The American take on the English language really is a mortal sin. What are you talking about????

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Re: I know...I just dont know what "crayoning" means???? do you mean "coloring"????
Re: I know...I just dont know what "crayoning" means???? do you mean "coloring"????

No I don't mean coloring.
I mean colouring as in pictures when you were in first class infants.
You know, hand and eye co-ordination, you coloured in the white spaces in the picture of a colouring book.
crayoning doesn't mean munching the purple ones, thicko!
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"color" is spelt "colour", you fool, now go back to your picture books
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Re: crayoning is a word, you twat, and here's your proof

you keep it up thicko.
But just to help you out a tad, colouring can be done by coloured pencils, felt-tip pens, etc etc etc, BUT when you use (not eat) crayons it's called crayoning.
Now then go crayon out "pimple the nonce c*** of morrissey-solo is a thicko" 2000 times in the coloured crayon of your choice.

> No...crayons are used to "color" something. Thats why they
> invented something called a "coloring book".

> Now...follow along with me here...what do we here in america do with
> coloring books??? we color with them,not crayoning them.
Re: crayoning is a word, you twat, and here's your proof

> No...crayons are used to "color" something. Thats why they
> invented something called a "coloring book".

> Now...follow along with me here...what do we here in america do with
> coloring books??? we color with them,not crayoning them.

Pardon me, you will probably find "we" founded the "colOURING" book.
We did instigate the language after all.
We found time to "crayon in" our colouring books.
Maybe you color the book, we used to colour our books with crayons and it was termed "crayoning".
After all, what came first the chicken or the egg.
I think you'll find we did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh - so that's your first experience with a dictionary is it?
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enough with the generalizations, they are fruitless
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