St. Morrissey by Mark Simpson



Hello, all:

Just toddled past the Amazon UK site and noted that St. Morrissey, Mark Simpson's long-awaited hagiography of the world's biggest Jimmy Clitheroe fan, is due for release on October 2. Given that this book has been ready for release since 2000, I shan't hold my breath. But I thought the Mozzer trainspotters would like to know.


> Hello, all:

> Just toddled past the Amazon UK site and noted that St. Morrissey, Mark
> Simpson's long-awaited hagiography of the world's biggest Jimmy Clitheroe
> fan, is due for release on October 2. Given that this book has been ready
> for release since 2000, I shan't hold my breath. But I thought the Mozzer
> trainspotters would like to know.

> Cheers,

> Jamie

Thanks for that Jamie,

Like yourself I will believe it when I see it. I think there has been a change of publisher as well. Never a good sign when your publisher dumps you BEFORE the book has see the light of day.

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