure it is b/c Moby is trolling him.

p.s. are you a personal friend of Mindy/Chill? or just a stalker?
Re: Why are you so concerned with BG, HB?

i guess i'm a stalker, whatever that means.
yeah BG has no clue who you are, how rude! asking a personal Q. of someone you don't know...

whose photo you posted a while back...yeah you are stable, Huggy Bear.

You had no right to post that photo. Please don't take my word, ask David T. about dem rules.
Re: yeah BG has no clue who you are, how rude! asking a personal Q. of someone you don't know...

how's it a "personal question"? if you're gonna post messages on a messageboard, you may as well have the guts to leave them up there. it's just weird because the Coppela one was interesting, as was the one about spreading the word. it's not like they were embarasing or contained personal information or anything.

as for that photo, i was just making a point about BGs double standard. for a start, that photo had already been posted on the site a few days earlier, and no one had said anything about it. BG had posted photos of himself on this messageboard himself. he also posted photos of Mindys' grandfathers' grave FFS. he went on about mindy being fat, and BGs hardly skinny. that was my point. i've got no real beef with BG, he's obviously intelligent and writes well, i just think his attitude to women is a bit suspect.

anyway, it's late here and i'm going to bed
Re: yeah BG has no clue who you are, how rude! asking a personal Q. of someone you don't know...

f*** you Huggy Bear! the "coppola" one is still up, as is the one about "moz being one's religion." he re-posted them.

people can do with their messages what they wish.

mind your own! your attitude toward men is a little suspect.


> how's it a "personal question"? if you're gonna post messages on
> a messageboard, you may as well have the guts to leave them up there. it's
> just weird because the Coppela one was interesting, as was the one about
> spreading the word. it's not like they were embarasing or contained
> personal information or anything.

> as for that photo, i was just making a point about BGs double standard.
> for a start, that photo had already been posted on the site a few days
> earlier, and no one had said anything about it. BG had posted photos of
> himself on this messageboard himself. he also posted photos of Mindys'
> grandfathers' grave FFS. he went on about mindy being fat, and BGs hardly
> skinny. that was my point. i've got no real beef with BG, he's obviously
> intelligent and writes well, i just think his attitude to women is a bit
> suspect.

> anyway, it's late here and i'm going to bed
Re: yeah BG has no clue who you are, how rude! asking a personal Q. of someone you don't know...

> f*** you Huggy Bear! the "coppola" one is still up, as is the
> one about "moz being one's religion." he re-posted them.

My post was actually supposed to be a "Hey, BGm, don't delete your posts, they're great" message. Don't misinterpret stuff and then get all worked up.

As I said earlier, when I'm on the main page, I always moderate BGs comments up.

> people can do with their messages what they wish.

''Course they can - just wondering is all

> mind your own! your attitude toward men is a little suspect.

Excuse me? I have no idea what you're talking about. Examples please.
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