Your Morrissey Lyrics


New Member
Let's see if we can come up with some lyrical sentences that Morrissey could incorporate into his songs. I will start.

"I cannot take all this hate, as I'm aaaa 48, so give a tired man a break la la ho ho ho............."

Over to you my fine Mozza's.
Let's see if we can come up with some lyrical sentences that Morrissey could incorporate into his songs. I will start.

"I cannot take all this hate, as I'm aaaa 48, so give a tired man a break la la ho ho ho............."

Over to you my fine Mozza's.

Please god, never Moz never! :o
Let's see if we can come up with some lyrical sentences that Morrissey could incorporate into his songs. I will start.

"I cannot take all this hate, as I'm aaaa 48, so give a tired man a break la la ho ho ho............."

Over to you my fine Mozza's.

Are you drunk, under the influence or taking the piss?

I supporse all of them apply to you.
Let's see if we can come up with some lyrical sentences that Morrissey could incorporate into his songs. I will start.

"I cannot take all this hate, as I'm aaaa 48, so give a tired man a break la la ho ho ho............."

Over to you my fine Mozza's.

well Morrissey's most embarrested lyrics are

'beware I bear more grudges than lonely high court judges'

'heading the clouds with a mouthfull of pie, everybody loves him, I see why'
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