Scrutiny of fan made web-pages on popular artist Morrissey
Personally I couldn't be arsed reading it as its quite hard to make out but I thought some of you might be interested in this article "Scrutiny of fan made web-pages on popular artist Morrissey".
I was looking for some hi res photos of Moz when I stumbled across this... Whats happened to Morrisseyweb?

Maybe she got tired of running a site that only served for people to take away the wonderful photos without so much as a comment? I feel really bad, it was an incredible source of photos.
yea there were alot of great photos on there but it seemed like all they did was slap there website addy on them. you could find most of those photos else where on the net.
Yes the images on that site were fantastic quality and were quite stunning. I've never saw any of them anywhere else online that were of such a high quality.I emailed her a few times to congratulate her on the site etc. And she always had a reply. There were certainly no website adresses slapped across any image I downloaded.Pity it shut down, it was an excellent site.
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