Just visited Morrissey friends and...



It is a wonderful and delightful place indeed! To Sorrows Native Son, Jess: You are quite handsome!!!!
> It is a wonderful and delightful place indeed! To Sorrows Native¿ Son, Jess: You are quite handsome!!!!

isn't he? i thought so too when i saw him at the moz/smiths convention. (he got second place in the look-alike/dance-alike contest)
You are too kind...

Thank you. I'm very flatered. But I would be the first to say that I need advise because nobody ever looks at me twice...
Re: You are too kind...

> Thank you. I'm very flatered. But I would be the first to say¿ that I need advise because nobody ever looks at me twice...
What?! I am shocked into shame! Well, all I have to say is... Come on to my house... Give a little something to my love life!
Re: You are too kind...

> What?! I am shocked into shame! Well, all I have to say is...¿ Come on to my house... Give a little something to my love life!

lol :) give it to him girl!
Re: You are too kind...

> lol :) give it to him girl!
Thank you Maribelle for the encouragement! Though it has only furthered my desire... Jess, where are you? : )
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