This place....

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> has gone to the birds.

yes long time ago, but it was never so obvious. sad really.
> yes long time ago, but it was never so obvious. sad really.

Just out of interest, have you formed any kind of opinion as to who's to blame for the mess the Board is in?

Also, merely out of curiousity, would you prefer it if all posts were about Morrissey or Morrissey related?

What if someone posts an unprovoked attack on another user, especially one containing blatant lies or misrepresentations, would that user have the right to defend themselves & establish the truth?

It's not quite so straightforward is it?
As for who is to blame, I really can't say. I haven't really been playing close enough attention. I don't think its you, though, no. All I know is 90%+ of the board is full of rubbish today.

All topics on Moz? No, I like reading some banter back and forth between regulars, I like some nonsense every now and then. I even like reading Andy I's posts. But the last two days have been just TOO MUCH.

You absolutely have the right to defend yourself. Absolutely. I suppose the blame ultimetly lies with the person(s) who have nothing better to do with their time than create havoc on a message board.

A Semi-Regular Poster and Very Regular Reader who has decided to not post under their usual name so as to not risk getting dragged into this mess by the guilty parties.

> Just out of interest, have you formed any kind of opinion as to who's to
> blame for the mess the Board is in?

> Also, merely out of curiousity, would you prefer it if all posts were
> about Morrissey or Morrissey related?

> What if someone posts an unprovoked attack on another user, especially one
> containing blatant lies or misrepresentations, would that user have the
> right to defend themselves & establish the truth?

> It's not quite so straightforward is it?
> has gone to the birds.

- vultures, to be exact.
David T allows broken to post so much shit about Moz on here including saying he has AIDS. Why?

> Signed,
> A Semi-Regular Poster and Very Regular Reader who has decided to not post
> under their usual name so as to not risk getting dragged into this mess by
> the guilty parties.

Very wise.

This has been my major disadvantage, I have been posting under my own name & been honest, whereas, the Troll has lied & decieved at every turn & had my photograph, & all the information I have given about myself on here, to use as he sees fit, which has been to repeatedly try to embarrass or misrepresent me.

Unfortunately, there's no way of preventing the determined troll from causing the kind of havoc we've seen recently, but what is unfathomable is why some trivial posts have been deleted, but the really nasty stuff was left on the board.

I was never in favour of over enthusiastic moderation of the forum, but if someone is deliberately causing chaos & posting stuff that could never be considered acceptable, such as the doctored picture of me that was posted about a dozen times, then their posts should be removed immediately.

I can only assume that David T, for reasons of his own, is intentionally allowing the site to descend into chaos.

Sounds weird, but what other reason could he have for neglecting the forum to such a degree.

The libelous shit that get's posted on here could have the site shut down, but he doesn't seem to care. Why is that?

I'm sure Morrissey get's to hear about some of the shit that get's posted on here, such as Broken's recent rumour mongering that Morrissey has AIDS.

David T has already had one Cease & Desist letter from Morrissey's solicitors that could have forced the site to close, yet he's risking more serious action by allowing Broken to continue to post his shit on here.
Are you such an angel on this board?
Re: David T allows broken to post so much shit about Moz on here including saying he has AIDS. Why?

> I can only assume that David T, for reasons of his own, is intentionally
> allowing the site to descend into chaos.

> Sounds weird, but what other reason could he have for neglecting the forum
> to such a degree.

Boy have I not been around this place in a few weeks. I haven't even read the past few days, I've started from the most recent post and started working backwards.... but came across this one, which interested me.

As merely putting forth a possibility.... perhaps David T. is just really, really, really busy with other stuff in his life? I know i often have grandiose plans for some of my projects, both online and not, which ultimately get shelved somewhere along the line because too much other stuff in my life tugs at me. I actually embarked (several times) on a CD-reviews webpage (how many zillions of these things are there out there anyways?? hehe), but each time, it just died because of something. I moved to Texas. Then i bought a house. Then the job kicks in, etc. etc.

It may be less about David T. intentionally trying to mould or shape this board or make it deteriorate, and more about him just being totally absent because he's got too much else on his plate at the moment.


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