I have lived in London al my life but a nice part of London.

  • Thread starter andrea ison(i love cats, Granma, rourkie).
  • Start date

andrea ison(i love cats, Granma, rourkie).

I try not to be too effected by London cos I don't like it.
So I am not you tippical Londoner.
Re: Worried: I think I am loosing any trace of my South/West London accent.

I try not to be too effected by London cos I don't like it.
> So I am not you tippical Londoner.
To say I am 'not street wise at all' would be wrong. cos you can't live in London for 25 YEARS like me! and not be at all street wise.
I am a South Londoner.
Re:I am still feeling unwell too.

I try not to be too effected by London cos I don't like it.
> To say I am 'not street wise at all' would be wrong. cos you can't live in
> London for 25 YEARS like me! and not be at all street wise.
> I am a South Londoner.
Re:I have lived in London for a quarter of a century now, I want to move on!
Re:I don't think Andy Rourke is hard and that is a jolly good thing cos I hate hardnessit unatrative

Either hard men or hard women i find VERY unatractive.
Just cos I am 'soft' and middle class it doesn't mean that i couldn't be harder if i wanted to but I DO NOT WANT TO BE LIKE THAT!!! (heather saw me shout at a boy in Stourbridge and i hated doing that.)
I have been through a lot in my life. I just want to be nice to people now! cos I have had a lot of abuse and it is horrible.
When you have been abused it's hard to lead a normal life!!!
i try to be soft but i havn't had a soft life it's a deliberate reaction against that.
Re:Most people who know me know I am quite a strong person.

Either hard men or hard women i find VERY unatractive.
> Just cos I am 'soft' and middle class it doesn't mean that i couldn't be
> harder if i wanted to but I DO NOT WANT TO BE LIKE THAT!!! (heather saw me
> shout at a boy in Stourbridge and i hated doing that.)
> I have been through a lot in my life. I just want to be nice to people
> now! cos I have had a lot of abuse and it is horrible.
> When you have been abused it's hard to lead a normal life!!!
> i try to be soft but i havn't had a soft life it's a deliberate reaction
> against that. ====
I would say I am a strong but sensitive person.
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