Jim French, whose photo was used for "Hand In Glove", dead at 85


I don't know if this will interest anyone, but Jim French died recently at the age of 85 (the link includes some NSFW images).

His work graced the cover of "Hand in Glove", its model still (apparently?) shrouded in mystery.

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r.i.p,jim.is that a gun in your pocket,no its a large cock.
'The sleeve's homoerotic undertones elicited the reaction Morrissey was hoping for of unease and outrage. Rourke noted when he showed the recording to his parents his father was "mortified. He said to me, 'that's a bloke's bum' and I said, 'yeah' but when he asked me why I just didn't have an answer for him".

'The sleeve's homoerotic undertones elicited the reaction Morrissey was hoping for of unease and outrage. Rourke noted when he showed the recording to his parents his father was "mortified. He said to me, 'that's a bloke's bum' and I said, 'yeah' but when he asked me why I just didn't have an answer for him".


This is what pisses me off about other members of The Smiths, they were not supportive of Morrissey's views. Having said that, I probably would've reacted the same way if someone asked me about the photo--it is a bit shocking and embarrassing to have to explain for a mostly heterosexual person. Not now, but then.

Great photo.

Isn't it, though?

I don't think people realize how really wonderful this photo actually is as it has been explained, men are made to feel shame for their bodies and as such, made to think that a male cannot be attracted to another male. This, of course we know now, is completely stupid. This defiance and sheer boldness Morrissey had to post this image on his first single risking everything and putting everything out there makes it quintessential Morrissey and actually why Morrissey is so successful above many others today. People wonder why M says the things he says and does the things he does? You clearly don't get him.
This is him and always has been him, he's merely showing you...himself. You loved him for it before and then you condemn him for it later. You, the ridiculous, who are fickle and want him to kowtow to your perceptions and your believe systems and morals, which will never happen. And this, is why I love Morrissey--I accept him for exactly how he is and what he is, which is: The absolute greatest man in history, who has done more for living beings, poetry, literature, music and more than any other in history. Morrissey should go down in history above all others as the greatest man to live and I feel I can say this with complete confidence because no one can offer an argument to the contrary. Thank you for reading. © 2017
This is what pisses me off about other members of The Smiths, they were not supportive of Morrissey's views. Having said that, I probably would've reacted the same way if someone asked me about the photo--it is a bit shocking and embarrassing to have to explain for a mostly heterosexual person. Not now, but then.

Isn't it, though?

I don't think people realize how really wonderful this photo actually is as it has been explained, men are made to feel shame for their bodies and as such, made to think that a male cannot be attracted to another male.

>People may TRY to inflict shame for our bodies, but they can't MAKE you do it. Of course, I was taught in kindergarten to always ask 'why' and ask for proof, and I never unlearned it. I had a much harder time understanding why men were attracted to women, honestly. :)
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