Morrissey will go on @ 7:10 PM SHARP tonight @ The Pond

  • Thread starter Some Totally Random Moz Fan
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Some Totally Random Moz Fan

... my friend called the Pond of Anaheim to confirm... opening band "Jumbo" starts @ 6 PM and then some band with some dude named "Morrissey" @ 7:10 SHARP

get off your PC and get on the road, fellow Mozzers!!

INCREDIBLE Show!! (My Review)

Thank GAWD Morrissey didn't take the stage until nearly 8 PM (he was scheduled for 7:10 PM SHARP) cuz I was stuck in traffic until then... We got our WILL CALL tix right as the opening song "I Want The One I Can't Have" started and made our way to the 10th row on the floor and I was thinking "WOW! My friend who got me these tix is REALLY connected" but after one song security came over to us and the guy at WILL CALL was with them- he said sorry he made a mistake and then gave us our REAL tix and they escorted us to SECOND ROW FLOOR -CENTER- ****f******* !!!! There was ONE person in between us and Morrissey- and we towered over them... So my friend was even MORE connected than I thought... My GAWD this week has been incredible... soooo anyways, yeah I guess there was a Moz show- he was FANTASTIC- and kudos to the dude who got onstage!! It was amzing feeling the love of 20,000 people strong screaming our devotion to the Mozza... After the AWESOME set it appeared as though half the crowd was leaving- but no- when the Jagueres took the stage the place was full again - and they ROCKED!! My GAWD those guys really are ROCK GODS... I was blown away. And then just when you thought the show was over a Mexican MARIACHI band came out with these BIG ASS SOMBREROS and the crowd went wild- it was HYSTERICAL to see and the music was great- I got in touch with my own Castilian-Spanish roots and discovered an incredible sound with these Latin bands... and then afterwards we headed backstage to meet Saul the lead singer of Jaguares and he was VERY nice and kissed my date on the cheek TWICE (all of her friends have WORSHIPPED that man for nearly 20 years) all in all a SPECTACULAR evening and INCREDIBLE week!!



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