Nancy Brown,I vote you off the island.



No whorez allowed.Like mother like daughter.Once a whore,alwayz a whore. you phuckbubble. Greasetea was right about you,you really do smell like salami.
> No whorez allowed.Like mother like daughter.Once a whore,alwayz
> a whore. you phuckbubble. Greasetea was right about you,you
> really do smell like salami.

I'm asking you a question, you know like you said, to "get to know you"..

Why are you such a Lame A Mother F?

And! I'm not on your island.
well,I'm definately a lame ass,and I'm definately a mother phucker,yours to be precize.she'z almost az good az you.whatz with the smelly pitz though?
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