Tuesdays With Morrissey - A Webcomic

Thanks very much everyone for the kind words, I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. I'll post the second, and sadly the final, one Tuesday. It's not as polished as the first because it was a draft but I'll throw it up anyways.

Thanks again for looking and for being so nice.
looks more like a diner to me?

anyways, the comic strip is a cute idea!! love it! me and my friend had a similar project we wanted to start, but it has to do with The Smiths moreso than just Mozza. maybe we'll still start it someday... ;)

Yes, do your project, please!

As for the diner in the comic strip, I agree that iit's obviously not a fast-food place since there is a waitress he's trying to hail for service at the booth.

The comic's diner setting and the menus with "Mel's" or "Nel's" on the front reminds me of a funny little story. In the mid-90s, some other radio people in L.A. told me over an industry dinner before the Gene show at the Roxy that Moz liked to hang out at Ben Franks late at night/early morning. I scoffed and thought they were just having a larf with me because Ben Franks is known for its hot dogs. Why would a vegetarian, especially one as staunch and famous for it as Moz ,hang out there? Well, they did serve other food and it has a lot of history as a hangout for rock'n'roll slebs. In the late 90s, Ben Franks turned into a Mel's Diner. ;)

Thanks very much everyone for the kind words, I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. I'll post the second, and sadly the final, one Tuesday. It's not as polished as the first because it was a draft but I'll throw it up anyways.

Thanks again for looking and for being so nice.

Yay! Sadly it is the final one?! Wish you could resurrect it and do more, please!
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