Neil Hannon at the S&G??


A Covert Operation

Did anyone else notice the Neil Hannon look-a-like at the S&G on Friday? Anyone know who he was? Was it really Neil Hannon???
> Did anyone else notice the Neil Hannon look-a-like at the S&G on Friday?
> Anyone know who he was? Was it really Neil Hannon???

Ooh you are so eagle eyed!? But, are you sure Covert? your attention may have been confused by your friend.. the atmosphere was full of sexual tension where you stood.. confusing, pounding, dark, mucky, debauched, and seedy...

..until she went to the bar that is..

Ahh..The divine comedy of the moment!
> Ooh you are so eagle eyed!? But, are you sure Covert? your attention may
> have been confused by your friend.. the atmosphere was full of sexual
> tension where you stood.. confusing, pounding, dark, mucky, debauched, and
> seedy...

> ..until she went to the bar that is..

At least I go to the bar!!!!!!!
Well, whoever he was, it didn’t stop you from giving his cheeks a squeeze! Poor lad.

> Did anyone else notice the Neil Hannon look-a-like at the S&G on Friday?
> Anyone know who he was? Was it really Neil Hannon???
Re: And Who Was The Terry Christian Look-A-Like?

Didn't spot him but Bluenose would have coz he steals books from local libraries and her radar for book thieves would have been flashing all night...
Re: And Who Was The Terry Christian Look-A-Like?

Weirdly... someone slurred something about "Terry Christian" at me. But it can't be me, because a) I don't actually look like Terry Christian, and b)I don't steal library books. Well, not in the Manchester area.

> Didn't spot him but Bluenose would have coz he steals books from local
> libraries and her radar for book thieves would have been flashing all
> night...
Re: And Who Was The Terry Christian Look-A-Like?

I was telling someone about Mr Christian and his "delay" in returning books, but told them not to say anything as it is top secret!!

> Weirdly... someone slurred something about "Terry Christian" at
> me. But it can't be me, because a) I don't actually look like Terry
> Christian, and b)I don't steal library books. Well, not in the Manchester
> area.
Re: And Who Was The Terry Christian Look-A-Like?

I never could keep my mouth shut!

> I was telling someone about Mr Christian and his "delay" in
> returning books, but told them not to say anything as it is top secret!!
> Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
> At least I go to the bar!!!!!!!

...Only to answer the charges of soliciting m'lud!

But on the drinking note.. I thought you midlanders/Northerners could drink a bit.. I only had a 2.7 (out of 10) hangover on Saturday (which was good in restrospect).. If that'd been a Charing Cross Road (C) Porcupine pub session.. we'd have been doing shooters and Crazy shandy's by 9.30.. (vodka ice in a lager shandy)


PS, I am mortified if I really missed my round? I'll make it up to you..
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